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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Yea, yeah, I got upgraded!! :)

  2. Hey Blake, I sent you a few messages in regards to Sonic CD on FB. Please get back to me when you can. Thanks much! :)

  3. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK. Fixed :D Gar liked the final WAV, he just had one question for you. I sent it via FB.

  4. We just helped Gar out with it. It's like 95% his song anyhow. I was just keeping tabs on who worked on it.
  5. Okie dokie. Well you added percussion and stuff. That's cool tho, I won't credit you for it.

  6. Best ReMix of 2013 right here. You heard it from me first.
  7. Just left you a message good sir.

  8. Hmmmmm DrumJ8, I like your mix title Is "Smooth Moduhater" in any way a reference to "Smooth Operator", mine and pH's Needle Man remix from the 2011 WCRG? heh heh.
  9. Gimme some of that chaos control man! :)

  10. Very good! Things are wrapping up very nicely, thanks!
  11. LOL - I just got your same PM three times now :) I did just send you a reply though, so let me know if you don't get it!

  12. Yeah I gotta echo everything Jordan said in the OP. The album is absolutely amazing and intense. Meta showed me a demo of "Mega Man Killas" a little over a year ago and I was blown away then. So needless to say, I was really excited to see this thing released!! What I like most about the album is just how sophisticated and clever the lyrics are. It's seriously some of the best hip-hop I've heard recently, that's for sure. So I just wanted to drop in and pay my respects. Even if you think vocal VGM mixes are dumb, or you "don't like" hip-hop/rap, you owe it to yourself to check this out. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised
  13. This right here is where it's at! Such a smooth delivery, both vocally and instrumentally. Clever & witty lyrics too. I remember this from the WIP forums awhile back and liked it then, and the final version is even better. Congrats Paul, keep it up!
  14. Oh yeah, Jordan is the man!!!!! I think I may have heard a version or two of this over the years in the WIP forums, but I don't recall. Regardless, this song is beyond words... so many juicy instruments, delicious beats, and an unstoppable groove. Jordan continues to amaze me with each and every new song I hear from him. Keep it up!
  15. The Robot Museum is closed for remodeling. Please come back another time. That is a bummer though, their tracks have all been excellent!
  16. Nothing is stopping you from Splash Womanizing again anyway
  17. no no no. Shariq choose the allies for us, not our actual teammates allies:
  18. Interesting twist! I pretty much assumed the theme this block was going to be Dr. Wily regained his castles, so we'd finally be remixing Wily Castle themes... but this twist of choosing an ally theme to mix in sounds like a lot of fun! Nice job! This should prove to be a very interesting block of mixes.
  19. I indeed have Brandon's final song and it is quite epic! He's gone from red to blue in a matter of days! We made a lot of progress this weekend too. A lot of blue tracks!! Let's keep it up!
  20. OK! I just submitted my song for the round. I used the X4 and Command Mission Zero themes. This is by far the quickest song I've ever made. I started it late Friday night and wrapped it up this morning. For the time spent on it, I think it turned out alright I'm excited to hear what everyone else has come up with!
  21. Thanks NutS I've actually got a couple things "to-be-posted", just waiting for the exciting day to come when they get posted I'm in the process of cleaning up my song this morning. I'm just about to listen to it for the first time since late last night... now for that moment of "what the hell was I thinking?"
  22. I want mine Wrapping up my mix in the morning. It's been a craaaaaaazy busy week, so I just started it late last night. I'm not quite sure what it ended up being exactly, but I suppose it's interesting
  23. I should have clarified... I NEED TO CONTINUTE WORKING ON MY MIX. I'm at that point where I have 30 seconds and it's really cool, so I keep listening to the same 30 seconds over and over instead of moving on. This happens to me a lot
  24. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW GOOD IT IS I CAN'T WAIT TO LISTEN TO IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really need to work on my mix now. Like seriously.
  25. Awwwwwwwww yeeeeeah. Zero. My man. I've got some ideas already, so I better get started right now. I HAVE NO CHOICE!
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