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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Oh hell yeah. I'm definitely feeling the Morse influences here and that vocoder is sooooo sick. So funky and so fresh. Nice job!!
  2. In anticipation of the release of Temporal Duality, and to further promote the album and reach a broader audience, Funk Fiction is currently streaming his track on his SoundCloud page. Check it out! This will be our final preview/teaser prior the full album release, which will hopefully be happening soon!
  3. Amazing album all around! There isn't a track I didn't incredibly enjoy. For the diversity of games and artists, the album also sounded incredibly cohesive, at least to me. A lot of the mixes have that 'official arrange' album sort of vibe to them too. I love it. A fitting tribute to the Blue Bomber!!
  4. Thanks for the response Dave, I appreciate it. I was legitimately just curious how such a licensing agreement was going to work, so my apologies, there was no sinister intent behind my question. I am really excited and happy that OCR has taken this next step. I think unique licensing partnerships, such as this one, can only help promote OCR even more and (hopefully) result in more people hearing this awesome music and appreciating video game music arrangements. To me, this feels no different than when a publisher would hire their own musicians to create an official 'arrangement' album. Back on the real topic though: this album is seriously so good. You guys really went all out here. Great job, and congrats again!
  5. I have a question on how proceeds from album sales are distributed. I assume it's split amongst Capcom, OCR, and the contributing artists, correct? If so, can you share the details? I'm just curious how much of my money is directly supporting OCR and the artists themselves. Regardless, I'm buying the album. I just listened to the full soundcloud preview during work. Amazing stuff guys, congrats!
  6. Yeah, I enjoyed this album a lot. Great work guys! I wasn't familiar with the game or music myself, but that did not hinder my ability to enjoy this good music. I agree that a nice short album is sometimes preferable because it's a lot easier to digest. Plus there have been so many albums coming out on OCR recently that it's been tough to keep up with them all. I thought this album had a good flow and each track was interesting. I liked the various genres that were represented here too: each track brought something fresh to the album. Nice work!
  7. Yeah it really is, thanks! I'm incredibly proud of everyone on this project. Each and every artist brought their A-game and was truly dedicated to making this album amazing. I really think you guys are going to enjoy what we have in store for you! I've added the cover art, created by TheSmai, to the first post along with the tentative tracklist for anyone who is interested!
  8. Awwww yeah 1st place! It was a hard fought battle to the end with The Handsome Devils. Great job to everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the music every week and creating my own. There was a lot of really cool stuff that came out of this compo!
  9. Another quick update: I've cleaned up the first post a lot and I've updated the mixes to reflect the tentative tracklist that was submitted for evaluation! You may notice some new info there!
  10. Quick update for everyone - the project is in the evaluation stages now. I'll post more updates as they become available! I'll also update the tracklist soon to reflect the tentative order!
  11. Hey everybody! I just got back in the country yesterday and listened to the final round mixes. Great job everyone, I really enjoyed them! I had a blast with this competition too, I'm happy with the songs I came up with and the stuff I learned along the way. Thanks for listening!
  12. Yeah, happy birthday man!!! The future is lookin' bright
  13. Yeah, my specific comments are already up in the mixpost, but I cannot stress enough how proud I am of everyone who worked on this track and how humbled I am to have been a part of it. This was truly a great experience working with these guys, plus it was tons of fun! Also BIG thanks to Dave, Larry, Stevo, and the whole OCR gang for making this timed-release possible to celebrate 20 years of Sonic CD! You guys are great! And if you liked what you heard here, I can safely say you'll be hearing MUCH more from 'OverClocked Assembled' here in the future too. There's definitely more where this came from Along those same lines, this track is just a taste of all the awesome Sonic CD goodness that we have in store for you on Temporal Duality. It's been an amazing experience working on and directing this project. Each and every artist involved has been so passionate and brought their A-game for the project. I can't wait for everyone to hear the whole release!
  14. Oh hey everybody, look what we have here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02747/ This is just a taste of what's in store! Enjoy!
  15. Cool, glad you liked the song soooo much! It was definitely the fastest song I've ever made. Gario created the leads at 0:51 - 1:15, 1:42 - 2:06, and 2:30 - 2:49. I did all the other instrumentation and arrangement. His leads made the song though, in my opinion. I actually had the easiest time working with Duo's theme, hah, it seemed to fit everywhere! The Wily sections were the trouble spots for me.Hey Darke, can you update the scoreboard soon pleeeeeeease? I'm very curious to see where all the teams are at going in to this final round!!! Thanks!
  16. Siiiiiighhhh........ I just submitted my track. This has been one ridiculously crazy and crappy week Work was ridiculous, I got sick mid-week and then to top it all off I woke up Saturday morning to find my car broken into. The window was smashed in and someone tried (unsuccessfully) to jack my in-dash radio/gps unit. Nothing was actually stolen, but all my dashboard shit is messed up. So yeah, considering I spent about 6 hours on this mix Friday and another 2 today, I'm surprised this even got done. Big, HUGE thanks to Gario who helped me out immensely with this track by writing some awesome lead parts and giving some feedback. The track is still pretty rough and I didn't get to do nearly as much as I wanted to, but it wouldn't have turned out anything like it is without his help. So thanks!!
  17. So work has been craaaaaaaaaazy busy, I got sick mid-week, and I have prior commitments all weekend, so I am attempting to start and FINISH my track today. We shall see how this works out
  18. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm yeeeeeeeeeeeeah. This remix is Doin' it Right. Seriously nice job, really tight. I liked that transition at 1:50 a lot and the interlude bit around 3:30. Nice buildup back to 4:00 too. Awesome job sir!
  19. Oh man, I would've loved to contribute to something like this. Gotta up my game . I'm really looking forward to hearing this upon release! Congrats!
  20. Yeah, I could definitely see something like this working out down the road without it feeling 'redundant' or 'unnecessary'. Especially as a short EP like you've outlined, with a very specific focus: EDM vocal tracks. Not to mention Sonic CD will be out soon and there will likely be a big gap between any other Sonic-related projects getting released anyway. I'd probably be down for a track depending on the timing. I like dabbling in EDM, and I've been meaning to do more in the genre anyway. It's one of my favs to listen to afterall I'd just need to get some of my pals to contribute vocals, heh heh.
  21. You have no idea how excited this makes me. Liquid Metal was a modern masterpiece.
  22. Awesome song! I loved the original source and Liam did a lot of cool things here to expand on it. A lot of cool layers and textures. Great job!
  23. Hey Corey, did you get my PM from a few days ago regarding Sonic CD? Thanks!

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