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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. 27 minutes ago, Neblix said:

    It's now extremely hard to remove quotes using "backspace" key. Before it was just a textual element that would get deleted, now you have to click on the grey bubble and do it. Additionally when a quote is present in my message, "ctrl+A" no longer works anywhere.

    I question the UX choices of these IPS people. :<

    I don't know if I find it "extremely hard" but it's a little annoying... some of that is just CKEditor and not the IPS dev team. Might take some getting used to, might be improvied with a future release. It's bothered me a bit, but I've been using IPS4 over at the main Invision site, and I've gotten very used to it. Then again, I never found it extremely hard ;)

  2. 6 hours ago, timaeus222 said:

    Whenever I go to a mixpost page and click "post your own..." to write a review (at least on the latest two mixes, if not more), I get Error code 2S100/6. Also, when I click "complete thread" from the mixpost page, there is no link to return to the "ReMix Details page" as there had been before. So, while we can still review, it tends to require clicking "complete thread" and then making a review via the reply box there.

    @timaeus222 The first issue should be resolved; please confirm. The second issue is a customization that will be reinstated once things have settled down a bit.


    10 hours ago, DarkeSword said:

    Email notifications for thread replies are FORCED ON. This is not good.

    Screenshot (4).png

    @DarkeSword This setting was indeed overridden by default... I guess the thinking at IPS is that it increases engagement or something, but I made it configurable by users. Please confirm when you can.


    1 hour ago, YoshiBlade said:

    I keep getting this when I click on Judge's Decision from a song  

    Hell's bells, the link to the pdf isn't working, The error code on the PDF, of the screenshot I took is 1S160/2.

    Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 8.09.25 PM.pdf

    @YoshiBlade Okay, this was a two-part issue:

    1. The first issue, with clicking on judge decision threads from remixes, should be resolved.
    2. The second issue was that you should never have been able to upload an attachment in the first place... we're not ready to enable attachments quite yet, but they got enabled automatically during the upgrade. You were able to upload an attachment, but since no one has permission to DOWNLOAD attachments, you encountered the second error.
  3. Okay, I've actually got a question... is there a way to play through without joining ANY faction?

    It almost seems like Bunker Hill forces your hand a bit... strange things start happening if you try to remain neutral...

    Has anyone played through different factions yet and have advice on which one seems most "definitive"? I'm sympathetic to the Railroad, but some dark part of me wants to join the Institute... for the SCIENCE....

  4. 4 hours ago, Rozovian said:

    Fancy. But still so much empty space, especially on single-line posts.

    Well, signatures have been re-enabled. That was probably part of it ;)


    3 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

    Based on this post, YouTube links are not automatically integrated anymore.

    Seems fixed... at least, that post does. Let me know if you find others.


    3 hours ago, Neblix said:

    It seems like none of the old quote tags are working. Broke all the other forum threads. :( Also "Location" under person has no space between the label and the field.

    Also what happened to our signatures?

    I agree with Rozovian; I think the one thing I extremely dislike about IPS is how much white space is padded on everything. I have a 1080p monitor but it can only get about 1 or 2 forum posts fully onto when it's fullscreened. And 1 or 2 forum posts is not a monitor's worth of content.

    If I put it at about 90% zoom, everything looks so much better. ;)  This might not be something you can control, and certainly something I can get used to (and pretty much have so far).


    Are the quote tags fixed? Can you link to specific threads where they are broken, if not?


    48 minutes ago, Black_Doom said:

    Can't leave replies in threads in the RemixComments/Reviews subforum for some reason...


    This was a legitimately odd issue with the permissions being borked... dunno how on Earth that happened, but it should be fixed. Please confirm when you get a chance!

    @DarkeSword - still haven't add a chance to look into your issues... also very strange!

    @Black_Doom, @Chernabogue, @Rozovian, @Neblix, @timaeus222 - appreciate the feedback/issue reports!

    And yes, IPS4 allows callouts/references to users, which should be VERY helpful...

  5. 2 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

    The search function doesn't seem to work, at least in the Reviews section.

    This is probably an aspect of the background jobs still running.... just checked progress, and it's gonna be awhile, longer than I thought, possibly rest of the day, so I guess we'll see on Monday!

    3 minutes ago, Chernabogue said:

    Based on this post, YouTube links are not automatically integrated anymore.

    This is also the responsibility of the background jobs... we'll see. There were definitely some folks having trouble with this over on the Invision forums, and they said they were looking at alternative embed mechanisms.

    Once the dust has settled, we definitely wanna get SoundCloud embeds working too!

    1 hour ago, Rozovian said:

    Fancy. But still so much empty space, especially on single-line posts.

    I happen to like the extra space for readability/cleanliness, but I think we'll probably be making better use of it once we start customizing a bit :)

  6. As you may have noticed, we've upgraded our forums to the latest version of "Invision Power Board," now re-titled as "Invision Power Suite"...

    1. Please report any issues on THIS thread alone, and please include screenshots, text of the error, time/date stamp, & browser/OS version...
    2. Things will likely take some getting used to; some features will be improved, others may be missing/altered... please give yourself some time to adjust before posting any feedback. That being said, if you've got questions, concerns, comments, etc., let us know!
    3. Counters & content are currently being rebuilt... this will take awhile... some older posts & some statistics may not render correctly until these backgrounds jobs are complete. I'll post an update when they're done, so you know that anything you STILL see is an actual issue (should be done sometime today, 12/13)...
    4. Just in case something goes terribly wrong and we need to roll back to the previous version, you may want to store backups of any long/extensive posts you make in the next 48 hours. Of course, I personally recommend using the Lazarus plugin (for Firefox & Chrome)...

    Fingers crossed that things goes well... once we get the kinks worked out, we look forward to building on this platform with the additional functionality we've promised repeatedly in the past & committed to on our Patreon; this is the foundation for future improvements, so please help us get it right!

  7. Hello!

    Contact Information
    Remixer Name: ExperimentalSoundLab
    Real Name: Jamie Anne Leibowitz
    Email Address: 
    UserID: 25506
    Submission Information
    Game: Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
    Arrangement Title: The Item God's Lair
    Songs Arranged: Cyber Dance, Trance No. 4!, Dark Zone
    Additional Info:
       Composer - Tenpei Sato
       System - PS2
       Release Date - 2006
    Hi there! This mix is actually something I started in my junior year of high school and only came back to recently. I posted it on the WIP forums a while ago, but I never submitted it. When I came back to it, I ended up exporting all of the tracks as audio files from Cubase and working with them in Ableton since that's what I'm most comfortable with these days.
    Disgaea 2 is one of my favorite games, and the soundtrack in particular is something that I listen to frequently for personal enjoyment. So, I've always wanted to get a remix of the game's music on this site.
    I originally recorded live drums for the metal portion, but I couldn't get it sounding as good as I wanted. My recording equipment is not what it would need to be to get a piece up to OCR's submission standards, so I went back and did the drums electronically. I'm hoping the current drums sound "human" enough?
    Also, about the title: I kinda envision this piece as a journey through the Item World, the part of the game that I draw from primarily in this remix. It reflects this with the chill beginning, transitioning into a metal section to represent the Item Bosses leading up to the Item God (the final boss), and then a calmer portion leading into the big finale representing the battle with the Item God. 
    Anyway, enjoy! Here's hoping for a Disgaea mix on OCR!
    Link to Remix: 
  8. So alt rock! An interesting vocal transformation into something radio-friendly in a specifically 90's sorta way - see what you think!

    - djp



    ReMixer Name: Darangen

    Real Name: Michael Boyd
    userid: 8887
    Game: Final Fantasy
    Song name: Find Your Way
    songs arranged: Town Theme
    After MAGfest, I started listening to a lot of 90's music again, thanks to Vinnie's 90's flashback guitar playing - so I blame him for this remix.  So one day I was messing around on the guitar since I couldn't sleep and played a C chord followed by E7 and it brought me back to the town theme.  And thus it began.
    Originally this was going to be completely instrumental, but I purchased iZotopes Nectar 2 plugin (which I HIGHLY recommend anyone mixing vocals picks up) and had to try it out, so I thought "what better way to try this out other than writing and recording some lyrics". With that said, it's a lyrical remix, and while I've done lyrical mixes before, my vocals were always my obvious weak point; so I spent more time on them than any other element.  While they're still not perfect, I like to think I've come a long way since "Falling Back".  The chorus is original and the verses, bridge and solo carry the source.  The bridge is very liberal with the source while the verses and solo are straight forward, but if you listen to the bridge the right way you'll hear the part of the source I got it from.
    For the inspiration for the lyrics, I tried to take it from a villagers perspective.  A few Warriors of Light stroll into town after a weary day on the battlefield, only to know that the next day will be more grueling than the last.  As someone who played Final Fantasy when it was first released way back in the late 80's, I remember needing to return to the towns quite often to heal up, replenish magic charges and restock on potions. So I wrote from the standpoint of a villager telling them to stick through the tough times ahead and come back when they're weary.
    The lyrics are as follows:
    verse 1
    just ahead beyond the horizon
    look above, the azure blue
    who would think that this world was at its end
    and its fate belongs to you
    verse 2
    pressing on, there are those who'd discourage you
    trials, there's more than just a few
    each new day has a challenge of its own
    but the light will see you through
    go left, go right
    start another fight, come back
    and stay another night
    you'll find your way
    right now, some how
    take another chance again
    and turn it right around
    we're here to stay
    so if ever you're in trouble
    come back to fight another day
    verse 3
    with the means to overcome what's in front of you
    and even what you cannot see
    you'd do well to remember all of those
    who have saved your memories
    go left, go right
    start another fight, come back
    and stay another night
    you'll find your way
    right now, some how
    take another chance again
    and turn it right around
    we're here to stay
    so if ever you're in trouble
    come back to fight another day
    go left, go right
    start another fight, come back
    and stay another night
    you'll find your way
    right now, some how
    take another chance again
    and turn it right around
    we're here to stay
    so if ever you're in trouble
    come back to fight another day
    verse 4
    just ahead beyond the horizon
    look above, the azure blue
    who would think that this world was at its end
    and its fate belongs to you
    my friend
    As always, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it!


  9. Probably a textbook example of medleyitis... but it's the panel's opportunity to explain whether & why.

    This is a sort of Big Band medley I created of theme tunes from nearly all of the Super Mario games (Hence the title), and that is including “Super Mario Bros”, “Super Mario Bros 2”, “Super Mario Bros 3”, “Super Mario Land”, “Super Mario World”, ”Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s World”, “Super Mario 64”, “Super Mario Sunshine”, ”New Super Mario Bros”, “Super Mario Galaxy”, “New Super Mario Bros Wii”, “New Super Mario Bros 2”, “New Super Mario Bros U”, “Super Mario 3D Land” and “Super Mario 3d World”.
    The medley is almost 6 minutes long and was played on a synth called “Novation Launchkey49” with “FL Studio 10” as my choice of music program.
    Hope you like it!
    Best regards,
    Hugo Junstrand (aka. Toxodentrail)

  10. Actually really cool... sorta wild west vibe to it, then some unexpected jazz flourishes. I liked it; need to make sure source is VGM and not arranged from the anime, if possible.

    - djp



    Contact Information

    • Your ReMixer name : Juan Huayamares
    • Your real name: Juan Huayamares
    • Your email address: 
    • Your website: don't have one.
    • Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 32473

      Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged: Mamono Hunter Yohko: Makai Kara no Tenkosei / Devil Hunter Yohko: The Seven Bells
    • Name of arrangement: Sword On Fire!
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Volcano - stage 2
    The original composer is Keiichi Yamamoto and the platform is sega genensis/mega drive.

    heres the original music: (BTW youi don't have it on your website) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsY6XDQ3nPg
      This game is incredbly underrated, and I think the cause is the duration of only 5 tages to complete. but the music is AWESOME..i am a fan of this for about 23 years, since I first played it. the music of all stages got stuck on my mind!!   I have done this arrangements several times, but this is the first time I got to play guitar, mini moog and added a LIVE twist on it!! I tought the song deserve it somehow! Also this will be the first remix of devil hunter on your website..i think it's important, almost the same of what i've done to the valis remix years ago.   I intended to do some kind of disco/jazz version of the song...but saved the original melody, wich is so good and added some twists and turns with the guitar and live drums...also there's a saxofone!! =)) hope you enjoyed as much as I do. sincerelly Juan

  11. Pretty straightforward from an arrangement perspective... and of course, the mix title.


    - djp




    Submission Information

    • Chrono Trigger
    • Chrono Trigger - "Corridors of Time" (Losstarot Remix)
    • Corridors of Time
    • I was inspired by the SQChips series of remixes. This one has been in my head for a while and I finally decided to do it.
    • Download: 
  12. Repeats about halfway through, fairly minimal, seems to have some... strange intonation issues... but some nice textures going on, deserves feedback.




    My name's Philip Aldous, and I'd like to submit my arrangement of Koji Kondo's piece, Gerudo Valley, from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, for OC Remix. I've wanted to start doing arrangements for the site for a long time, but unfortunately my university studies have given me limited time for personal projects (I studied Music Composition for Film and Games at the University of Hertfordshire, UK.) Now that I've finished my degree, I've finally got the time to submit some music for you, and I really hope you enjoy my arrangement. 

    I hope I've included all the submission information you require:

    Remixer Name: ThunderStrike
    Real Name: Philip Aldous
    Email Address: 
    User ID: 32461

    Name of Game Arranged: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Name of Arrangement: Moon Glow On Gerudo Valley
    Name of Individual Song: Gerudo Valley

    I arranged the piece in a chilled out, electronic style, contrasting the upbeat, energetic style that the original piece uses. I used ambient sounding custom synth textures, and I also heavily used the Wurlitzer. As the piece is based almost entirely on a repeated chord progression, I had lots of freedom to mix up different melodies, and weave between them, stack them up, or simply rewrite them. I tried to give the piece as much variation in terms of texture as possible, building the instrumentation up more and more, to a big climactic ending.
    Thanks for considering me, hope to hear back from you soon,
    Philip Aldous
  13. Since I've already done the analysis & Larry's explained my reasoning, I'll chime in with my own




    Would love to see this on the site, but strumming alone doesn't change the extremely conservative nature of the arrangement - change all the strummed parts to single notes and you've got something we would never pass on piano, for instance. Just needs more interpretation/creativity beyond the (very cool!) novelty of the instrumentation.

  14. Love YamaYama!





    Remixer name: YamaYama
    Real name: Milo Fultz
    Website: http://www.yamayamatheband.com
    Userid: milothefultz (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=49032)

    Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Name: Forest Adventure (Watch Out For That Big Scary Wolf Out There)
    Songs used: Lost Woods, Title Theme

    Song is attached.



    Milo Fultz

    // Upright and Electric Bassist 
    // Bass Teacher and Music Theory Tutor



  15. I thought this was rather awesome; BONKERS' arrangements are always complex, so analysis appreciated!





    Your ReMixer name: BONKERS
            Your real name: Nicholas Steven Perry
            Your email 
            Your website:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1310105117
            Your userid:31818
            Submission Information
            Name of game(s) arranged:  Mega Man X4
            Name of arrangement: "Into The Rebellion!"
            Name of individual song(s) arranged:  Overseas  game instro,Stage Select, Opening Stage X
            Link to the original soundtrack:  http://youtu.be/X3YFjBID83o http://youtu.be/EceE4uc3DeU  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJolkUasFgo
            Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc:

     Well here is something I never thought I would do. I never felt like the track was of quality enough, was too medleyitis(tits)... maybe something I was even embarrassed about...  You see, given recent work I have now worked on this ONE song on and off again for nearly 6 years. 6 damn years. It's almost insanemous to think about.

    Something positive you might say to me;"Yo BONK, u sure is having somma dat poesiztenze thingamagoob ta work on duh sungz fahr ma so long!"  I guess? I don't know. I mean, here's the original first version from August of 2009 from Dwelling of Duels > (WARNING IS MUCH LOUDNESS. TURN VOLS DURHN)  It's hard to go back and listen to this, I mean. Uh. Sorry, i'm sitting here in my chair listening to this and find my self mumbling in my mind, or rather stumbling? Man I sure ask a lot of questions.  Maybe it's persistence? Consistently wanting to better myself? Being a perfectionist? Wanting to prove myself? My love of Mega Man X4 and wanting to do it justice? Maybe it is all of it.

    I can still remember as a kid going into Blockbuster video and seeing MMX4 and just having this weird draw to the boxart. I was 6 at the time, and it certainly wasn't my first Mega Man game(IIRC, I had played 2-5 and X1 at that point) but something about it just felt right. So perfect. ESPECIALLY THE MUSIC. I had never heard anything even remotely like the kind of crazy sound combinations and production Toshiyuki Horiyama had come up with and put together in song. And at the same time, so utterly fitting of the game. I never was very good at it at the time, I think I could make it to Iris by piggybacking off my brother playing maybe? It's hard to remember.

    A large part of why I am subbing it now I also suppose is because after the fact when MR came out, the more I listened to it. The more gigantic problems and mistakes (Horrible decisions)I could hear, the worse it would sound with each listen. The urge to maybe someday just remake it from scratch all together again and make it sound far more balanced, more natural, better in every way.  "Maybe then I can sub it and hopefully my medley tits can be forgiven?"

    Well at some point in the last month few months(Jan-Feb/2015), I just had the itch, the burn. The URGE to just maybe,play around with it when i'm bored after work here and there?
     (V) ;,,; (V) Why not Zoidberg?

    MAY 2015 EDIT: There was originally a wall of text and babbling and shit here. Man I don't know! I'm too tired and embarrassed or something. I hope people can hear all of the attention to detail and love that went into this. Although a large portion of problems with the structure remain and I am unable to fix problems innate to problems with my instruments and old recordings. (Ex:  The Bass guitar used in this is a piece of shit 200$ starter guitar that needs to be retired). I feel maybe it's finally good enough to do Mr.Horiyama's music some decent justice.

    ALSO: I didn't proofread any of this, so it probably is a bunch of gibberish.

    And the V1MP3 sucks! Download (And put up a link to please if you would) the FLAC Here >

    If it's passable but needs adjustments, please let me know. Constructive criticism is very welcome.
    (V) ;,,; (V)

  16. Crazy source tune, crazy arrangement, crazy title. Gotta dig it... see what yall thinks.





    Contact Information

    >       ReMixer name: HeavenWraith
    >       Real name: Antanas Palaitis
    >       E-mail: 
    >       Website: http://www.heavenwraithmusic.net
    >       Forum user ID: 50325

    Submission Information

    >       Game: Bravely Default
    >       ReMix Name: Virgin Mojito At Bubble Joseph's
    >       Original Name: 歪なる思念 其の名は魔王 (I don't know the official translation, because the track's not on the soundtrack CDs)
    >       Original Author: Kamanaka "Revo" Yasuo (I think officially the artist of the OST album is Linked Horizon)
    >       Link to the file: 
    >       Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDi3Olyp02w
    Source breakdown:
    Source -> Remix
    0:00-0:06 -> 0:33-0:45
    0:22-0:34 -> 0:51-1:09
    0:06-0:22 -> 1:09-1:29
    0:22-0:34 -> 1:29-1:48
    1:08-1:31 -> 1:48-2:23
    1:36-1:42 -> 2:23-2:28
    2:34-2:51 -> 3:03-3:17
    0:22-0:34 -> 3:30-3:47
    2:05-2:27 -> 3:47-4:19
    2:29-2:32 -> 4:19-4:21

    This track... just happened. I was improvising with piano by the tune of the source (good thing I was recording), listened to it later and decided there are some parts good enough to make a remix. It ended up being a rather jazzy kind of thing with a taste of dementia and cheesy halloween harmonies, something quite not what I usually produce. It was immediately deemed hipster by everyone I shared this with, fortunately not in a bad kind of way. Though in my opinion, one cannot expect something remotely normal when Revo and Sound Horizon are involved.

  17. Several issues, but what an interesting source! This was borderline DR for me but I couldn't find a compelling enough reason to not get it some panel feedback on the specifics - especially from those of you more versed in EDM & dnb!

    - djp



    a drum n bass remix I did for an Air Fortress theme on Nintendo

    Contact Info:
    Your ReMixer name: Gwee
    Your real name: Vinny 
    Your email address: 
    Your website: http://itsgwee.wix.com/gwee
    Your userid: 29363

    Name of game(s) arranged: Air Fortress
    Name of arrangement
     : Bass Fortress
    Name of individual song(s) arranged: Air Fortress Interior

    Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) :
    Composer: Hideki Kanazashi,  System: NES/Famicom

    Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)

    Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. :
    Sounded like an evil track, so I wanted it to be "death star" sounding. DnB seemed like a nice genre for it to sit in. FM synths and sub synths were used. Distortions wave-shaping and other FX and tricks were used. Any specific questions let me know. Thanks


  18. Very strange! Mostly in a good way, though a little meandering/repetitive... I dug the late-breaking harp glissando, and the production is unorthodox. Could def. benefit from feedback.

    - djp


    My ReMixer name: Ancient Kaa
    My real name: Dan Petrelli
    My email address: 
    My website: n/a
    My userid: n/a
    Name of game arranged: Final Fantasy Tactics (PS)
    Name of arrangement: Distant Oases
    Name of individual song arranged: Desert Land
    Link to the original soundtrack: http://ocremix.org/song/13735
    For a game with so much influence and such a great soundtrack, FFT has been remixed surprisingly few times (there's only two in there at the time of this submission).  I was nostalgically watching it being streamed recently, and this track stuck out to me as exceptional.  I had an inspiration to try replacing and augmenting the orchestral instruments with guitar, leaning towards classic/psychedelic rock in terms of tone.
    With the music and title, I hoped to convey the feeling of traveling along caravan routes through the desert and seeing a dark shimmer on the horizon, unsure whether or not it is a mirage.  The feeling of dread and menace rises as the water stocks run low, followed by relief as the oasis is reached.
  19. Some cool concepts marred by scratchy production, imo - definitely needs the feedback, could hopefully be revised!

    - djp



    Remix submission
    Download page link: 
    Direct MP3 link: 
    ReMixer name: SifuF
    real name: Francis Godden
    email address: 
    My website: www.sifuf.com
    userid: 54039
    Name of game arranged: Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns
    Name of arrangement: Defeat The Master
    Name of individual songs arranged: Forbidden Forest and Main Title theme.
    Additional information about game:
    composer: Mark Tait (U.S. Gold).
    Also known as 'Strider II', 'Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns' was published by US Gold 
    (under license from Capcom USA) and is a European-developed sequel to Capcom's arcade game 'Strider'. Released on several platforms in 1990, however this remix is for the Genesis/Mega Drive version.
    Although widely regarded as a poorer game than Capcom's later released 'Strider 2', 
    'Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns' had a great soundtrack with highly memorable sound effects and voice samples (The best of which of course made it into the mix!).
    The remix is sourced mainly from Stage 1 - Forbidden Forest but also a contains a section with the Main Title theme.
    Forbidden Forest (Stage 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryN1NPD0Bpw
    Song breakdown:
    00:00 to 00:14 Intro
    00:15 to 00:30 SOURCE. Introduction of main riff 
    00:34 to 00:59 SOURCE. Main verse slightly simplified from source but main source baseline  
    01:00 to 01:06 Connecting riff
    01:07 to 01:26 SOURCE. Chorus
    01:27 to 01:34 SOURCE. Pre chorus 2 - Source baseline continues
    01:35 to 01:51 Chorus 2
    01:52 to 02:04 SOURCE. Breakdown - Main Title theme
    02:05 to 02:31 SOURCE. Main verse 2 slightly simplified from source but main source baseline 
    02:32 to 03:05 Bridge
    03:06 to 03:14 SOURCE. Chorus
    03:15 to 03:24 Chorus variation
    03:25 to 03:42 SOURCE. Main verse 3 variation from source but main source baseline 
    03:43 to 03:59 Outro
    Source usage: (15+25+19+7+12+26+8+17)/239 = 129/239 = 54%
  20. Gets progressively better as it goes into the wubs.

    - djp




    I'm french and my english isn't perfect so I hope I didn't miss any step in track submission!
    Here it is:
    Contact Information
    ReMixer name : The Gadget
    Real name : Hugo Carrière
    Mail adress : 
    Websites :
    Submission Information

    Game arranged  : DOOM II : Hell on Earth
    Name of arrangement : Baron of Hell (Tribute to DOOM)
    Song arranged : "Countdown to Death" by Robert Prince (I only recreated the first seconds of the music with my synths, I not used the original track).
    Additional information : I used the original FX sounds of the game.
    Download link for you and community (.wav) :
    I was playing at this game with a friend, and I had an idea, create a music with the original and famous FX sounds! So I did it, and I tried to create melodies which reminds the overall atmosphere of the game, in a blind of Dubstep / Orchestral / Rock styles.

    Thanks for your attention.
    Best regards from France!



  21. Sound quality issues, not terribly inventive... too much verb on pizzicato relative to everything else... but your mileage may vary, see what you think!

    - djp




    Remixer Name: OC/DC

    Real Name: David Chirol
    UserID: 32404
    Game arranged: Bad Piggies
    Name of Arrangement: Rise of the Piggies
    Name of song arranged: Bad Piggies - Main Theme
    The original composer is Ilmari Hakkola
  22. ReMixer & real name: Eino Keskitalo
    forum id: 20708

    ReMixer name: Jorito
    Real name: Jorrith Schaap
    forum id: 3917

    Names of games arranged: Shovel Knight
    Name of Arrangement: Diskotanssi der Doden
    Names of individual songs arranged: La Danse Macabre, A Thousand Leagues Below
    Submission notes:


    This was our first round tune for the Shovel Knight compo of 2014 in the team side of the competition. Going against timaeus222 (minus drop-out teammate) and his Specter Knight, we went for a disco approach complete with lyrics.

    We started the compo with the intention of being a Renoise team and using only sample-based tracker instruments for lightweight project file sharing, but Jorito found abandoning his VSTi arsenal a bit painful. We (somewhat clumsily, but ultimately effectively) arranged the tune with chip sounds on Renoise, after which Jorito worked out the proper sounds and additional arrangement in Logic. I did some "disco of the dead" -style lyrics. Inspiration from Thriller should be quite obvious, but perhaps you can also spot the Rocky Horror Show reference. I sent an awful take of the vocals to Jorito, who vocoded them into perfection, and added a fun nod to Bee Gees while he was at it.

    Once again I have to admire & thank Jorrith for his inspiring work ethos, we had a remarkable drive & put in a lot of hours to make a satisfying, complete competition entry. Further work went into this version, again with the help of Andy Booth from http://www.cheaponlinemixingmastering.co.uk/
    This was actually my first collab from scratch for a game with a soundtrack I didn't know and started in a DAW I didn't use in a while. Combined with the tight compo deadlines it made for lots of good energy and drive and an entertaining ride. 
    Since I didn't know the soundtrack that well, Eino took the lead. From the start he already imagined La Danse Macabre it as a disco track, whereas I heard a more baroque, Castlevania Symphony Of The Night-esque influence in A Thousand Leagues Below. Needless to say that we went with the disco vibes, because you can never have enough of teh cheeze, but I did manage to squeeze in a few bits of harpsichord and organ here and there :)
    Eino did a lot of work on the track and arrangement, foregoing sleep at points in creative rushes. I was always pleasantly surprised by the new updates that appeared. I also added a few parts and leads here and there but I mostly focused on instrumentation and getting the right vibe (which is tricky if your working version is all chiptune!).
    Anyways, a fun track to work on with a good final result and as always it's a joy to work with Eino.

    Source breakdown:

    Sources are
    La Danse Macabre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDGaqUskBRM
    A Thousand Leagues Below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynLNyLH8MbY

    LDM is transposed a whole tone down to fit the keys together. The main idea was to use LDM to form the meat of the song structure, and use ATLB as background writing material. It's been a while and I don't think we made proper notes of the source usage during arranging, so I might be missing some less obvious bits of source usage.

    Intro 0:00-0:30
    0:00-0:10 is original, if I recall correctly. The organ riff 0:10-0:30 is from ALTB at 0:55-1:18.

    Verse 1 0:30-0:46
    Melody from LDM verse 0:09-0:25. Chord progression in the later half loosely follows LDM. The later half of the melody is sung an octave lower.

    Chorus 1 0:46-1:03
    Melody from LDM chorus 0:26-0:43. Chords (apart from the last one) from A Thousand Leagues Below 0:36-0:45. Harpsichord arpeggio from ATLB 0:19-0:36.

    Verse 2 1:03-1:20
    As in verse 1, with additional countermelody modified from ATLB at 0:19-0:36.

    Chorus 2 1:20-1:36
    The same as Chorus 2, except the harpsichord arpeggio is now from ATLB 0:36-0:55.

    Bridge & solo 1:36-2:43
    The melody and chord progression from LDM 1:18-1:51. 1:34-1:51 repeated twice. 2:27-2:43 uses the organ riff from intro to host the tail end of the solo (ATLB 0:55-1:14).

    Extended 12" mix drum break & disco stuff 2:44-4:07

    Not overtly source-y jamming up to 3:17. The bass fills are loosely source-based (for example 2:50-2:52 & 2:58-3:00 bass was at least at some point based on the bass fill from ATLB at 0:34-0:35) but I wouldn't bother say stopwatching this part. Oh, the harpsichord at 3:02-3:04, 3:06-3:09 3:10-3:12, 3:14-3:16 is from ATLB 0:21-0:24/0:26-0:28/0:31-0:33.

    3:17-3:33 is of course the intro (0:00-0:19) from ATLB. The last "hear the beat, do what you're told" uses the melody of that phrase from the chorus of LDM.

    3:33-3:50 is ATLB 0:36-0:55, with bits of the vocal melody from LDM.

    3:50-4:07 neatly continues with the intro riff, from ATLB 0:55-1:14.

    Verse 1 repeat 4:07-4:24

    With the countermelody from ATLB 0:19-0:36 again.

    Chorus 3 & outro 4:24-4:54

    Sticking to a single bass note for a while here, always works well. Same usage as the previous choruses, though I guess the final 4:38-4:54 is not that source-based.


    hear the drum beating through the night
    calling everyone to arrive
    here they crawl out from underground
    emptiness in their eyes

    and you listen to the puppet master
    hear the beat! do what you're told!
    and the rhythm is too much to keep under control

    listen to the puppet master
    hear the beat! do what you're told!
    they all follow emptiness in their eyes

    don't you think that you have a chance
    their corrupted bodies advance
    with strange passion they do a dance
    emptiness in their eyes

    and you listen to the puppet master..

    you're invited too
    it looks so cool
    and you'd like to just go home but there's no time
    so you put up some resistance
    the only one to keep the distance
    that's the price you pay for staying alive

    ha ha ha ha staying alive, staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive, staying alive
    ha ha ha ha staying alive

    hear the beat
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told

    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told

    hear the beat, do what you're told
    hear the beat, do what you're told
    you're invited too, do what you're told

    do what you're told
    do what you're told

    don't you think that you have a chance..

    and you listen to the puppet master..

    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    their eyes
    the-e-e-eir eyes


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