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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Suffers from repetition, but has some good energy. - djp

    • top gear (snes)
    • top gear - las vegas (tsr remix)
    • las vegas
    • barry leitch, hiroyuki masuno
    • http://ocremix.org/game/144/top-gear-snes
    • When we work on set, we usually hum this song during rigging of lights. So now finally a remix is here to maybe listen to instead of terrible humming.
    mp3 is attached

    Over´n out!

  2. Plenty of issues as pertains to both sound quality & production; I don't think this will pass, and am voting NO myself, but if we could get some additional feedback critique for Markus, that'd be cool. - djp



    I would like to submit my remix of Gerudo Valley for evaluation.
    Link of the MP3 file (Dancing in the Valley.mp3):
    Contact Information
    ReMixer name: mIQs
    userid: 32910
    Submission Information
    Name of game arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo, 1998, N64)
    Name of arrangement: Dancing in the Valley
    Name of individual song(s) arranged: Gerudo Valley
    composer: Koji Kondo
    Navi - Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi
    Comments about the mix:
    I discussed some musical issues with my son. He let me know, that his favorite song is Gerudo Valley from Zelda - and he really likes the remixes. So, we immediately started to search for remixes of this song ... and - as you can imagine - we found tons of it.
    I love the melody of this song - and wanted to create something like a hybrid version. With a dance rhythm, synthesizer sounds and also with a small orchestral touch.
    This final version has a rich instrumentation but we both like the whole track - especially the intro and the outro.
    I also included Navi's one-liner "hey, listen" (it fits perfectly at that position).
    Looking forward for your decision.
    Best Regards,
  3. Starts off strongish, then gets a little meh... deserves some feedback, I feel like there are some cool ideas here. - djp

    • Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy 7
    • Name of arrangement: Chasing the Masamune
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Chasing the Black-Caped Man
    • Link to the original soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti_iazvRLD4 
    • I loved the mysteriousness of the original track, so I wanted to keep that same ominous feeling while playing around with the beat and the atmosphere. 
  4. Good, plucky stuff BUT structurally a little conservative... probably not a deal-breaker relative to the production/instrumentation changes... -djp

    1) Remixer Name- Yoshiblade


    2) D L


    Forum ID) 52832


    1) Game Being Arranged- Earthbound

    2) Name Of Arrangement- Thank You, Mr. Iwata 

    3) Name Of Arranged Song-  Boy Meets Girl

    4) Original Composer- Hirokazu Tanaka


    I wrote this for the Satoru Iwata album, but Earthbound was taken. I feel like Earthbound and Mr. Iwata are closely linked above all his other games. So I guess this is the next step. Thank You for the listen! 




    Original- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHxPpm00OqM



  5. Was tempted to DP, but thought some feedback would be in order. Sounds pretty hot to me.







    1) Remixer Name- Yoshiblade


    2) D L


    Forum ID) 52832


    1) Game Being Arranged- Pilot wings 64

    2) Name Of Arrangement- Hang in There

    3) Name Of Arranged Song- Hang-glider 

    4) Original Composer- Dan Hess


    KingTiger (truly he is the king of the tigers) helped me mix this for a round of RWS...not much else to say. I usually write more, but a string of out right nays have me down. Thank You for the listen everyone...I was going to call this "16-Bits High", but I just now realized the original title was "Hang in There" so I'll go with that

    ...hmm now it seems kind of poignant.....





    Original- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Pga-y7F8k


    RWS round- http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/RWS0306


  6. On 1/19/2016 at 7:05 PM, Polo said:

    On the system pages for the TurboGrafx-16 and TurboGrafx-CD, the GameFAQs reference links are broken. Here's an update for the former and latter respectively.

    Also, why is Akumajo Dracula X: Rondo of Blood half in English and half in Japanese title-wise? Why not Devil's Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood or Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo?

    @Polo Actually it was MOST of the system references to gamefaqs - they changed their link structure for systems - and we were missing some as well. THAT should be fixed.

    On 3/18/2016 at 11:20 PM, Polo said:

    On the "forums" dropdown menu, the "Social Networking & RSS" icons are gone when browsing the actual forums (whether the Forums Home or any individual thread), although they appear everywhere else, like the front page, ReMix writeups, and lists of systems/albums/organizations/etc.

    Should be fixed now; might require clearing cache.

  7. The wait is finally over!

    Now that Q4 2011 is finally here, it's time for volume 2 of Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors... Water!


    We've left no puddle unsplashed, with 10 great pieces painstakingly and wetly arranging classic FF5 themes from "The Prelude" to "Song of Storms"!


    I'm sorry for the delay, but I had a pretty lengthy case of writer's block for my track.

    However, thanks to djpretzel, the vision for that piece has been even better realized, and we're now able to release Water and move forward to working on volume 3! If we could have gotten a liiiiittle bit more Patreon funding, we could have afforded lossless encoding for ALL of the tracks. Sorry, brah. Maybe next time

    - DarkeSword


  8. 16 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

    The calendar events seem to have dropped off the front page.  At least, the CCoI voting events did--not sure if that's because they've already started and are ongoing now, or because they're in the competitions calendar, or what.  But previously they showed during the event.

    @MindWanderer I'm not sure if it's because they already started or not, BUT there's definitely a fix slated for 4.1.10 that seems relevant:


    The "Upcoming Events" widget in Calendar may not show all events.

    So it's possible this is a known bug that will be fixed in the next release.

  9. 22 minutes ago, timaeus222 said:

    I find that they both are just as useful, but in terms of perception, "This year" doesn't grab me as much as "This month". :P So, I might find it more practical to merge it so that it's:

    • "Today"
    • "Yesterday"
    • "This week"
    • "This month"
    • YYYY-MM-DD (if some X number of months ago where maybe, X > 1?)

    I like this except that I feel the full date display just seems like overkill...

    For the purposes of collaborating with someone & assessing their availability, I feel like:

    • "Today"
    • "Yesterday"
    • "This Week"
    • "This Month"
    • "Last Month"
    • "Mon YYYY" (e.g. "Dec. 2015")

    Should do it...the specific day seems superfluous, outside of it being within the first three ranges... make sense?

  10. Here's an idea for potential improvement:

    • For "visited" instead of just the date, it could be as follows:
      • "Today"
      • "Yesterday"
      • "This week"
      • "This month"
      • "This year"
      • And then after that, just list the four digit year?
    • In other words, is a relative measurement in this case more useful than a straight up YYYY-MM-DD date?
    • Could also do:
      • "Today"
      • "1dy ago" - "6dy ago"
      • "1wk ago" - "3 wk ago"
      • "1mo ago" - "11mo ago"
      • "1yr ago" - "Xyr ago"
  11. On 3/18/2016 at 11:20 PM, Polo said:

    On the "forums" dropdown menu, the "Social Networking & RSS" icons are gone when browsing the actual forums (whether the Forums Home or any individual thread), although they appear everywhere else, like the front page, ReMix writeups, and lists of systems/albums/organizations/etc.

    Because IPS4 uses separate CSS. I'll fix this very soon, but in the meantime I've been working on:


  12. Thanks to feedback from @Daniel Caton (thanks) & OCR staff, we've made some substantial improvements to the workshop skills pages, e.g.:

    Changes are as follows:

    1. Switched to bootstrap tables
    2. Switched to font-awesome icons
    3. "join date" is now "joined" and is just the year
    4. "last visited" is now "visited"
    5. "real name" moved under user name
    6. user name larger
    7. "real name" column replaced with "skills / tools" column, including DAW & instrumental
    8. Secondary sort added on visited (sorts by collab status first, then visited date, DESC)
    9. Made additional instrument links clickable
    10. Made DAW links clickable icons

    The last four items are bold since I think they represent the biggest improvement - now, when looking at members who have specified one skill, you can see the other skills they have specified as well, and you can click on those skills to jump around a bit. Plus fancypants DAW icons. And the sorting based on last visited (most recent first) gives you a good idea of who's more likely to be around/available.

    Feedback appreciated, although this was kind of a "burst" of energy for these specific pages, knowing full well I might not get back to updating them for awhile given more pressing concerns :)


  13. 20 minutes ago, Skrypnyk said:

    Is there a way to design the page to show three or four of the main tags, and then have a link that'll show/hide the rest?  It seems redundant to me to list the same type of tag multiple times (i.e. electronic + synth, or strings + cello) but I understand the reason for wanting as many terms for a mix you can give it.

    This certainly isn't the final layout, this is just initial exposure to the data. While the data is under review, it kinda helps to have it all easily viewable, even if certain terms overlap.

    Eventually, we want to prioritize & colorize the genre terms first, and then probably mood... there are usually only 2-3 each, of those... and then instrumentation & additional tags would probably be revealed with a "more" button, yes...

  14. On 2/29/2016 at 5:29 PM, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    If it were just the simple guitars, I wouldn't be so sold, but I believe that Soken knowingly copied the verses of a platinum-selling song. Same key, same riff, same vocal approach, same drums, etc. Let me guess, Robert Cop was a mistake too?



    ROBERT COP is NEVER a mistake.

    Also I love that No. 5 from Short Circuit made the cut for that one; felt very inclusive.

    To me, these two tracks do sound as problematically similar as the original Metal Gear Solid theme did relative to Sviridov's "The Winter Road"... more production similarity than compositional in this case, but enough of both...



    There I fixed it.

    Seriously though, working within some basic & flexible artistic boundaries is what brought us some of the best art the world has ever known... including a massive swath of the most iconic VGM ever written. To complain about the limitations of (comparatively) flexible guidelines such as our own when arranging music that was itself composed with (comparatively) far more specific/restrictive technical boundaries seems... odd.

    And by "odd" I mean "OMG WTF"...

    But I wouldn't use those tactless words, because I represent the site in an official capacity...

  16. 49 minutes ago, DarkeSword said:

    Source is an option only admins have. We'll have a conversation about editing options next staff meeting, see what we can figure out.

    Unfortunately this option is intended for admins for a reason, and enabling it for all members would be unwise. IPS4 is more-or-less a WYSIWYG scenario, at least for the time being. The platform has been rapidly evolving; once it stabilizes and we begin to use it a bit more, it's possible a mod/add-on/plugin might make granting this type of editing to all users possible, but at the moment things are moving too quickly to pursue something like that, relative to our other goals, especially given the risks, some of which involve security.

  17. 2 hours ago, The Joker said:

    I love the trailer, but... "the final Volume of the BadAss trilogy?" 

     Hopefully someone will beat this Undead nightMare into more volumes!

    Overheard in super-secret OCR staff chat:


    Today at 2:10 PM
    yeah I secretly hope it's not the last; series has been great, concept could keep going... but trilogies are certainly tidy stopping points


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