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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Gets progressively better as it goes into the wubs.

    - djp




    I'm french and my english isn't perfect so I hope I didn't miss any step in track submission!
    Here it is:
    Contact Information
    ReMixer name : The Gadget
    Real name : Hugo Carrière
    Mail adress : 
    Websites :
    Submission Information

    Game arranged  : DOOM II : Hell on Earth
    Name of arrangement : Baron of Hell (Tribute to DOOM)
    Song arranged : "Countdown to Death" by Robert Prince (I only recreated the first seconds of the music with my synths, I not used the original track).
    Additional information : I used the original FX sounds of the game.
    Download link for you and community (.wav) :
    I was playing at this game with a friend, and I had an idea, create a music with the original and famous FX sounds! So I did it, and I tried to create melodies which reminds the overall atmosphere of the game, in a blind of Dubstep / Orchestral / Rock styles.

    Thanks for your attention.
    Best regards from France!



  2. Sound quality issues, not terribly inventive... too much verb on pizzicato relative to everything else... but your mileage may vary, see what you think!

    - djp




    Remixer Name: OC/DC

    Real Name: David Chirol
    UserID: 32404
    Game arranged: Bad Piggies
    Name of Arrangement: Rise of the Piggies
    Name of song arranged: Bad Piggies - Main Theme
    The original composer is Ilmari Hakkola
  3. ReMixer & real name: Eino Keskitalo
    forum id: 20708

    ReMixer name: Jorito
    Real name: Jorrith Schaap
    forum id: 3917

    Names of games arranged: Shovel Knight
    Name of Arrangement: Diskotanssi der Doden
    Names of individual songs arranged: La Danse Macabre, A Thousand Leagues Below
    Submission notes:


    This was our first round tune for the Shovel Knight compo of 2014 in the team side of the competition. Going against timaeus222 (minus drop-out teammate) and his Specter Knight, we went for a disco approach complete with lyrics.

    We started the compo with the intention of being a Renoise team and using only sample-based tracker instruments for lightweight project file sharing, but Jorito found abandoning his VSTi arsenal a bit painful. We (somewhat clumsily, but ultimately effectively) arranged the tune with chip sounds on Renoise, after which Jorito worked out the proper sounds and additional arrangement in Logic. I did some "disco of the dead" -style lyrics. Inspiration from Thriller should be quite obvious, but perhaps you can also spot the Rocky Horror Show reference. I sent an awful take of the vocals to Jorito, who vocoded them into perfection, and added a fun nod to Bee Gees while he was at it.

    Once again I have to admire & thank Jorrith for his inspiring work ethos, we had a remarkable drive & put in a lot of hours to make a satisfying, complete competition entry. Further work went into this version, again with the help of Andy Booth from http://www.cheaponlinemixingmastering.co.uk/
    This was actually my first collab from scratch for a game with a soundtrack I didn't know and started in a DAW I didn't use in a while. Combined with the tight compo deadlines it made for lots of good energy and drive and an entertaining ride. 
    Since I didn't know the soundtrack that well, Eino took the lead. From the start he already imagined La Danse Macabre it as a disco track, whereas I heard a more baroque, Castlevania Symphony Of The Night-esque influence in A Thousand Leagues Below. Needless to say that we went with the disco vibes, because you can never have enough of teh cheeze, but I did manage to squeeze in a few bits of harpsichord and organ here and there :)
    Eino did a lot of work on the track and arrangement, foregoing sleep at points in creative rushes. I was always pleasantly surprised by the new updates that appeared. I also added a few parts and leads here and there but I mostly focused on instrumentation and getting the right vibe (which is tricky if your working version is all chiptune!).
    Anyways, a fun track to work on with a good final result and as always it's a joy to work with Eino.

    Source breakdown:

    Sources are
    La Danse Macabre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDGaqUskBRM
    A Thousand Leagues Below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynLNyLH8MbY

    LDM is transposed a whole tone down to fit the keys together. The main idea was to use LDM to form the meat of the song structure, and use ATLB as background writing material. It's been a while and I don't think we made proper notes of the source usage during arranging, so I might be missing some less obvious bits of source usage.

    Intro 0:00-0:30
    0:00-0:10 is original, if I recall correctly. The organ riff 0:10-0:30 is from ALTB at 0:55-1:18.

    Verse 1 0:30-0:46
    Melody from LDM verse 0:09-0:25. Chord progression in the later half loosely follows LDM. The later half of the melody is sung an octave lower.

    Chorus 1 0:46-1:03
    Melody from LDM chorus 0:26-0:43. Chords (apart from the last one) from A Thousand Leagues Below 0:36-0:45. Harpsichord arpeggio from ATLB 0:19-0:36.

    Verse 2 1:03-1:20
    As in verse 1, with additional countermelody modified from ATLB at 0:19-0:36.

    Chorus 2 1:20-1:36
    The same as Chorus 2, except the harpsichord arpeggio is now from ATLB 0:36-0:55.

    Bridge & solo 1:36-2:43
    The melody and chord progression from LDM 1:18-1:51. 1:34-1:51 repeated twice. 2:27-2:43 uses the organ riff from intro to host the tail end of the solo (ATLB 0:55-1:14).

    Extended 12" mix drum break & disco stuff 2:44-4:07

    Not overtly source-y jamming up to 3:17. The bass fills are loosely source-based (for example 2:50-2:52 & 2:58-3:00 bass was at least at some point based on the bass fill from ATLB at 0:34-0:35) but I wouldn't bother say stopwatching this part. Oh, the harpsichord at 3:02-3:04, 3:06-3:09 3:10-3:12, 3:14-3:16 is from ATLB 0:21-0:24/0:26-0:28/0:31-0:33.

    3:17-3:33 is of course the intro (0:00-0:19) from ATLB. The last "hear the beat, do what you're told" uses the melody of that phrase from the chorus of LDM.

    3:33-3:50 is ATLB 0:36-0:55, with bits of the vocal melody from LDM.

    3:50-4:07 neatly continues with the intro riff, from ATLB 0:55-1:14.

    Verse 1 repeat 4:07-4:24

    With the countermelody from ATLB 0:19-0:36 again.

    Chorus 3 & outro 4:24-4:54

    Sticking to a single bass note for a while here, always works well. Same usage as the previous choruses, though I guess the final 4:38-4:54 is not that source-based.


    hear the drum beating through the night
    calling everyone to arrive
    here they crawl out from underground
    emptiness in their eyes

    and you listen to the puppet master
    hear the beat! do what you're told!
    and the rhythm is too much to keep under control

    listen to the puppet master
    hear the beat! do what you're told!
    they all follow emptiness in their eyes

    don't you think that you have a chance
    their corrupted bodies advance
    with strange passion they do a dance
    emptiness in their eyes

    and you listen to the puppet master..

    you're invited too
    it looks so cool
    and you'd like to just go home but there's no time
    so you put up some resistance
    the only one to keep the distance
    that's the price you pay for staying alive

    ha ha ha ha staying alive, staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive, staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive

    hear the beat
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told

    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told

    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    you're invited too, do what you're told

    do what you're told
    do what you're told

    don't you think that you have a chance..

    and you listen to the puppet master..

    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    the-e-e-eir eyes


  4. Yeah... y'all are using the word "sexist" as if you all agreed on exactly what it means, in every context, and as if it were a box that can be easily checked off... and I think that's a huge part of the problem here - successfully extricating a fictional character or world's characteristics from an author's endorsement of those characteristics, looking at context, avoiding knee-jerk reactions, sussing out whether scantily-clad ANYTHING can ever be okay, etc.... these all take careful analysis. Building a long list of "YES THIS IS SEXIST - NEXT!!" characters, stories, environments, etc. without context and without looking at each a bit harder... really?


    Too much mind-reading, too much false dichotomy; best evaluated on a spectrum, and with an open mind, not as a checkbox, with certitude. That's what art deserves, and that's what artists deserve, and by golly, if we're gonna call video games art, we should act like it.

  5. This study was specifically among ADHD participants, and without the full text, I'm not sure what they mean bu a "very slight cathartic effect." At the time I was in college, catharsis being an incorrect theory was almost universally supported (lots and lots of studies; there are a few in the Wikipedia article), but it does seem like there are a few more current articles in its favor.


    Thanks for your response; cleared a lot up, for me. I legitimately find your taking equal offense to behavior-based slurs & identity-based slurs very interesting... I don't think most people think this way, but it might be better if more did, I don't know...


    Another confounding factor to consider re: catharsis... in at least one study, economists noticed that violent crime decreased on the release dates of violent movies. They didn't attribute this to any sort of cathartic effect, however - their explanation was simpler:

    1. violent people tend to enjoy violent films more
    2. when violent films are released, violent people go see them, and are thus "removed from circulation" and are not out committing violent acts.

    So it's not a measurement of the influence at ALL, but rather a straight-up measurement of how time is spent - pragmatic, and almost completely ignored (i.e. not considered) by most experiments that focus on short-term psychological effects. It doesn't have to be a cathartic effect, it can simply be a "time as a finite resource" effect, in other words...

  6. Yeah, I do. I tend to be more for than against the feminist standpoint, and I'm equally offended at being called an SJW as a kike (I'm Jewish). Both slurs are shorthand for saying, "You're a member of a group who I feel is inferior to my group, and not deserving of equal treatment or respect." Using both terms means, to me, that the speaker has turned their brain off, and the box they've stuck the other person into is the only thing about them that matters. "Tranny" doesn't have an especially long history of blood and death, do you think that makes the term less offensive? Or "dyke" for that matter?


    Calling someone an SJW is like calling someone a racist, or a sexist, or a misogynist... or a "right-wing conservative fascist" or a "bleeding-heart liberal". Do you agree that those are all slurs used by speakers who have turned their brains off? Sometimes I think those labels are simply.... accurate. Reductionist, as almost all labels are, but not necessarily unfair.


    These are all labels that describe behavior... in the case of "SJW" the behavior is a pattern of perceived overreaction, hypersensitivity, hypocritical intolerance of competing ideological perspectives, and persecution of anything viewed as offensive. In the case of "sexist" or "racist", the behavior is a pattern of perceived bigotry/intolerance based on sex, or race. I would agree that it is usually easier to establish a "reasonable person" standard for who or what could be labeled "racist," but only because the behavior itself is easier to identify and manifests in ways that we've become accustomed to identifying - at least, MORE accustomed than other forms/labels.


    All of these labels are based on the perception of behavior; slurs like "kyke" and "dyke" are based on identity. I remain surprised that you would equate the two in terms of offensiveness. I think "tranny" and "dyke" DO have a long history of blood & death, because I think the underlying biological motivators for being transgender or lesbian have been around for thousands of years, and stigmatized/punished the whole time... only now have they been IDENTIFIED and labeled, but the history is there, however buried.


    This is actually a really interesting and important point: pornography in different countries is different! I'm only finding one study at the moment (you may have more, I couldn't find a citation for what you're saying, although I've heard the same), but countries in more sexually liberal countries, with better women's rights and outcomes, have pornography less objectifying and demeaning to women. Porn models are more often shown in an equal or dominant position, there's less focus on "perfect" body types, and poses tend to be more naturalistic. To me, this is a really compelling reason to focus on objectification and not mere presence.


    Okay, they compared three countries - Japan, Norway, and the USA. They didn't really look at the types of countries/cultures I was talking about. I'm confused why you would find a single study "compelling" when we just finished a long conversation on how most of these types of studies are inconclusive and/or have reproducibility problems, but that's a tangent to tangent... a quote from the study in question:


    In conclusion, this research supports the work of anti-censorship feminists and opens an

    empirical pathway for the pro-sex approach

    .  As Boyle (2000) argues, anti-pornography

    feminists may need to eschew the traditional argument that attempts to establish a causal

    relationship between pornography and violent behavior, and focus instead on how some

    pornography is produced and consumed in ways that are abusive to women.  The present study

    shows that some pornography may present women in an empowered role and as possessing

    empowering attributes reflective of cross-cultural differences in gender equity.  This result may

    perhaps lend support to the argument that not all pornography is inherently harmful.



    Works for me!! Would seem to support almost everything I've been saying... thanks for the link :) Keep in mind this is ACTUAL pornography they're talking about, as opposed to just large-breasted background window dressing in video games...



    I don't understand this paragraph. It sounds like you're trying to determine the effect of an effect, with no cause in there. Unless you're talking about catharsis, which is widely debunked. And negative reinforcement (removal of an aversive stimulus as a reward mechanism) hasn't been in the conversation at all, nor any type of operant conditioning.


    "negative reinforcement" was only referring to Andy's "reinforcement of negative cultural attitudes" - I see how that could be confusing.


    To me, it seems that both the social learning model AND the catharsis model have very little evidence, but the former is simply studied more... I would argue that this is because of the problem I referred to earlier - lack of political diversity in the social sciences. Too many agendas. There HAVE actually been slight cathartic effects observed in recent studies: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130826123134.htm - most of the "debunking" of catharsis theory seems to stem from an influential 1977 study. In a field of study so very far from certitude, I feel like saying that the idea of catharsis has been "debunked" so conclusively is a little... misplaced. I suspect that it's a little more complicated than that.


    At any rate, I was really talking about a higher-level cultural correlation than could be easily studied on an individual level. Call of Duty: Black Ops III just sold like gangbusters in Japan, and MANY Japanese games aren't exactly pacifist, and the Japanese seem to enjoy video games in general. You can look at America and see all the gun violence and point to violent video games, but how do you reconcile that with Japan? To me, the larger difference seems to be the availability of guns... eliminate the touchy topic of guns, and you've still got a much less violent culture, statistically... what to do, what to do!


    I liked this article: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/02/the-wrong-way-to-talk-about-violence-in-movies/283574/

  7. These aren't the words of a media producer who's been convinced by arguments. These are the words of fear. Words that really ought to reinforce that the feminism in games coalition is taking the wrong approach, regardless of the virtues of their arguments.

    Oh, and can we stay away from the term "SJW" please? It's a slur, and I personally don't consider it any less offensive than racial epithets.


    You find a criticism aimed at someone's exercise of free will & their words and actions equally as offensive as a criticism aimed at someone's race?


    That's... interesting, to me... especially given a long history of blood & death associated with racial violence which, insofar as I'm aware, tumblr can't really match.


    I always thought criticizing someone's behavior & speech made the MOST sense, of all the available options...


    ...At any rate, I'm glad games like the Dead or Alive Xtreme series exist; they show that the medium is versatile enough to include soft-core porn! At least the characters are all "of age" - a nagging problem with many visual novels & anime. Such materials present an interesting type of intersection/overlap, where those paralyzed with the fear of offending another culture (Japanese) in the name of multiculturalism have to reconcile THAT concern with a competing concern to avoid sexual objectification, often of pre-adolescent girls... things get so very confusing when you're acting based on competing ideological drivers as opposed to personal principles!


    I tend to agree with your assessment of fear, though... although sometimes things just get lost in translation.


    Since we've all agreed that the social sciences can't really deliver the type of certitude that would support claims like Anita's, I'd just like to re-float an observation I think I made maybe like fifty pages or so ago: the countries with the most pornography & the most sexualized, objectified advertisements seem also to be the liberal countries that have BETTER track records when it comes to women's rights than the nations who are intolerant of pornography & sexualization and who - often by legal and/or religious decree - cover their women up... it's a complicated puzzle to sort out, and it's another correlation with zero causation, but when you look at the world, what do YOU see?


    How would you conduct an experiment to quantify the potential impact of sexual objectification and/or violence in games as an outlet, as opposed to a source of "inspiration"/aggravation? Have such experiments even been attempted? Granted, their conditions would be just as complex (if not moreso) and their conclusions just as uncertain, but I personally feel like only half of the equation - negative reinforcement - is being studied, because of the agendas/ideologies that permeate the softer sciences.

  8. You know, I liked this. A little long, but I had fun. You may too. Soundcloud says it's Act 2, but email said Act 1.




    Remix link: 

    ---Charles Gruerio
    - Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn Ver.)
    - Broken Puppet
    - Panic Puppet Zone Act 1
    --- My first submission! This remix was inspired by the works of Sim Gretina and the Big Room genre. I wanted to express the aggression and animosity of situation where the song occurs. This is the base of operation for Eggman in this game and it shows; the large scope of the factory so much so that the levels below are fade into darkness, the uninvited combination of soft metallic browns and silvers and the hazardous situations that are made just to stop Sonic. I wanted to give it an oppressive tone while keeping the energetic style of Sonic music.
  9. Hey there,

    Remixer name: Jorito
    Real Name: Jorrith Schaap
    Website: http://www.jorito.net/
    Userid: 3917

    Submission information:
    Name of Game(s) Remixed: Aleste 2
    Additional Game information:
       System: MSX2
       Developer: Compile
       Genre: Vertical scrolling shooter
       Released: 1989
       Composer: Masatomo Miyamoto, Toshiaki Sakoda, Sydon Inoue
    Name of Arrangement: Flying High
    Names of song arranged: Area 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWKwthD7_rs)
    Comments about the mix:
    This is a remix of the area 1 song from the MSX shooter Aleste 2 that I created as a bonus entry for MnP21. It started out as an experiment with Realivox Blue, the instrument that does the vocals. I was playing around with it, it sounded quite nice and the rest of the song more or less took off all by itself.

    After the main part of the song was done, I added the intro and the break, giving it a bit of an ethereal, otherworldly touch. Not sure about the style name, but I'd like to dub it "Ethereal Italo".


    Flying High
    Through the sky

    Fighting for freedom
    Victory for Aleste

    Flying High
    Heroes of the sky
    Raise your battle cry
    Aleste will survive

    Flying High
    Through the sky
    • ReMixer name: Benjaipod
    • real name: Benjamin Watkins
    • email address: 
    • website: https://soundcloud.com/benjaipod
    • userid :51950
    • Name of arrangement: Please, please make it rain
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Song of Storms, Requiem of Spirit, Song of Time.
    Composer: Koji Kondo
    Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time 
    Platform: Nintendo 64
    Well, again, english is not my native lenguage so i hope i make myself clear xD. What can i say about this awesome game? The story, the music, the characters, everything... just simply amazing. I was lying in my bed playing my guitar, and suddendly i thought: "hey, this sounds like song of storms", so i went to my pc and started recording this acoustic version of this great, great song of this great, great game. This is kinda a sad tune, like a desperate cry to try to make it rain, really hard, maybe just to wash something away, wether feelings, pain, even the past.
     I'd really like to keep writing about this, but is kinda difficult because english is not my native lenguage and i can't put together my ideas very well xD. Hope you like it!!
  10. Hi dear Judges! Hope you're all doing well. I think I'm starting all my sub mails like this LOL

    Please note that this remix is part of Chimpazilla's PvZ Project.

    Contact Information

    • Chernabogue
    • Alexandre Mourey
    • www.fflproduction.fr
    • ID: 20943
    • Live violin from Jeff Ball (ID: 8601)


    Submission Information

    • Plants vs Zombies
    • Winter is Coming
    • Grasswalk
    • Laura Shigihara / PC and other systems
    • This remix took a while to finish, but I'm really proud of the result. The main concept was to give the track a nice winter/chilling feel. The orchestra way was the one to go. I like doing orchestral remixes, and this one sounds quite baroque especially with the harpsichord. I'm very happy I took a different road and tried something a little different. Chimpazilla, Brandon, and Timaeus were very helpful, and I cannot thank them enough for their patience, as I learned a lot from it. Big props to Jeff Ball as well for that killer violin recordings.


    LINK to remix: 

    Hope everything's okay, let me know if you need anything else. :)


  11. Not sure on title, since he wasn't :)




    Submission Information 
    • Name of game(s) arranged
      • Journey to Silius
    • Name of arrangement
      • (I am unsure how to answer this - metal genre?)
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged
      • The Silius Underground - Metal Madness Remix
    • Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site)
      • SpudSpudson - composer
      • System - NES
    • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)
    • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.
      • I am thrilled to do this remix. My friend and I have talked about covering the music for this game in the style of metal. I decided to put something together that makes it obvious that it is Stage 2 of the game, but I wanted to add somewhat of a twist to it. I used a lot of accents, and I used a 7-string guitar, since it relies heavily on the B5 chord. Enjoy!



  12. So eighties! Dat bassline... I dug it, hopin' yall do, too.



    Contact Info

    ReMixer name: Just Coffee
    Real name: Gian Descallar
    Email Address: 
    Website: n/a 
    User ID: 54742
    Submission Info
    Game: Megaman 8
    Arrangement Name: Aerobotics
    My comments
    This track was inspired by the cheesiness in 80s new wave pop, often associated in the late 90s as montage or workout tracks. Hence the name, which is a wordplay on "aerobics" and "robotics". As to why I thought robots would even need to do cardio, I have no idea. There's quite a bit of reverb going on because I wanted to get that "shiny(?)" aestheticism which I thought was key to the 80s. I might be wrong in that assumption but it was pretty fun doing this genre so I just went with it.
    As this is my first submission to OCR, I hope I haven't broken any rules with the submission since I've already posted an early version of this track on soundcloud and shared it on the Workshop's Game Remixes forum. I've added minor tweaks to this version such as panning the rolls a bit and adjusting the reverb levels. I've attached a wav file in addition to the soundcloud link in case the it doesn't work.
    If I need to do anything else or provide more info, please let me know.
    I look forward to hearing valuable feedback!



  13. I liked it and thought it was fun.



    1) Remixer Name- Yoshiblade


    2) D L


    Forum ID) 52832


    1) Game Being Arranged- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

    2) Name Of Arrangement- Hail to the Present

    3) Name Of Arranged Song- Hail From the Past  

    4) Original Composer- Michiru Yamane 


    5) Oxford University, Suite 1987

    Oxford, England
    Dec 5th, 1936

    "Esteemed colleges, I present to you the most peculiar occurrence I can recall in all my years. Approximately 10:31 P.M. I attempted to reach Cairo Relay Station. I felt it best to contact, Dr. Carter and report on our current situation, when as quickly as I have ever seen, an errant sandstorm blew in from the East. Our radio produced nothing but static on frequencies I know to be valid, until I heard the most haunting sounds that, I should think, have ever existed. My immediate reaction was to engage my personal wire recorder and capture these bizarre sounds. The wave like squelching seems to be a warped radio signal, yet I clearly hear a violin and drums that beat with a rhythm I found to be irresistible and drives with a spirt I have not yet encountered in my travels. There seem to be an interaction between a one Jonathan and Claire and a yet unknown female ( who’s voice is like that of a siren to my ears) The strange effects, which I can only deduce are of an electronic origin (which are of no discernible origin, at least no current origin) clip and stutter, twisting the waveform of these fantastical sounds, as if one were fumbling with a tuning knob, which is very apropos, due to the nature of my interaction with this erie encounter, the likes of which may very well change not only how we Egyptologist understand this mysterious place, but our very understand of the past, present and future”

    Prof. Harker PhD. Esq. MD. Rev. LMNOP


    Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg1PDaOnU2Q

  14. Cuts out entirely for a bit; creative sound design as always, need dat arrangement analysis.



    REVISED VERSION (silence removed, upfront source usage added)





    Remixer name: Redg
    Real name: Brent Wollman
    My website: https://soundcloud.com/redg-sound
    UserID: 41181

    Game arranged: Metroid
    Name of arrangement: Lucre
    Name of individual songs arranged: Ridley's Lair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcRXxqFd9d0)

    Remix link: 

    The dragon lies ruined in his lair, but the depth of his lust will form new incarnations. I could never truly see until I strained to view the perfect shadows he languished. My eyes were open wide to find their value in a pitch black eclipse. Ears deafened by the screaming vacuum, his dying rage.

    Source usage is straight up . . . Opens with the main melody and persists with arp figure

  15. Is this drumstep? Sounded like big beat, to me. Would love to know the difference. Lead gets repetitive, but there IS a respite. Could use the feedback.

    - djp




    Remixer Name: SEVEN MARTYR
    Real Name: Chris Salmon
    Email Address: 

    Game: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    Name of Arrangement: Deku Palace The (Drumstep Remix)
    Song Arranged: Deku Palace Theme

    i would like to amend my submission (i'm autistic so sometimes i get confused)
    the name of my arrangement is called "escape unnoticed"
    sorry for any inconvenience

  16. Some definite issues, but some definite strengths as well, will hopefully benefit from feedback.


    Hello! Here’s my submission:

    Super Mario World
    “Storm the Castle”
    Castle Theme
    This is a mainly a orchestra arrangement, focused primarily on epicness. It combines classical orchestration with modern movie score and just a hint of rock)mainly form some of the drum rhythms) Choir is also very prominent, I worked very hard on making it sound as realistic as possible with sample, the choir takes on words multiple singing parts. Enjoy!

    Daine Jordan




  17. VERY interesting take on the source; not something I would have thought would work, but it does, & fairly well I'd say... I dig it, personally.

    - djp



    Contact Information (Collaboration)

    Submission Information

    • Name of game arranged - Donkey Kong Country 2
    • Name of arrangement - Madcap Magma
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged - Hot-Head Bop



  18. Strikes me as a repetitive, but does evolve, and has some nice textures.

    - djp




    Hi OCR,
    I am sending my recreation of Destiny's Deconstruction attached.
    Honestly, I don't really like the game, but love the music. Marty is the man and this track really surprised me when I heard it in the game. So peaceful, you don't hear this often in "hardcore" FPS games. I wanted the remix to keep the atmosphere of the original track, which I hope I achieved. I cut the track into several samples and used its pieces throughout the remix. I was going for a little dirty sound, so please don't get scared with a bit of noise and crackle :)
    Contact information:
    Lukáš Kunce
    user ID: 54752
    Submission information:
    Promyst Reconstruction
    I hope all the information is ok :)
    Have a great day



  19. Very odd; gets better as it goes along, then the beat drops halfway through and never comes back. Interesting.



    Remixer Name: APZX
    Real Name: Austin Simons
    E-mail Address: 
    User ID: 30429
    Game Arranged: Final Fantasy VIII
    Name of Arrangement: Serene Pastures (link to download & listen)
    Song Arranged: Blue Fields
    Additional Game Information: Out Run's original composer was Nobuo Uematsu. 
    A quick link to the original in case anyone is not familiar with the original track, Blue Fields.
    So, Final Fantasy VIII was actually the first Final Fantasy game I ever beat. Then one day as I was reminiscing over bygone days, I decided to give a listen to the OST and then I heard the overworld music. I cannot even count the amount of hours I had probably listened to it originally, but I thought to myself, "Hmmm, this could be interesting if sped up and given a more driving beat." The initial version was kind of lackluster and some issues with the low end. However, after some clever but heavy revisions it turned out into this track that starts of with a ton of energy and then transitions off into what I wanted to be an angelic bit. But then I completely screwed that last part up and instead it becomes more grand in overall presentation. Overall a fun remix that I feel is both faithful and quite different at the same time.
  20. Sounds pretty hot to me, but I don't know the Mass Effect scores too well. Considerable epicality at ONLY two minutes...

    - djp




    Contact Information

    Submission Information
    • Name of the Games Arranged: Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 3
    • Name of arrangement: Saving Earth
    • Name of the individual songs arranged: Mass Effect 1 "Main Theme", Mass Effect 3 "Leaving Earth", Mass Effect 3 "An End Once and For All"
    • Original Composers Sam Hulick, Jack Wall, Clint Mansell
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVm_ljDSdwA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGHA9oO1Ybg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5JvbD2Zc9I
    • The track features a modified riff from Mass Effect 1 Main Theme (at 1:00) mixed with "Leaving Earth".  0:33 is original material that adopts the same/similar chords from "Leaving Earth" and "An End Once and For All". The final theme is heard 1:13 to the 1:44. The riff from the beginning returns to end off the track with a beat.


  21. Conservative, but doing something very specific, as the arranger (and mix title) explains...

    - djp



    • ReMixer name: dbellieny
    • real name: Daniel Bellieny
    • email address: 
    • website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMp-n8QarIyUmdzQlBx-q2Q
    • userid: 54726
    • Name of game(s) arranged: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    • Name of arrangement: Celtic Dragonborn
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Dragonborn Comes
    • comments about the mix: I really love Jeremy Soule's score. And this song, specifically, has only in-game a capella interpretations. And there is no internet version (even the most famous) addressing its real intention, which is: to be played as a celtic song. So I decided to write this arrangement, and try to bring some justice to this beautiful piece.
  22. I liked the intro galloping concept, but the instrumentation later on is a little simplistic/basic... arrangement is pleasant enough, could use some feedback.

    - djp


    ReMixer Name: lacifer
    Real Name: Lasse Finbråten 
    Website: https://soundcloud.com/lacifermaximus
    User ID: 53553

    Game:The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
    Arrangement Name: Tales Of A Mare
    Song Arranged: Epona´s Song 
    Platform: N64
    Composer: Koji Kondo
    Release Year: 1998
    Ever since I heard the main melody of Epona`s song when playing Ocarina Of Time, I have always wanted to make another version of it. I suddenly got a vision of what I thought it would sound like, but have been on and off working on the song for a year ,due to lack of time. I think I`m there now...
    Main tools: 
    MacBook Pro, Logic Pro X (with included AU`s) , Pianoteq5 ,Symphonic Orchestra…  
  23. Very cool; some production nitpicks but uber-creative arrangement, good vocal, catchy stuff. I found the intro odd... just kinda "starts"... not bad, just a bit unusual.





    Contact Information

    ReMixer name: ladyWildfire
    real name: Elizabeth Carter
    website: https://soundcloud.com/ladywildfire
    userid: 11659

    Submission Information

    Name of games arranged: Sonic Chaos (Game Gear), Sonic 3
    Name of arrangement: Endless Mind (Lost in Here)
    Name of individual songs arranged: Aqua Planet Zone, Endless Mine Zone

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