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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. It *is* a shame that FX Teleport was discontinued... I remember using it, back in the day, to run Gigasampler INSIDE VMWare Workstation, and then talking to that from a DAW running on the host OS, simply because of how many BSOD's Gigasampler tended to trigger. True story.

    My advice is this: don't do it unless you really have to...

    This applies to all multi-computer setups, whether it's Vienna or another solution...you are complicating your environment and your project setup, and in doing so, you are causing potential compatibility issues down the road, making your setup more difficult to reproduce, etc.

    If you NEED the extra horsepower, that's one thing - we're talking 75+ tracks, tons of sample libraries loaded, doing some sort of full-symphonic scoring, etc.

    But if you simply want to take advantage of the extra processing power "because it's there" and it would seem like a shame not to, I'd advise against it due to the overhead/complexity it introduces into your environment & workflow.

    @zircon may have some thoughts...

  2. You are unlikely to get an official answer, and if you did, the official stance would most likely be that the company in question doesn't explicitly allow or forbid fan works, each case is different, etc.

    That's how Fair Use works - most companies aren't going to go out on a limb and bless any & all fan works, as each instance of ostensible Fair Use can always be challenged, if needed, and they don't want to tie their own hands in that regard...

    Someday, we'll start seeing games go back into the public domain as their copyright expires, and until then there's also the Tetris theme, which is a very old Russian folk theme :)

    Our Content Policy is between you and us; no third party is weighing in. We haven't signed anything with Capcom that would be transferable in nature.

  3. Displaying PDFs with graphics is actually relatively processor-intensive, depending on the content; if we're talking technical documents with lots of charts, graphics, etc., it's not going to be pretty... in terms of performance OR display... on an eInk reader.

    I'm afraid the perfect device doesn't really exist:

    • Kindle Paperwhite is GREAT for reading text-centric ebooks (with minimal images) in Mobi/converted epub format & I thoroughly recommend it for this purpose...
    • For PDFs with graphics, charts, pictures, etc., however, it sucks. Depending on the PDF in question, you really need a larger screen AND a more powerful processor than is commonly provided for eInk devices...
    • The iPad Pro is pretty much the ultimate PDF reader if the documents are technical or have tons of images/figures.

    Obviously we're talking about a sizable chunk of change, but the combination of a Kindle Paperwhite AND an iPad Pro really does address pretty much every eReading use case, including magazines, technical books in PDF format, etc.

    It's a shame eInk didn't catch on more... they were working on color & faster response times, but so many people want to be able to play games & watch movies that it ends up going into full-tablet territory where a more dynamic LCD/OLED technology is needed...

  4. On 12/30/2015 at 11:54 PM, Neblix said:
    • Are the emergence of "art games" (walking simulators, introspective/immersive experiences, experimental stories) what we actually mean and want when we say games are art? Are older, arcade-y games valueless by comparison?
    • Or, should we be looking at game design itself as an art, complete with all of the facets (mechanics, reward, risk, choices, challenges, exit points, first order strategies, etc.)? Are "art games" valueless by comparison?

    "Art" is one of those words where trying to come up with a complete & concrete definition is almost an exercise in futility...

    "Games," however, is a word that to me conveys a general emphasis on challenge, goals, and interaction... not ALL software that provides an interactive experience should by definition be considered a game; especially with VR seemingly on the cusp of a breakthrough, the idea that all interactive entertainment software is a "game" of some kind needs to die, and I believe it will, as non-gaming virtual environments become more common for more practical purposes.

    So my answer is somewhat semantic; "art games" are no more or less "art" than "traditional" games... there is room for artistic expression in the traditional, goal/challenge-oriented space, and there is room for artistic expression in the broader category of interactive entertainment software.... art is where you find it, basically; I don't love the phrase "art games" because it somehow implies that art cannot be found in the mechanics of a 2D platformer, or the storytelling of a JRPG, or the soundtrack for a AAA FPS... and that for something to be "art," it has to be more abstract and/or less challenging; those are limiting & relatively elitist constraints.

  5. 1 minute ago, MindWanderer said:

    When you're in an organization like that, how would you know what they're really doing?  It's not like they get to watch TV reports or anything.  Finn should indeed have had no idea of what atrocities the Order was capable of until he saw it firsthand.

    I'd agree if they didn't have things like FTL travel and if the organization in question was being clandestine because they cared about appearances. None of this seemed like it was the case, but the backstory on the First Order was so damn thin, I guess it could go either way...

    1 minute ago, MindWanderer said:

    Can't really break up quotes on the new boards, so:

    Highlight the portion you want... you should get a "quote this" box you can then click. Works for me, at least :)

  6. 1 hour ago, Slimy said:

    Oh no, everyone's ID changed? That means I've submitted remixes with the wrong ID in the email.


    38 minutes ago, Anorax said:

    That^ could be a problem, especially if people have memorized their old IDs.

    Don't worry, we use that for reference only and will catch any issues... furthermore, the IDs changed back when we moved to IPB, not with this recent upgrade.

    Either way, not an issue/concern now, and even less of an issue once we automate the submission process - which WILL happen in 2016, or someone gets to punch me in the face...

  7. For the expanded edition, $99 is a fair price... but it's only a good deal relative to other software you might buy if both of the following are true:

    1. You make music primarily in genres that will benefit from beat mangling & the types of microedits/fx that the tool is capable of and...
    2. You will take the time to learn it, even if that means building beats within the plugin (instead of your DAW)...

    The first is a question that speaks to the type of music you wanna make, the second is more about how likely you think you'll be to learn the tool and incorporate it into your workflow. It's not for everyone, and it's not a must-have plugin, but it can be fun if you're primarily shooting for interesting beat work and don't mind adapting to how it does things.

  8. 9 hours ago, The Coop said:

    I know I asked a week or so ago, but I don't recall seeing a reply.

    I've seen others talking about how their post count dropped quite a bit, with myself going from 23,300-plus, to 5,300-plus. Which begs the question, what happened?

    select count(*) from forums_posts where author_id = 935

    This returns 5332, which is one off... I'm guessing that the 23K number was potentially based on posts contributed to myriad off-topic and older threads that were pruned back in the vBulletin days. vBulletin would have kept the count intact post-pruning, but IPS seems to have rebuilt it... at least, that's a potential explanation. Odd then that it didn't rebuild back when we originally converted to IPB 3.4.7, and instead the reset seems to have been triggered by IPS4...

    At least, that's the best I can come up with... your current content count DOES match up with what's still in the database, i.e. on the site... it's hard to imagine that 18K posts of yours have been pruned over the years, but if they were plentiful and in some of the threads that have gone bye-bye... does it sound plausible/possible?

  9. On 12/23/2015 at 0:02 AM, zircon said:

    Maybe you missed some of his dialogue. He made the decision to get out after his first battle, which was the first one shown in the movie. He saw a friend / colleague killed in front of his eyes, and was then asked to kill innocent women and children. He hadn't done any fighting at all before - he was in sanitation. So as soon as he saw all that, he wanted to leave. Sounds perfectly human and natural to me.

    I suppose the question then becomes, was the First Order really going to pains to hide their brutality, and if so, why? Didn't seem like it, to me... which means that, even in sanitation, it seemed like he would have had an inkling of their general killyness & slaughterizing, no? ...also seemed weird that Kylo was going around using the force like it was going out of style during that initial attack, and yet when Han later talks about the force being "all true" it comes off as some kind of revelation? Wasn't quite clear on all of that... but it didn't matter much. None of the many nitpicks (valid or invalid) are super-critical, regardless, and even in aggregate they don't represent a serious problem, at least to me...

    So yeah, just saw the film for the first time, tonight. Unfortunately, I missed about 20 minutes towards the beginning because I was sick, so I certainly need to see it again. And, from seeing the majority of the film, I can definitely say that it's a film I WANT to see again, unlike the prequels.

    It's funny, I'm not sure if folks remember, but when each of the prequels came out, there was a honeymoon of about a week in which people were convinced of some degree of greatness, or at least non-suckiness... as time passed, that certainly wore off, and we slowly came to understand how truly compromised the franchise had become.

    This movie was good. It didn't feel like a return to the greatness of the original trilogy (yes, including RotJ), it didn't feel like a complete purging of all the flaws that so flagrantly marked the prequels, and it didn't honestly feel like the BEST Abrams is capable of. BUT, for the first time in a looooong time, we've got a new, WATCHABLE Star Wars film... and that makes me happy. If I had to put a number to it, I'd say 7/10. If I had to name-drop a recent science fiction film I enjoyed more, I'd say Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah, I said it :) And here's the thing... TFA feels like an acknowledgement of the soullessness of the prequels and an attempt to address that, but it also feels like too cognizant/self-aware an attempt. Guardians of the Galaxy feels like legit heart & soul, to me - intro gets me in the feels, as does the callback to the intro towards the end. Again, we're in the realm of personal opinion, but I just didn't find myself caring much about Rey's family, or Finn's anything... but it WAS clear to me that material was being presented that to some extent would at least make me consider caring... which I suppose is something. Here's the other thing: it was one thing to have the death star rebuilt & destroyed a second time in the original trilogy... but AGAIN!? This felt plain old empty to me; I like that the movie feels comfortable in the skin of its (only TRUE) ancestors, but running a land & air attack on a large, world-destroying sphere AGAIN? I know some of you are stoked about this movie & feeling that burn of nostalgia, but give it a month or two and revisit this question... at this point, the Empire, the First Order, and evil in general is more accurately just described as "Spherebuilding" - "What, they're building a large sphere capable of planetary destruction? AGAIN? Let's analyze the plans... again... and look for a catastrophic & complete design flaw... again!" At least many Bothans didn't die for the information, this time...

    At any rate: good but not great. I feel like time & perspective will reel in some of the most exuberant fans, i.e. the Ansari brothers :) Evaluated relative to the prequels, a breath of fresh air... otherwise, something that tries pretty hard, does a pretty darn good job, and is fun to watch. Can't argue with any of that, but greatness lies beyond competence & solid execution...

  10. On 12/16/2015 at 2:55 AM, evktalo said:

    Well, you obviously could!

    Meanwhile, I was wondering if being able to login/register with social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) would lower the barrier of contribution on the forums.

    IPS does have this option. I believe to use it with Facebook you need to have an SSL cert issued by a trusted authority (i.e. not self-signed) - this is something we need, something our Patreon backers have made possible & less painful economically, and absolutely something we plan on doing, possibly as soon as next month!

  11. @mattmatrice I've got it, haven't used it for anything yet... it makes micro-edits & FX extremely easy, but my main complaint is that the library is loop-heavy - you DO get a kit version of the individual sounds used in the loop variations, but you can't trigger the micro-edits & FX dynamically - you have to edit the overall pattern. I personally would prefer a solution that lets me build a pattern within my DAW, as opposed to within the tool, so I wish that the micro-edits & FX could be queued up dynamically.

    If you're interested in glitching/drums, I'd personally recommend a combination of something like Battery 4 - which has a huge library of usable kits - with a dedicated glitch plugin like dBlue or iZotope's own StutterEdit. StutterEdit + Battery 4 to me is a more compelling toolset than Breaktweaker, because there's more variety, you can do things YOUR way, but the (often tedious) process of manipulation/tweaking is made easier & more accessible by StutterEdit.

    Hope that makes sense.

  12. First off, thanks to @Txai for that catch - we really appreciate detail-oriented corrections :)

    With regards to circular profile pics... I had the same initial reaction when I first saw it on IPS. To their credit, they make it VERY easy to switch back to squared-off profile images - it's a single toggle on the theme settings, and presto. That being said, I'm used to it now, and when I switch back to squares it looks old, crusty, and wrong. Give it some time, @DarkeSword, and see what you think in a week or two. I could toggle it and I think you'd agree, the circles are actually kinda cool - also, beyond just being an aesthetic touch, they tell you that an image is a profile, helping the eye distinguish profiles from others types of images, and so they actually have a small (but not meaningless) usability benefit, in my opinion.

  13. 5 hours ago, Rozovian said:

    I know this is a design question, so it's more of a "feature" than a bug/issue, but...

    Could we please not have 600 pixels of non-content before the actual content of a forum? My laptop has 800 pixels of vertical resolution. The browser and OS eat up 110 of those, so there's not a lot of room for non-content. I'd rather not have to scroll on every page to get to the stuff I clicked a link to get to. I don't know what Invision were thinking, but this design is bloated and apparently made for HDTVs standing on their sides, and I hope it can be customized into something more compact.

    I've realized reddit's design is actually really good. I thought it looked cheap and dated when I joined. The noncontent on the front page is about 100 pixels, and then the posts start. It could be fancier, but it can't really be much better in terms of efficiency. 

    We'll work on it. Usually there won't be an announcement ("stuff"), and that's chewing up a good deal of room at the moment. Forum meta can POTENTIALLY be condensed but then you start running up against theme updates when IPS versions the software, as we're using pretty much the verbatim theme, with mostly color adjustments. Site navigation can't really be squished too awful much without getting rid of the mascot, and may actually grow a teency bit with the next site version. Ideally, I'll find a way to merge site navigation with forum navigation, but that's rather difficult.

  14. On 12/13/2015 at 4:52 PM, Mirby said:

    Yeah I pointed out the mascot/menu overlap earlier but it must've been passed over lol

    When I go to 90% zoom it works out nicely, but at 100% zoom they overlap.

    @Mirby & others - might require hard-clearing your cache, but the mascot now kicks in at 1600px+ resolutions... it won't appear for as many users, but it also won't obstruct navigation... full v6 design should hopefully have a better solution for this.


    On 12/14/2015 at 11:00 PM, Slimy said:

    The threads in the ReMix Comments/Reviews section no longer link to the remixes they are about.

    @Slimy This feature has been reinstated, with a nice alert box message that includes a link back to the ReMix. Give it a shot @ http://ocremix.org/community/topic/39634-ocr03029-kirby-super-star-food-frenzy/


    On 12/14/2015 at 2:40 PM, MindWanderer said:

    Yep, I was about to report the same thing.  It covers part of the search box as well (although that's less of an issue.)

    Really missing the ability to enter raw BBCode; I've been using BBCode since before WYSIWIG editors existed, so it's just faster for me, not to mention more versatile.

    @MindWanderer First issue addressed, above. Second issue, well... apparently bbcode is still supported in some weird, strange fashion, but not really in a way that would make it particularly useful. I liked having the option, too, but it doesn't seem like it'll be coming back any time soon. However, it's all about the tradeoffs... as mentioned, CKEditor has some definite advantages, and we'll be leveraging it more in the months to come.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Black_Doom said:

    Probably djp had fixed it before you replied here. Dunno, seriously. Now it works for me as well.

    Fixed on MY profile, at least :) JK, a fix is in place for artist profiles, SOME of which are cached (server-side) and will need a few hours to clear out entirely... good catch!

    6 minutes ago, Anorax said:

    I hope we are able to get BB integration back soon.

    @Anorax Not 100% sure what you're referring to - which piece?


  16. 2 minutes ago, Neblix said:

    I might just go to CKEditor's site and complain there instead. :P

    It's always a question of tradeoffs... I HAVE seen folks complain about quoting usability on the IPS site... but CKEditor has a lot of other things going for it re: extensibility, support, wide user community, etc.

    As a fan of ordered/unordered lists, I plan on re-adding the indent/outdent buttons to the toolbar, for one... there's also a custom spoiler button that's kind of cool.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Neblix said:

    Now imagine I was multi quoting. :P Now basically the fastest way to clear my message is to press F5. And in something that should just be as easy as writing text, that's kind of sad. I kind of miss vBulletin now. Everything looks nicer now, sure, but the functionality is all mucked up.

    I think you missed the part where I suggested you take some time to get used to it before forming any judgments :) I've been multi-quoting and responding in this thread, with callouts, with very little issue, personally... I agree that sometimes it gets kludgy, but my experience (with more extensive utilization than yours) is that most of the time, it's pretty smooth sailing...

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