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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. WCRG voting ended yesterday apparently :( I guess in Darke's compos the voting ends the day before the mixes are due now.

  2. Alright, my track is subbed! I'm really happy with how it turned out. It wasn't exactly what I set out to make, but really, when does that ever happen? It's in a style I've tried to do in the past, but have never quite gotten to work out just right... until now. NAILED IT. I can't wait to hear all the mixes tonight!!!!
  3. Wooooo yeah! The Beat Masters are in second place mastering beats yeeeah. Nice job Amphibious!! Hopefully I can keep it up this round... I'm really excited to hear what everyone's got!
  4. Yeah, that makes sense. I suppose you'd know if you saw votes from a bunch of people that hadn't been signed in for years, but then that involves more leg work on the back-end which kind of defeats the purpose.
  5. Hey Shariq, I just had a process improvement question/thought... have you ever considered using Google Forms as a means of voting and vote tallying for these compos? I just started using them recently for other stuff, and they're really handy. You could just have 3 questions "Choose #X pick"... and then have drop-downs with each of the song names for the 3 picks. To keep it limited to the forums and discourage ballot stuffing, you could just have 2 required opening questions like "OCR Forum Name" and then "OCR Forum User Link" (i.e., http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=28286), that way you know the votes are legit. I suppose you'd also need a "Team Name" fill-in too (for the purposes of the compo). The beauty of this though is you can have the Google Form save everything to a Google spreadsheet that would already be formatted correctly, so vote tallying would be a breeze. You could post a link to the spreadsheet in the OP if you wanted to keep voting results public like the social group. You can even enable participants to change their votes with the "edit responses" option too. But yeah, nothing wrong with the current voting method at all, I just was thinking of this this morning for some reason, and how it could be a big timesaver for admin stuff. Back to making my mix now
  6. No problem about the sigs, I enjoyed making them! And hey, in case I don't get to post reviews, I really enjoyed your WCRG mix this week, you did a great job blending the themes! I wish we could've vote for more than 3, cause yours was like right there in the Top 5 I liked the most :(

  7. That's fine. The date is going to end up getting pushed out a little bit anyway because there are some others that will be late as well. I'm probably going to be aiming for mid-late August now.

  8. Oh man, I'm feeling the pressure now. I've got to churn out something good if Nuts's balls be steamin'. I've got a solid minute down, but now I'm at the point of mixing where I keep listening to the same minute over and over again and aren't making more forward progress, haha
  9. I have 15 seconds of crap, but after work tomorrow I'm free allllll weekend, so I think I should be able to knockout something good. If I can execute my plan well enough, I think it will be quite enjoyable
  10. Agree! That's what I like most about these compos. I usually try to experiment with some different genres that I might not mix usually. It's a good excuse to try some new things. If I can execute my idea for this week well enough, I think it'll be a lot of fun! And hey if I don't get the chance to post reviews, I just wanted to say I enjoyed your track a lot Joel! I got a good chuckle out of it and the song sounded great too. I like your team sig too haha, but I think "Flying Dog Platform" should be rated R, given the number of F-bombs that were dropped on Fireballs
  11. Sweet. Nice job everybody, there were some really fun songs this round! I might post some quick impressions later if I get the time. I was kinda hoping we'd get to vote for our Top 5 songs since we have more teams this WCRG compared to last time, cause some of these votes were tough! I'll be mixing for The Beat Masters this week!
  12. I was actually thinking of Quick Man when I heard this source. They should fit together amazingly. I can't wait to hear what you come up with!
  13. Yeah I sometimes use them for reference when I first start out my mixes. It just helps me get a feel for the foundation and then I expand from there.
  14. LOL, if you find one let me know, I might be going this round Awesome theme nonetheless!
  15. Yeah and well people can discuss the mixes in the thread here too, so if someone had a really strong opinion one way or the other, I don't see how having or not having an IRC chat about it would change anything. Plus there is no guarantee how many people will participate in the IRC anyway. I don't see the harm in it. I am really looking forward to hearing what everyone has cooked up this week!
  16. I'd definitely be down for some Darkwing Duck And oh, whoever is remixing for The Robutt Masters this week should name their mix "Robutt Pirates", cause yeah
  17. I was initially pretty ticked off, but now that I have accepted it I am excited to find out what else is planned Hopefully one block will revolve around a narrative where Dr. Wily, in his nefarious ways, has broken away from his new parent company in an attempt at world domination. And then we will remix Wily Castles again Duck Tales, ?
  18. Adam is indeed very busy in real life and with his games he's working on. I dont know if he's MIA exactly, but I do know he hasn't had as much time for musical projects recently. Weisty you and I need to talk sometime more about that Mega Man arrangement I sent you a long time ago. Maybe not right away cause I'm pretty busy at the moment. But sometime!
  19. So just about two and a half weeks until the final deadline!!! I'm going to be sending out some PMs to check-in on progress if I haven't heard from you in awhile! I'm hoping we'll get a lot of finished tracks wrapped up here soon. Please let me know how you're doing, thanks!
  20. Love this song! Those chimey parts in the first 2 minutes are a really nice touch, especially when paired with the piano later on. Bev did a really stellar job mixing all the themes together in one cohesive mix too! The song flows together quite well. I really enjoy the overall atmosphere and instrumentation throughout, definitely one of my favs from her!
  21. Laser beam eye Nic Cage is your best sig yet :)

  22. Yeah, Ben, you pretty much summed up my thoughts. The big excitement/motivational draw for me to these compos is the nostalgia factor of the songs I'll be working on. I know all the music from Mega Man 1-10, I like all the music from Mega Man 1-10. I have no attachment to any of these other games / themes, so that partially saps my creative energy and desire to work on something
  23. Yeah I don't want to be a party pooper and whatnot, but I gotta agree with MindWanderer and Phonetic Hero. I was really looking forward to remixing Wily themes and I really don't appreciate being misled. My time is pretty limited, so when I sign up for compos like this, I like knowing 100% what I'm getting myself into. I'm sure these soundtracks are great and all and it's still going to be fun, but ehh, I'm not as excited as I was before. Yeah. Except the title.
  24. Alrighty then... definitely not what I was expecting, but this will certainly make things interesting. I guess I should've made my sigs with Disney castles instead of Wily castles Beat Masters: I'm pretty slammed this week, do one of you want to take this round? Gario, Amphibious?
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