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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. No drama necessary... @Meteo Xavier, the website is usually one of the last assets to finalize, and doesn't take that long ASSUMING all the other assets - music, copy, and especially art - exist. We've got a pretty functional & flexible template that I've gotten pretty good at populating & personalizing so that it doesn't feel particularly cookie-cutter, but there would have been no point in attempting to implement that template prior to the other assets being final or VERY close to final.

    Examples of the same template, customized for different projects:

    If you can send me (admin@ocremix.org) what you got, along with all the art, I can 110% take this over, I will *of course* run the final version by project management (as I always do), and it should theoretically be a weight off your shoulders and one less thing to worry about.

    SOMETIMES during the course of site development a need for additional artwork might arise, and that's the worst case scenario in terms of (usually minor) delays, so the sooner the better :)

    Sound good?

    I apologize if this suggestion is coming later than you would have liked, but I still feel like it will be the most expedient option and the option that will lead to a website that best reflects the quality of the music - from what I've heard, sounds fantastic.

  2. Well, last I recall, they were more or less okay with it being resuscitated under a new name, new management, etc. but retaining whichever artists were still on board and whichever tracks still made sense.

    So it's a weird purgatory state until we can turn our attentions to it... it needs a hands-on director & a lot of re-organization & re-conceptualization, and right now everybody has something else going on, so we're still planning on circling back...

  3. 41 minutes ago, Meteo Xavier said:

    Alright, everyone can shut up now, I'm got a start on the website and it's looking pretty good so far. It's a theme in Wordpress that's really nice looking - modern but not too flashy or complicated. Keiiii's artwork is really gelling well here.

    I'll post it at a later date. Does anyone know what sort of URL do I need to assign to it?

    Generally speaking, I can handle the website. We've been using a nice single-page, responsive template, no need to overthink it. If you want to take a swipe at the design, that's cool, but tbh we've consistently had to step in & clean things up a bit, so I've just started assuming I'll be covering it.

    You could literally steal the HTML/CSS from the last 3-4 album sites - Super Cartography Bros., for instance - and edit that. The more important things are finalizing all track names, artist credits, putting together director comments and artist comments for flood mixes, picking flood mixes, etc., i.e. literally everything else that will go ON the website (the content), but not the layout/design.

    The sooner you can get me final art assets, the better.


  4. @Wiesty Very psyched, of course. I haven't been chiming in lately because my second daughter is going to be born like, tomorrow, and things have been pretty crazy.

    Please make sure we discuss logistics & schedule before any release date is announced.

    And if we've got some sort of short trailer, or just a quick audio demo we can play, for the upcoming MAGFest panel.... let's do it :)

  5. On 1/28/2016 at 5:13 PM, djpretzel said:

    @MindWanderer Confirmed as an actual bug in IPS 4.1.7.

    They've released a patch, but they've also announced it'll be fixed in 4.1.8, so I think I might just wait to get the official fix as part of that upgrade, which should drop in a couple weeks.

    Well, we've upgraded to 4.1.8, and the issue *appears* to be resolved. @MindWanderer, please let me know if you see it happen again!

  6. 38 minutes ago, MindWanderer said:

    Just noticed another change: There's no volume control anymore.  Just mute/unmute.  I use that volume control a lot, since there's no consistent mastering in YouTube.

    From #ocremix today:


    [11:34] <@DarkeSword> oh its using html5 player now!!
    [11:34] <@DarkeSword> :D
    [11:37] * noodleb (~noodle@ip72-219-175-19.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #ocremix
    [11:38] <@djpretzel> indeed
    [11:38] <@djpretzel> one downside is that, at this smaller resolution, the html5 player switches the volume slider into a straight mute/unmute, so you can't adjust volume
    [11:38] <@djpretzel> volume slider seems to enable itself at 450px+ width


    [12:36] <NativeJovian> If you really want to mess with the volume, you can go full screen, adjust it, and then leave full screen
    [12:38] <NativeJovian> Having two different sets of player controls (the youtube-embedded ones and the permanent ones below the video) is a bit weird, but doesn't seem to cause any weird behavior that I can see
    [12:40] * noodleb (~noodle@ip72-219-175-19.oc.oc.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
    [12:41] * WillRock (~WillRock@host81-140-248-10.range81-140.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: WillRock)
    [12:47] <@djpretzel> NJ - well, unfortunately, mobile safari doesn't honor the extra controls :(
    [12:48] <@djpretzel> well, for play, specifically
    [12:48] <@djpretzel> the extra controls are there for future functionality, really
    [12:48] * +sixto (~Tadakichi@97-93-254-80.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
    [12:51] <NativeJovian> Makes since.
    [12:51] <NativeJovian> I wonder if you could stick a volume slider down there to fix the resolution issue?
    [12:51] * sixto (~Tadakichi@97-93-254-80.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) has joined #ocremix
    [12:51] * PositronBolt sets mode: +v sixto
    [12:52] <@djpretzel> player.setVolume(volume:Number):Void
    [12:52] <@djpretzel>     Sets the volume. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100.
    [12:52] <@djpretzel> api supports
    [12:52] <@djpretzel> so possible
    [12:52] <@djpretzel> but real solution I think is to redesign the page where the main graphic is the game and then when you click play the game image slides away and the youtube slides in, bigger
    [12:53] <@djpretzel> something like that
    [12:54] <@djpretzel> https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference?hl=en

    TL:DR; version - it'll be fixed, one way or another, but not for a little bit... gimme a couple weeks.

  7. 21 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

    The "see who voted for this" poll feature doesn't work.  It seems to load for half a second, then just collapses.  Tried a couple of browsers.

    @MindWanderer Confirmed as an actual bug in IPS 4.1.7.

    They've released a patch, but they've also announced it'll be fixed in 4.1.8, so I think I might just wait to get the official fix as part of that upgrade, which should drop in a couple weeks.

  8. 10 hours ago, dronebone said:

     I guess I just don't understand the mindset of "it's not up to my standards, but given the chance I wouldn't improve it".

    Music isn't always about refining things to sonic perfection.... see The Velvet Underground.... or the entire genre of punk, for that matter :)

    Sometimes it's more "of the moment"... as was the case here, imo.

    I think certain types of arrangements just tend not to even HAPPEN at all when everyone involved is thinking about pristine perfection or whether adding/removing a given element will make a song more appealing to a wider audience... it's not about saying you couldn't have made improvements at the time if you knew then what you know now, if I'm getting @Geoffrey Taucer right... it's more about some of those types of tweaks & that type of finesse ruining the vibe that birthed the arrangement in the first place.

  9. @Neblix My bad, I associate them more with that specific instrument... even so, isn't each library modeled solo, so you'd have to handle all the elements of voicing a section manually? One of the nice things Session Horns does is offer preset section variations... not as dynamic a sound, which is key for REALLY convincing & difficult parts, but it makes getting a certain sound considerably easier...

  10. Just an FYI, there's Session Horns & Session Horns "Pro" - the first I think is included with Komplete whereas the second is an upgrade?

    Anyhow, they're both good, and better than Vir2 Mojo Horns, imo. There's also Project SAM "Swing!" which is fun and has some other sounds as well, but for straight up jazz/pop horns, I feel like Session Horns / Pro are probably the best option.

    Samplemodeling Trumpet is great but doesn't really get you a section...

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