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    djpretzel reacted to IanFitC in OCRA-0051 - Final Fantasy II: Rebellion   
    It's finally here! Words cannot express
  2. Like
    djpretzel reacted to noTuX in OCR03152 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Icebreaker"   
    Look at halc with that nice flow!!!  And that's a real nasty beat Jewbei.
    Good work guys.
  3. Like
    djpretzel reacted to paxl13 in OCRA-0051 - Final Fantasy II: Rebellion   
    Good Lord, 
    Current in my second play through and honestly this is absolutely AWESOME. Thank you so much to everyone for this masterpiece!!! 
  4. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Chernabogue in OCR03151 - Final Fantasy II "Rebellion"   
    So yeah, I'm for hire if you need (backing) vocals.
  5. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03149 - Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls "the final WON"   
    This is a true Jordanius mix - a lot of crazy shit is going on. And I love this!
  6. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in OC ReMix presents Final Fantasy II: Rebellion!   
    OC ReMix Presents Final Fantasy II: Rebellion!

    June 8, 2015
    Contact: press@ocremix.org

    FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 51st arrangement album, Final Fantasy II: Rebellion. The album pays tribute to Final Fantasy II, released by Square in 1988 for the Nintendo Famicom (a.k.a. the Nintendo Entertainment System). Featuring twenty-one tracks from eighteen artists, Rebellion represents the fourth directorial endeavor of OC ReMix's most frequent contributor Brandon Strader, and is available for free download at http://rebellion.ocremix.org.

    Like Random Encounter before it, Rebellion includes a diverse roster of musicians honoring composer Nobuo Uematsu's influential work by arranging it in a number of styles, including piano, folk, funk, breakbeat, and jazz with a strong focus on guitar and heavy metal. Rebellion was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Square Enix; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

    "A great album is the sum of its parts as much as any social movement or revolution is the culmination of efforts from brave individuals. I'm eternally grateful to the artists -- without your hard work and sacrifice, this album would not have been possible," said director Brandon Strader. "To the fans -- I hope that listening to this album fills you with as much joy as it has given me these past several years. Thank you for the rebellion, and may our random encounter continue to bring us liberation."

    About OverClocked ReMix

    Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.

    Preview it: http://youtu.be/JMy-icaL6RQ Download it: http://rebellion.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_II_-_Rebellion.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/41181-
  7. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy II: Rebellion - History   
    I'll either be sleeping when it launches or at work (like I am now!) but I'm super excited for the launch too. It took so much dedication from so many people to get this album done (some people worked on their songs for months, or even over a year, of actual working, not just sitting on it and coming back to it later) and I think it shows. So lucky to have been involved with so many talented people.. enjoy the album tomorrow folks 
  8. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Anorax in I want to build you a computer   
    Got my new machine from Brad Saturday morning, and it wouldn't boot. Called him today and after an hour or so, we figured out that the RAM had become unseated and caused all sorts of mayhem when it attempted to boot.  Now it's up and running and working like a charm! Thanks Brad!
  9. Like
    djpretzel reacted to JJT in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    Great film!
    Great thread!
  10. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03015 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Saria's Drop'   
    Holy crap, I can't belive I missed this track! It's plain awesome! The section 0:45 - 1:14 sounds a bit muddy for me, but this approach still works very well. It's probably the most cheerful dubstep I've ever heard and it's also one of the most hard-hitting electronica tracks on OCR. Let me say this once again: IT'S DAMN AWESOME! The creative usage of in-game SFX is great as well, especially the butchered "Hey, listen!" vocal clip. And the drums here are fantastic too! This is certainly a sick debut. I hope GlacialSpoon will submit more stuff
  11. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy II: Rebellion - History   
    A just-published review of the album!
    It doesn't give too much away.
  12. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Necrox in Final Fantasy II: Rebellion - History   
  13. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Esperado in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    The fact that this movie has people so fired up in so many directions says it's a good movie in my opinion. Whether intentional or not, the movie has people thinking deeper into things, which is unusual for an action flick.
    Also does anyone know the backstory of the facial chroming ?
  14. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Hayeser in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    In fairness to Bleck, there's been a conversational vein of "OMFG WHY CAN'T I JUST ENJOY DA MOVIE!?!?!?!"
    You can. No one has said you can't, or even that you shouldn't.
    I certainly enjoyed it. Twice. I personally didn't find my enjoyment dampened by taking a minute or two to think about what I saw...
    It's a discussion topic. For discussion, see... If you want to argue that the symbolism & themes aren't there, or that they are being misinterpreted, go for it. If you want to make a blanket statement that no films should ever be analyzed, ever, you can do that as well.
    However, it's a little obnoxious to be all frustrated & exasperated and act borderline persecuted just because someone else disagrees and/or actually wants to discuss the film. On a discussion thread. For the film. Eh? If not here, where?
    Or was this supposed to just be a ROCKS! vs. SUCKS! poll of single-sentence superlatives?
  15. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Hayeser in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    I wouldn't have seen it again or raved about it myself if I felt like it was blunt, didactic, and/or overbearing thematically. With the exception of the bag of seeds and maybe a couple other moments/lines adding up to MAYBE a full minute of material, I think it was handled very well. I nevertheless do think the themes were quite explicitly there; they were just easy to look past (or at least not dwell upon at length) given the frenetic pacing & amazing action.
    ...yeah, but that short conversation is the one that involved the bag of seeds. And she explains - "back then, everyone had their fill" (or something like that) - back then, you didn't HAVE to kill people. That was before (drumroll) ...the world was killed. By men.
    "Who killed the world?" is rather explicitly painted on the walls of the breeder place when Joe barges in and discovers them missing, and is again recited as a line of dialog. I'm fairly sure the answer is: men. Also on the walls: "Our babies will not be warlords" - I think you're conflating slavery in the abstract with the very specific form of reproductive slavery - to me, a stand-in for reproductive rights in general - that's actually playing out. Give it some thought.
    I think the "green place," and the bag of seeds, and the many mothers, and the emphasis on reproductive rights, and the "Who killed the world?" refrain, and the depiction of men as (almost unilaterally) unreasonable and selfish religious nuts, and the depiction of women as (almost unilaterally) reasonable and compassionate individuals uniquely capable of seeing past Joe's BS and having emotions and what not adds up to something a bit more than just "bad guys vs. good guys," as you've laid it out. I don't think it's a stretch - I think it's rather explicit, actually - but like I said, I also think it's handled really well, offers a refreshing change of pace for this genre, and makes it all feel a bit new (in addition to the stylized, fantastic directing) without really proselytizing.
  16. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Bleck in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    movie of the year I loved it oh my god
    also this isn't a feminist movie because "it stars a woman", it's feminist because it's literally, transparently, about smashing the patriarchy
  17. Like
    djpretzel reacted to MindWanderer in Deleted posts on mixpost page   
    Maybe it's a temporary caching thing, but it looks like deleted posts in "Remix Comments/Reviews" show up in the remix comment summary section.  See http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03139and http://ocremix.org/community/topic/41084-ocr03139-doom-helljam/ , with timaeus222's experiment in getting ampersands to appear (was post #3).
  18. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Brandon Strader in OCR03140 - Final Fantasy II "Culminating Domination"   
    Saw these guys live! TWICE! They've come a long way and will continue to get better and better Knight of the Round had a good spot on FF1 album; it is great that they're here as an opening act to the Rebellion. 
    This song is great and brings the crunchy guitars we love from KotR but also a cool clean guitar section at 2:29 that breathes life into the atmosphere at 2:51... reminds me a lot of Meshuggah, which is a good thing. Very Catch-33 vibe from that part.  
  19. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Clem in OCR03139 - Doom "Helljam"   
    fair point duud. it's not really dnb. straight up helljam
  20. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Hayeser in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    Right... but it's a cult. Cults often expend resources, even when resources are scarce, in the course of ritual & to heighten the "experience" - I suppose it might even add legitimacy to seemingly-superfluous things (like flamethrowing guitarists) that they are intentionally done with the knowledge that scarce resources will be consumed in the process. If there's no cost to the pomp & circumstance, it might seem hollow?
    If you watch movies looking for anything that might be anachronistic or implausible, I personally think you should focus on the bigger-ticket stuff that's integral to the plot. In this case, I think I've provided an adequate potential explanation that jives with anthropological understandings of cults... instead of a human sacrifice, it's like a gasoline sacrifice... an ostentatious showing of power meant to intimidate partly because of the resources it consumes. You also see this type of display in nature, usually as part of sexual selection...
    And on that note, I do think the guitar (especially in light of its pyrotechnic ejaculations AND eventual fate) is a pretty transparent phallic symbol...
    So the guitar is a wang that shoots fire... a wasteful, insane, indulgent display of masculinity and blind rage. I don't think that's a stretch, given the emphasis on what happens to it (one of the 3D effects, too!) in the end...
    I'd love to get into a lengthy discussion about the ways the film could be interpreted as "feminist" - I put the word in quotes only because, along with "feminism", it tends to get interpreted at least two different ways. Anyone have thoughts on that topic?
  21. Like
    djpretzel reacted to lazygecko in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    You need to go see this movie if you haven't already. Was a big fan of Road Warrior for most of my life, and I had been anticipating a new Mad Max for about as long as the internet rumors were circulating. Still, I went into this mostly blind without obsessing over pre-release media and production info/rumors as hyped movie fans tend to do these days. All I wanted was more Mad Max with post-apoc car chases and that would have been totally fine. What I got was way beyond anything I could have imagined. Everything was cranked to 11 with wacky ridiculousness yet somehow still manages to make sense within the world. The action and cinematogrophy puts modern CGI- and shakycam-laden filmmaking practices to shame. I shed tears while watching just because it was so damn good. It grabbed me in a way that no other spectacle-driven movie of this century has done. Whether that be action, superheroes, sci fi or epic fantasy.
    Go see it just for this guy if nothing else:

  22. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from avaris in Studio One 3 - My new main DAW   
    Now that I've not only seen what S1V3 offers but actually gone ahead and upgraded, I can finally say that I'm ditching Cubase and going all-in.
    PreSonus know what they're doing, they've made some amazing changes, added new features, and (most importantly) maintained the approachability and stability and workflow this DAW is known (and loved) for.

    I'm super-psyched and I'm just sharing the news here in case someone else is looking to switch, or looking for their first DAW.
    I'm now something of an S1 evangelist/fanboy, and while I still respect & love 'em all, S1 is my new best friend, and I look forward to a long relationship with it.
  23. Like
    djpretzel reacted to avaris in Studio One 3 - My new main DAW   
    Haven't used FL in awhile.  Used FL for prob 3-4 years in the past.  Used S1 for over 2 1/2 years now.  There is no advantage Live or Bitwig have when it comes to features that make it easier to make repeat pattern music.  S1 has the features to work fast in repeat pattern music the features just come in different flavors.  Now if you are performing live that is a different story.


    IMO S1's piano roll strengths:


    1. Ghost notes and ability to edit/view any channels you want on the fly.  S1 does this better than anyone else.  


    2. Custom Macros.  Haven't gotten into this yet.  But there is some pretty cool stuff.


    3. Basic editing and selecting can be about 90% the same.  In the piano sroll elect the Pencil as your default tool.  Then hold Command on a Mac (option on Windows?) to switch to the pointer tool.  


    4. Groove quantize.  Easily rip grooves from any source and apply them at will.


    5. Lock piano roll to specific scale.  This is really nice when working in a specific scale.  You do not have to worry about entering in the wrong note and just get on with music making.


    6. Duplicate Shared (shift D)  Duplicate clips that share the same information.  Open any of these clips and make your edits.  These edits will then automatically be made across all of the duplicate shared clips.  This is similar to FL's old block style patterns and an essential tool for repeat pattern music.

  24. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Nabeel Ansari in Studio One 3 - My new main DAW   
    I don't know, man, watching people struggle to use their own DAW is not a good indicator of how the DAW works best.
    I find Studio One's MIDI editing superior to FL's in almost every way. MIDI automation and such is much easier, since it's natively supported and doesn't require you to constantly search for parameters and create new clips. The only way it isn't is that the piano roll still has separate tools for pencil and erase; however, you can rebind these however you want (especially with the Nostromo I gave you), and just like FL, you can hold control for select. While you can't get it to behave exactly like FL... I use both DAW interchangeably and don't have an issue adjusting. Getting used to the different mouse tools is the basic entry challenge to any DAW really; but for what it's worth, as a long time FL user, I got used to it pretty quickly.
    The piano roll started working for me a lot more because ghost notes aren't bound to isolated patterns, they're bound to all tracks in the song. Furthermore, you can select on the side the tracks to view and edit in the piano roll. That means I can edit my violins while viewing my violas, cellos, and double bass. Or if I want, enable them all for simultaneous editing. Or turn everything off and view a part in isolation (which is the default if you go to edit a MIDI clip). Or turn on the whole orchestra for simultaneous editing, or view the whole orchestra as ghost notes while editing all the strings simultaneously, etc. It's just like composing using different note colors in FL, except it's all managed for you and everything is still stored in separate tracks.
    This offers the power to bring the entire song into one piano roll while still leaving everything separately organized in tracks in the arrangement view, something I think FL should take notes on.
    I mean, I can't promise you that you'll love it the minute you load it up, but if you give it some time, I think you'd appreciate how down to earth it is compared to other DAW's. (The same way FL is)
    The mixer is also a standard DAW mixer, so FL still wins in that department. For electronic stuff, I'm not sure it would cut it for you and your fancy processing methods. I'd recommend Live, maybe, or Bitwig. Also, Studio One 32bit can only load 32bit plugins, and 64bit can only load 64bit plugins. That's probably a dealbreaker for you.
  25. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in OCR03136 - *YES* Zool 'Ninja-Godteri'   
    Just linking this information on the CU Amiga magazine coverdisk release of the game where the source is used, verifying that it's a piece of music composed for the game, even though it did not get used in the final commercial version:
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