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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. 2 hours ago, SnappleMan said:

    There's nothing wrong with hentai games. There is something wrong with a game that sexualizes explicit and very violent rape. A person who gets sexual gratification from watching soldiers beat a woman and have sex with her at gunpoint is not someone I want to associate with, and I assume that goes for most of the users on OCR. It doesn't matter that you're depicting it via silly looking sprites, it's still a very grotesque thing for you to consider pornographic. I'm sure there's a place for that kind of material somewhere on the internet, but I don't think that fits in here.

    Topic has been locked and links removed; @SnappleMan wrote the rationale/reasoning perfectly, so I don't have to.

    13 minutes ago, Brandon Strader said:

    I'm defending the rules, art, and OCR. And I'm reporting posts. I get a laugh out of people saying "we are better than this" while being an asshole to someone. 

    The seriousness of the content in question and the acts that it depicts trump decorum and tact, in my mind, but I actually think many responses were quite calm & reasonable, including the one I quoted above.

    I appreciate your appeal to principle, art, and policy. On the third point, I disagree with you that our standing policy surrounding pornography does not apply.

    On principle & art... I'm a passionate defender of free speech and I'm opposed to censorship, but my choosing for OCR to be a place devoid of content that in any way exploits sexual abuse & rape is a form of speech too. This is me speaking: I'm not okay with this site and this community providing a resource that aids in the creation of content of this nature.

  2. It seems to me that leveling the charge of bandwagon mourning is just as bandwagon as bandwagon mourning itself; when it comes to something like this, I think it's MUCH better to give people the benefit of the doubt... if you're wrong about someone else's grief or sense of loss, you're the douche of the decade, whereas if they're expressing disproportionate, uninformed, or insincere sadness, they're just being transiently emotional...

    Unless you're psychic, maybe just either empathize or be quietly skeptical?

  3. User has been reported as spammer & deleted. We've also made some adjustments to permissions regarding private messaging, and will be attempting to implement a system that requires some level of activity/time/validation before using the private messaging system. Thanks for reporting this!

  4. On 4/19/2016 at 3:26 AM, Chernabogue said:

    Got a 500 Error while posting a new topic in Help&Newbies.

    @Chernabogue Do you remember what you were posting? There are generally two possibilities:

    1. It was something specific to the content you were posting, which triggered a mod_security outside of IPS
    2. It was an environmental thing and/or a bug in the software

    So far most of the 500 errors we've seen fall into the first category, but we've tweaked the rule that was causing most issues... if it happens again & you can get me a screenshot + time/date stamp, appreciated.

  5. Just now, Cole Train said:

    Yeah, I feel you and agree with that. I was just about to try and get in touch with Assembled about that this weekend actually, along with maybe others like Halc or Zyko. To be honest, I was imagining how godly the live rap and/or all master's rap would be with all of Assembled. 

    @halc & @zykO would be great additions to.

    And yes... I don't know if it WILL happen, but Assembled doing the all master's rap NEEDS to happen... so hopefully it DOES :)

  6. I feel like a Parappa EP *would* be awesome; strange coincidence, but I was actually thinking this to myself 2-3 days ago...

    However, that being said, it absolutely, positively MUST have the talents of @Damashii!! & OverClocked Assembled - @DiGi Valentine, @SuperiorX, @BrothaDom, @José the Bronx Rican, @metaphist - or else I feel that it just won't happen the way it needs to. How often do I weigh in on album proposals and suggest that if certain artists aren't involved, the concept isn't gonna take off? Never. I never do that. I'm doing it here because this is something I'd love to see happen, something I myself saw OverClocked Assembled doing back when they first emerged, and something that would be unique for OCR.

    If the crew ain't down, I'm not saying there's NO way this concept could work, but it'd be..... much, much harder... If they are, it's more a question of who would play what roles... @Cole Train, as you say, you're new round these parts, but if the artists above feel like they can work with you, and they're interested, this could be magical.

    I guess what I'm really saying here is... you gotta believe.


    Your ReMixer name: Joshua Link? My name. Or my username, joshualink.
    Your real name: Joshua Link
    Your email address:
    Your website: https://soundcloud.com/joshua-link
    Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 33000

    Submission Information

    Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger
    Name of arrangement: Vengeance of the Prophet
    Name of individual song(s) arranged: Magus Confronted

    Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:
    Chrono Trigger was one of the first games I remember playing, and the unique and powerful atmosphere of the confrontation with Magus left an indelible mark on me. It felt like the standard for climactic moments had been set impossibly high. Of course, as the years went by and the SPC700 sounded gradually less futuristic and more antiquated, my memory of the moment and the reality of it diverged a bit. I still love the rawness and clearness of the SNES sounds, but I wanted to hear it as my young mind had fleshed it out. None of the adaptions of it out there really hit the spot for me, so I set out to do the track justice.
    Adapting the unique instruments to "real" sounds was a major challenge. The high-pitched whistle, the impossibly cutting horn, the eclectic instrumentation -- nothing about the track seemed to work in high fidelity. I almost gave up, but with some persistence I eventually adapted all of the original sounds to my satisfaction, and added a significant amount of material to flesh it out. Some tweaks to the structure were necessary with the feel the track being as different as it is.
    (non-"program notes":)
    I'm not sure how you guys feel about submissions like this, fleshed-out reorchestrations. I figure this would be a borderline case, if anything. The structure is changed a bit (extended, repeat added) and there's quite a bit of new orchestration and stuff. I've been a quiet, lurking fan of OCRemix for a long time and it's always been around to develop my artistic development, even if I haven't been participating in the community until now. :) Thanks for listening!
  8. People used to ReMix Ninja Gaiden a lot, and now they don't. That makes me sad. This is pretty good; melodically a little repetitive, but does use intro/outro for contrast. - djp


    “Blood & Steel”

    Download Link:


    Contact Information

    • Your ReMixer name - Fiddlerblue
    • Your real name - Adric Braithwaite
    • Your email address - 

    Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged - Ninja Gaiden
    • Name of arrangement - Blood & Steel
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged - A Decision - Father’s Letter
    • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - http://ocremix.org/song/864
    • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. - “Made using Native Instruments' Kontakt, EWQL Symphonic Choirs, and bits from Garritan Personal Orchestra. Mixed and produced in Logic Pro. I wanted to go for a pretty epic, hollywood-ized orchestral sound so I kept the arrangement focused on the strings with the choir and brass providing layers and emphasis when needed. Woodwinds were kept to a minimum with the exception of the Japanese Shakuhachi Flute which I included for obvious reasons."


  9. Some very cool elements, especially later on... super creative... some minor-ish production issues. Mostly, the bassline bugs me, because I feel like it's both too prominent and too static/unchanging, especially relative to all this other awesome stuff going on around it... - djp

    EDIT 07/05/2016 New version here: 

    This track is going to be part of the Vampire Variations III album.
    Contact information:
    Remixer name: Jorito
    Real name: Jorrith Schaap
    Userid: 3899
    Remixer name: BMC_WarMachine
    Real name: Matt Thompson
    Submission information:

    Name of Game(s) Remixed: Super Castlevania 4
    Name of Arrangement: Dracula is our vampire!

    Names of songs arranged: Vampire Killer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMLgBmO4ppY)
    Link to the remix: 
    Comments about the mix:
    Heh, can’t believe I didn’t already submit it! Awell, at least you get the submit just before the album release ;)
    About a month before the album deadline the Vampire Killer track was unclaimed and became available again. Since I grew up with the MSX home computer and Vampire Killer (or Castlevania as it’d be called on the NES) it was an instant nostalgia hit for me. So I immediately jumped in and claimed it.

    Took me a bit of thinking to decide what to do with it, especially since I remixed this same track just a year ago already. Using orchestra was a given, but I wanted to do something different this time. So I thought adding some Drum & Bass influences to an orchestral palette could work nicely.

    Again I created a lot of the basic concepts I wanted to use in my mind, suffered from having too much inspiration and cooked up a decent WIP in 2 hours on the same day I claimed it. The next day the basic arrangement was done, and that was when Chernabogue pointed me to BMC War Machine. BMC also wanted to remix this track but I snatched the claim just before him. Wasn’t a problem though because BMC was happy to contribute to my track with some kickass guitar work. Took me a bit of work to fit them in the mix nicely, but I’m pretty happy with the final result and I think it has this great sense of energy and epicness that you need to slay them vampires!


  10. I think @Liontamer had some arrangement reservations, IIRC? Production obviously checks out... I'm sure @DarkeSword will want to weigh in... - djp

    Hey there!  This is a track off of the upcoming "Super Cartography Bros." remix album project, headed up by Flexstyle!  I was told I should submit individually since he wasn't yet sure what exactly was going to be posted as a mixflood.

    Download Link (VBR1 mp3): 
    Alternate Mirror: 

    Contact Information
    *Your ReMixer name: DDRKirby(ISQ)
    *Your real name: Timothy Wong
    *Your email address: 
    *Your website: http://ddrkirby.com <- *NEW!*
    *Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 8933

    Submission Information
    *Name of game(s) arranged: Super Mario Bros. 3
    *Name of arrangement: Underground Pipe Society (Radio Edit)
    *Name of individual song(s) arranged: World 7 Map

    *Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:

    When I first signed up for this whole "Super Cartography Bros." remix project, I took a skim through the unclaimed map themes and...sheesh, this was really going to be a challenge!  I ended up picking the Pipe Maze world theme because it's darker and less peppy -- I figured I could try and spin it into some sort of slick EDM groove.

    I guess restrictions breed creativity, because somehow I managed to have a blast arranging the minimalistic 8-second loop!  I tried my best to keep coming back to the main Pipe Maze riff while still adding enough variation to flesh it out into a full-length song.

    My past submissions have tended to focus more on the peppy melodic 9-bit chiptunes, but I've always had an itch to create a nice EDM song like this as well.  I derived influences from PrototypeRaptor and some of the other trance/progressive music that I was listening to at the time, and made extensive use of Image-Line's Harmor synth to come up with all the gritty and growly basses.

    A special thanks and shoutout to Flexstyle, who helped with the final mastering on this track (along with the rest of the album!).  Be sure to check out the full Super Cartography Bros. album for lots more where this came from, as well as the full 6-minute club edit of this song!


  11. Don't know the OST as well as everyone else, but this sounded pretty good, if short... would need a new mix title. - djp

    Remixer name: fluffy

    Real name: j shagam
    Userid: 32967
    Game arranged: Undertale
    Song: Heartache
    Arrangement: Symphonic arrangement
    File link: 
    Game information:
    Composer: Toby Fox
    System: PC
    Comments: The original in-game version is an interesting mix of chiptune and pseudo-orchestral. I decided to make a version that only has orchestral elements.
  12. @Liontamer Check it out, a ReMixer from 2002! Mix is fun but repeats a bit, also not sure on arrangement & % sampling going on... - djp

    Bruce Lee - first game I ever completed (C64). Not a whole lot of music to remix, but more a 'feel' thing.  Heavy sampling from the Enter the Dragon OST by Lalo Schifrin. 

    (I completed it on the Atari 800XL which had no music - a lot of this is how I imagined it sounded, but didn't shy from John A. Fitzpatrick's bleeping melody)
    • Your ReMixer name
    • Your real name
    Rik Nicol
    • Your email address


    • Your website
    • Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile
    4489 ?
  13. Remixer name: Cogglefirth

    Real name: Josh Hendricks
    Email address:
    UserID: 32947

    Arrangement Name: Aqueous Realms
    Games Arranged: Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Fusion
    Songs Arranged: 'Brinstar - Red Soil Wetland Area' (Super Metroid), 'Maridia - Rocky Underground Water Area' (Super Metroid), 'Crashed Ship Frigate Orpheon' (Metroid Prime), 'Underwater Depths' (Metroid Fusion)
    Metroid Fusion information:
    Developed by Nintendo R&D1
    Published 2002 by Nintendo for Game Boy Advance
    Soundtrack composed by Minako Hamano and Akira Fujiwara
    The first video game systems I owned were a GameCube and a Game Boy Advance, so Metroid Prime and Fusion were the first games in the series that I played. I was immediately hooked, thanks in no small part to the series' mind-blowing music. In fact, I latched onto the Super Metroid soundtrack before I ever actually got around to playing the game itself. As seems to be the case with many video game soundtracks, some of the most hauntingly beautiful music came from water-based areas. This soggy remix is my love letter to the composers of the Metroid music that has been so dear to my heart since I was a wee lad.
    I started fiddling with this remix about 2 years ago, before I had any appreciable music production skills. It wasn't until a few months ago that I really dedicated myself to self-educating on music production and (hopefully) graduated from fiddling around to decent proficiency at producing music in FL Studio. Any comments and constructive criticism are sincerely welcomed.
  14. Not bad, but drags a *bit*.... would need a new mix title. - djp

    Contact information:

    Remixer name: The Love Orchestra
    Real name: Nic Newman
    Email Address: 
    forum UserID: 32946
    Submission information:
    name of game: Sonic 3D Blast
    name of arrangement: ‘Rusty Ruin (Genesis/Saturn Edit)’
    name of individual songs arranged: Rusty Ruin, Sonic 3D Blast, Sega Genesis/Sega Saturn/PC
    name of composers: jun senoue (genesis) richard jacques (saturn)
    additional info: there’s always Sonic Retro https://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_3D:_Flickies'_Island
    comments: An attempt at ambiently blending both versions of Sonic 3D Blast’s ‘Rusty Ruin.'
    if you require WAV please ask.
  15. A little repetitive in the second half; some neat tricks, though, and good energy. -djp


    Hi there, my name is Spencer Jones. I'm Swelljob on the forums. I've just recently made the account because I couldn't remember my old account from a long time ago, . My user ID is 32930.
    I decided I'd submit a remix after many years of lurking and enjoying the site. Please let me know if you have any feedback on my submission, or if I need to provide any additional information.
    This song is from Undertale, by Toby Fox. It's a remix of the song "Megalovania" that I've titled "Sins". You can listen to the original song HERE, but it has taken a few different forms over the years as Toby has included it in a few of his other games before this one. I partially adapted my version of the song from this midi, which I used as a guide for a couple of the more complicated parts.
    I can understand if this
    [cuts off]
  16. Good stuff; love to see some Shinobi, too. Need vetting of arrangement, and we may need a new mix title. - djp

    Remixer Name: Videogame Orchestra
    UserID: 32297
    Website: www.videogameorchestra.com
    Name of game arranged: Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
    Name of arrangement: "Japonesque (VGO & Girlz Melon Escapade mix)"
    Name of individual song arranged: Japonesque (Round 1-1)  

    Info: A collaborative track with the video game metal guitarist Girlz Melon :D
  17. Contact information:

    Remixer name: Jorito
    Real name: Jorrith Schaap
    Userid: 3899
    Submission information:

    Name of Game(s) Remixed: Megaman X2, Megaman X3
    Name of Arrangement: (Don’t Wanna) Hurt You

    Names of songs arranged: X-Hunter Stage 1 from Megaman X2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGXAlB-krYc) and Gravity Beetle from Megaman X3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLi3QVuuQHk)
    Link to the remix: 
    Comments about the mix:
    This is the track I did in the Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015, round 3. It combines the tracks  X-Hunter stage 1 from Megaman X2 and my Maverick’s theme Gravity Beetle from Megaman X3. Since my team’s name was Maverick Astley, it of course features some (IMHO subtle and enjoyable) references to our third source, Never Gonna Give You Up. This is most clearly to be found in the vocoded vox, but only using part of the lyrics gave it a more sinister touch, which I liked.
    For completeness:
    Give you up
    Let you down
    Run around
    Desert you

    Make you cry
    Say goodbye
    Tell a lie
    Hurt you
    Since the sources were pretty short, I incorporated as much of the leads and arps as I could. Source usage should be pretty identifiable, but here’s a breakdown:
    0:00 - 0:45 - arp from X-hunter intro (0:00-0:03)
    0:18 - 0:45 - lead from X-hunter (0:04-0:18, halftime)
    0:45 - 1:12 - lead A from Gravity Beetle (0:26-0:50)
    1:25 - 1:39 - lead from X-hunter (0:11-0:18)
    1:42 - 2:16 - arp from X-hunter intro (0:00-0:03)
    1:53 - 2:16 - lead A from Gravity Beetle (0:01-0:26)
    2:16 - 2:27 - lead B from Gravity Beetle (0:26-0:50)
    2:27 - 2:35 - ending from X-hunter (0:19 - 0:25)
    2:41 - 2:52 - lead B from Gravity Beetle (0:26-0:50) with lead from X-hunter (0:04-0:18) as counter melody
    2:52 - 3:24 - variation of lead B from Gravity Beetle (0:26-0:50) with 3rd source as counter melody

  18. Now here's something you don't hear every day! Arrangement has that swirling, old-school Disney feel to it... this would have been *brilliant* with Frank Sinatra singing, but Chris lays down a vocal that for the most part keeps up with the accompaniment. - djp

    Link to file: 
    Contact Information
    ReMixer name: Chris Muggli-Miller
    Email address: 
    Forum userid: 16184
    Submission Information
    Name of game: Lunar: Eternal Blue
    Name of arrangement: Blue Star Prayer
    Name of original song: Lucia’s Theme
    My comments: Lunar 2 was one of those games that affected me more strongly than it had any right to do. While I thought the ending song was a perfect way to end the story, part of me wondered how it might have sounded if it had been a full orchestra production, like the ending themes from Final Fantasy games with which I was more familiar. Looking online and seeing a curious lack of Lunar 2 remixes out there, I decided to do my part. Here is Lucia’s Theme, re-envisioned to sound more like a Final Fantasy ending theme. True Lunar 2 fans will discover other themes from the game hidden throughout the orchestration. All arrangement and production is 100% my own work, including the vocals. Additionally, I had the good fortune of being able to share this version with Noriyuki Iwadare (composer of the original) who gave it his personal stamp of approval.
    Thank you!
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