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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I've decided I'm going to sit out this round as well. My schedule the next few weeks has gotten busier than I originally anticipated. I'll definitely try to participate one of these rounds for sure tho. Good luck everyone!
  2. I wouldn't necessarily post another thread for a Sonic CD project when there were currently two other ones... With that said, as I said in the other thread, I'm willing to direct a Sonic CD project!
  3. So I'm a little curious how the arrangement submission process works? I have an old big band arrangement that I've been cleaning up lately and would love to have people record parts for. I'm not sure I would need participation from everyone in the band though, so I'm not sure if this would be the most appropriate vehicle for getting my arrangement recorded. Like, do you guys only accept arrangements for the entire group to participate or just parts? For example, I've already spoken with C7 (he's recorded stuff for me in the past) and he was on board to record trumpet for me. In addition to him, I would need maybe 1 more trumpet for some additional stuff, and then definitely an alto or tenor sax (preferably both) and a trombonist. Live bass would be great, but not necessarily. Piano and percussion I already have taken care of myself, although I wouldn't be opposed to seeing what others could do with it. As for submitting an arrangement itself, is it best to just send to Wiesty directly or post here? Also, what format is best? I don't have sheet music or anything written out... When I've had C7 record stuff for me in the past, I just sent him a MIDI of his part and then an mp3 of the song minus his part, so you could drop both in a DAW and use that as a basis for recording. Would MIDI parts be sufficient for arrangement purposes here? Different instrument parts would need to be transposed, of course. Let me know what you guys think. I can provide more detail if necessary, just let me know. Thanks!!
  4. hahaha, MindWanderer I'm kinda surprised you're using my cheesy as hell graphic I made. I like it though, it fits well And hmmm... I think I want to sign up this time... I'll be out of town a handful of days during the mixing period, but two weeks is a substantial time to mix. Also not sure if I want to be a Star or Novice. I think I'd rather be a Novice, but I imagine a lot of other Novices will be signing up too and I might be able to help someone . Let me think on it and I'll post back later when I've decided! EDIT: In case I do sign up... I tend to like making jazzy, funky songs, whether I initially intend to or not. I've also dabbled in more straight-forward electronica and more recently did some techno house/dance stuff which was a lot of fun. I've also realized I tend to only make songs for these OCR competitions that involve mixing multiple sources together I love collabing with people and am good at integrating stuff together, I guess? I've still got a lot to learn on the production side of things, but I've been getting better I suppose! I used Sony ACID as my DAW, my favorite VSTs are probably FM8 & Massive, and I enjoy long walks on the beach.
  5. Oh hell yeah, Disco Dan!!!! I remember listening to all of DD's old Mega Man 2 & 3 mixes back in high school in the early 2000's. They were some of my favorite mixes back in the day (and still are ). Classic stuff right there. This is so fitting for mixpost #2500, one of my favorite Wily stage themes too. Disco Dan + Mega Man 3 = some old-school OCR awesomeness!
  6. Awesome! That new song is pretty awesome. I love the sound of that guitar and how it just melts into the rest of the soundscape you developed. I loved your first album, so I'll be looking forward to this one as well!
  7. Great stuff! I love the fusion of jazz, chiptunes, and all the other awesome stuff going on here. Amazing!
  8. Yeah I dig the contrasting middle section a lot. Nice touch with the acoustic guitar! I agree that some of the levels and EQing still need some work. Not sure if you worked on that since the last update, cause I still have the same concerns I raised in my previous comments. Nice work!
  9. Yeah I didn't get to leave detailed comments this time, but good job all around guys. Ben and Jason, you both made some awesome songs as well. Nice chiptuny stuff Ben! Jason - I really hope you finish up your songs from this compo, both have sounded really good so far, I'd love to hear them finished up. Blackpanther, I really am digging your song too. It took a little while to grow on me, but then I started noticing some of the nuances of the different melodies and how you blended things together. I really like the atmosphere of the piece. The dub bass you added in at the end was a neat twist too. Pete, I've already told you what I think of your song Mr. L & Cash & Change had some good entries too. Interesting to see you go back to a piano-centric piece Mr. L, cool arrangement. C&C had some good ideas too, although I agree your last song was a little stronger, something seemed a little off with the key sigs in your song this round. Looking forward to Zero mixes on Sunday!
  10. Ahh I didn't realize was the name of that tune that plays pre-Wily Stage 1! That would be pretty cool. Purple Rain or Rain are two other alternatives for intros
  11. Have you made any more progress on any of these superhero songs dude?
  12. Hot damn, I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it in here. I'm loving it! Like others have said, I'm not really qualified to critique awesome wailin' guitar tracks, so I don't have a lot to suggest. Just a few things I noticed: The volume remains pretty much the same (loud) throughout the song. Maybe a bit more could be done with the dynamics at certain parts of the song to create a little more variance? The section at 2:08 - 2:18 sounds a little cluttered with those arps going in the background. I like them, I think they could just be EQed a bit more. 2:38 - to the end sounds a little aimless. The rest of the track had so much energy, it feels like the song should end on a more energetic beat (although I notice it cuts off, so I assume you're not done ). I like that new little melody introduced at that part, I think it just needs MOAR! I'm a little torn on Mirby's suggestion... some piano (or something else quiet) to open it up and then BAM guitars might be kinda cool, but on the other hand I like how it just assaults you right from the beginning now too. Not sure. Regardless, awesome job on this Liam! You keep getting better and better!
  13. SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKEEEEE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I hope you make it back in time to make something, but if not have a nice trip in LA! Brings up an interesting point tho... what if someone gets to the finals by "default"? That would be kinda anti-climactic. Especially now since we're doing randomized matches (although I guess random matches vs. bracket matches doesn't really make a difference).
  14. STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS COMMENTS FROM ME!!!!!!!! Yami - I'm really digging the minimalist & atmospheric sound you have going here. It's giving me vibes of the original Unreal soundtrack. The bass & pads have a nice combination. I think they serve as a nice base, but I kept feeling like a few more instruments should've been introduced to fill out the song as it went on. A little confused on the complete lack of drums, some minimalist percussion would've been great. Yikes wrong note at 2:15!! Nice start, I would love to see this fleshed out a bit more. Hakstock - Really cool bass pad (whatever that is?) in the intro, it has a great sound to it. Your guitar work from the SZRC really impressed me, and it has done so again here Nice face-melting guitar solo, great job blending the themes together here too. Not a lot to comment on, I really enjoyed it! Zerothemaster - Yeah you're definitely making improvement from the last I heard from you in the WCRG. Nice job! That background instrument in the intro is mixed a little loudly, but eh. Cool instrument at 1:00, but like others said, that fall-up on each note gets a little old after the first couple times. It's a cool effect, and I know you said you didn't know how to control the instrument. You might want to check your VST, it might have a midi controller trigger for the release of the instrument (fall-up vs. sustain vs. cut-off, etc.), which is what you'll want to take a look at to stop it from doing that. Song kinda meanders inbetween parts, could've worked on transitions a bit more. Huge improvement over some of your other stuff tho, keep it up! jnWake - Never heard anything from you before, so this was a treat! Love the piano intro. I'm a sucker for piano intros. Cool little synth interlude to... more piano! And some stringy/harp (?). Really cool soundscape, I love how everything fits together. And now some guitar. Really digging this vibe. 1:28 - 1:50 felt a little forced, I know it was a theme transition, but it felt like it could've been a bit smoother. Cool synth solo at 1:50. Oh shit now some electric piano at 2:22, nice change of pace there. Synth guitar at 2:45 is pretty cool too. Nice theme transitions there at the end too. Really enjoyable piece overall. I dig it. Theory of N - damn sir that intro is nice. And that funky groove at 0:20. Yes Please. Really nice job on those 2 lead instruments, I love the groove and personalization you added to the melody lines. Awesome instrumentation, everything just fits together so damn smooth. Awesome time signature mixups too. Synth breakdown solo at the end is just absolutely killer. I really got nothing else to say, I'm just going to keep gushing about how much I love this song. This is the type of music I wish and I try to make, but fail at doing so . Best song of the compo for me so far. ectogemia - Dammit this is my second favorite song of the round. WHY DO YOU AND THEORY OF N HAVE TO FACE OFF Awesome intro... those distorted crackly sounds could've been annoying in other cases, but I think they fit the atmosphere you were going for here perfectly. Oh whoa sweet arp things at 0:30, dig that. Not feeling the drums at 0:40 - 1:02: the velocities feel too static and just loud overall. I think a punchier sample with a quicker release would've been nicer. I also think the strings could be a bit beefier too. They sound great, but a bit heavy on the high-end, some lower strings would help fill out that sound and give it more of the "epic" feel I think you were going for. Nice chill-out at 1:03. And oh damn 1:20 is just awesome. Sweet synth guitar shenanigans at 2:10ish. There are those drums again at 2:37 . 2:50 is some amazing synth solo wankery, love it!! Totally awesome song overall, and I wish you both could move on! Nice job dude!! Trism - ohmygod I have no idea what is going on here. Awesome guitar shredding tho ProjectSpam - cool intro there. Agree with what pH said below, harsh in the mid-highs and that piano is panned way far to the right. Definitely some cool ideas here (especially the 1:15 section), just needs a bit more direction with the execution and some added polish. Amphibious - Smooth guitar, bass progressions, and buildup. All pretty awesome. Your mixes always have such a crisp & clean feel to them, love it! The arrangement feels a little incomplete (understand below that you didn't have a lot of time ), like everything sounds great, but it feels like there should be more. Really great enjoyable song tho, I hope you choose to expand on it sometime in the future tho. Gario - Nice theme integration here. Cool chip elements and nice lead work (although the instrument sounds just a little harsh to me in the high-end). Damn that pitch slide on the chip at 2:38 was sweet. Pretty typical Gario stuff here, but nothing wrong with that, I really enjoyed it! Cool! pixelwave - Sounds really quiet compared to the other songs. The dirty bass sounds almost a little too abrasive sometimes. And that synth lead is sweet, but it feels buried behind the dirty bass, bring it out! I know you can do way better based off the awesome stuff you made in the GRMRB 2011, so I'll chalk this one up to the a time-constrained week. I really enjoyed the arrangement and the song overall, just feels like it needs a little more polish! Sir_NutS - OHMYGOD MY EARS WHY SOOOOOO LOUD?!!?!!?!!?!!?! especially right after hearing pixelwave's super quiet song. This arrangement is weird as hell, but I dig it. My ears bled at 0:40. That lead at 0:59 really kinda muddies everything up, cool dubby base there too. And cool melody line. Breakdown at 1:23 is my fav part. Really cool song overall, just sounds like you needed to EQ, balance, and polish this thing up. Metal Man - Really dug your stuff off Maverick Rising, so I was looking forward to your entry. Sweet guitar work all-around, no complaints there. Mixing sounds a bit muddy and quiet, but I understand you didn't have the chance to properly mix before subbing. Arrangement feels a little like a medley, not a lot of blending. Nice job though, your guitar and percussion skills are quite impressive. SilvernixSP - intro felt a little off-time, but it resolved itself quickly. Like others have said, the tones are kinda all over the place here. Some neat instrumentation choices, I dig the bass and that lead at 1:15 overall. Interesting song nontheless, I definitely hear some improvement here too over your GRMRB song last year. Keep it up! TheRexAsaurous - That bass in the intro is super-awesome cool! Arps at 0:30 feel a little harsh in the high-end. This has a really chaotic feel to it, dig it. A little too much reverb on that trance pad at 0:40 - 0:55. Cool half-time breakdown section at 1:20. Nice blending of the themes too. This one definitely has some potential for a lot more. Nice job building off your songs from the SZRC, I'm interested in hearing how you continue to improve & progress, your stuff definitely has promise! Great job everyone! Sorry my comments kinda got shorter toward the end, I was getting tired hah. I'm glad the Zero bracket showed up! The entire X Bracket needs to bring it this week now.
  15. lmao that is the best sig ever. Less BS - More BS!

  16. I'd send it to him again privately right now and then wait for him to respond in here.
  17. Yeah but that zip is missing hak's song, and hak's screenshot showed that he subbed in well in time. And he said he re-sent it to Darke, so it's probably just best to wait until Darke comes back online and clears everything up himself.
  18. Just for the record no one suggested banning anyone. In fact, I said that would be silly to do something like that.
  19. I hope so! It would be kinda silly to not have your matchup when you finished in time. He hasn't posted anything in the thread yet, so hopefully he'll fix it whenever he comes back on :-D

  20. did you re-send your Maverick song to DS? It would suck if it doesn't get included :cry:

  21. I don't see a matchup for hakstok & Yami though. Hopefully DS got his song since it looks like hak definitely turned it in on time...
  22. Yeah, but what could seriously be done though? I agree, it sucks when people drop, but there really isn't any sort of "punishment" that could be dealt out. Like what would we do, ban people from the forums for a few weeks? That just seems kinda silly. It's more a matter of people just managing their time better. And ultimately, if you know, or even think that you won't have enough time in any given week to make a mix, then don't sign up in the first place. Easy as that. I wouldn't necessarily say that's true either. We had a few drops in the SZRC, but nothing out of the ordinary, and those were mostly in the first round. Then again, I hounded people incessantly during that compo and hyped the crap out of when the mixing rounds were going to start Sometimes life just gets in the way though
  23. EDT is Eastern Daylight Time, which is New York time, so that is your time zone. So it's 2pm for you.
  24. That sucks well even if you have something you should still turn it in. Better than nothing.
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