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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Great job guys! I'm loving these 6 songs, it's going to be hard to choose! MindWanderer: not sure how you're tagging the music, but I'd recommend using Mp3 tag, it's a free program that makes it really easy to tag multiple mp3 files with the same info. Like for example, you could tag all of these songs as "ReMixing With the Stars: Episode 1 - Beginnings", make "OverClocked ReMix" the 'album artist' and select Disc '1' for the songs, so they all show up grouped in playlists (like iTunes). I'd recommend putting the game name in the title (in parenthesis) too. Also you guys need to get some album art! Here is some crap I threw together in like 30 mins. If you guys like it and want to edit it and make it better or something, I could post the PSDs.
  2. Hey, just found this thread and yeah this is an awesome idea! If you guys are looking for arrangement ideas, I think it would be awesome to hear a big band/jazz version of from Sonic 2. It's practically begging for it. This was an arrangement I was considering undertaking myself and recruiting for, but I don't really have the time right now, and if there is now a OCR big band group forming anyway... The song would require a Frank Sinatra style crooner to be able to belt out some awesome vocals. I don't want to volunteer anyone, but this is definitely something Jesse Deacon (Xarnax42) could handle. Just listen to Calum's FF6 song ("Blackjack's Breakup Bossa") he sang on for zircon's FF6 album contest and you'll understand You'd also need some gratuitous sax and trumpet solos (for sure). I'd be willing to help write an arrangement if anyone were interested. I can play/sequence piano too, but it looks like you guys already have that covered.
  3. Very cool! I'm loving all the different textures you brought to the soundscape. Very chill and enjoyable! I definitely want to hear more from you since the SZRC!
  4. Awesome remix! I love the darker atmosphere and the hip-hop beats. I wasn't overly fond of the vocal clips in there, but they didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the song. Nice work!!
  5. Congrats Will! The site could always use more talented musicians to help move-along the 'to be judged' queue!
  6. Very true, and I agree, voters should always try to adhere to the competition rules on how music should be judged. I may not have said what I meant in the best way. I was merely pointing out that there will always be a subjective element to music, so stylistic or genre preferences may always influence, consciously or unconsciously, how someone perceives the stated judging criteria. That is all, I agree with your statements 100%.
  7. Well, after all, music is entirely subjective, so naturally people may gravitate to what they prefer, so I wouldn't feel bad about it. I think the rule is more of a suggestion that people shouldn't exclusive judge music in the competitions just based off genre. It's important to look at arrangement, production, instrumentation, etc., in combination with genre.
  8. I can't wait to check out what you guys are cookin' up in here.
  9. Oh nice! Thanks for the heads-up! I had no idea they were coming to Columbus, that's awesome! I will try to go as well, hopefully tickets won't sell out right away. And damn I'm going to nerd-out this August. I'm seeing Random (aka Mega Ran) the weekend before in Columbus EDIT: Here's a link too for anyone else who is interested: Distant Worlds Columbus
  10. Well so far I'd have to say that this sounds like a pretty conservative mix so far, there isn't a lot to differentiate it from the original in my opinion. Which is fine if you're going for more of a "cover" feel to it. You deviate a bit in the last 40 secs. or so when you switch up some of the instruments (which I think works well). The bass feels too boomy and overpowering to me. Like it's just bottoming out too low, which makes it sound almost off-key sometimes. Not sure how to best describe it. I think a more FM-synth sounding bass with a faster attack speed would fit the overall style of the song a bit better and help keep the bass line moving along. The percussion is also pretty static and uninteresting so far, I'd definitely recommend varying that up a bit, adding in some fills, or unison hits, to keep things interesting. I really enjoy the piano, it's fun, particularly the little grace notes in some of the melody lines. The lead synth is pretty cool too, I really like the sound of it. A solo synth breakdown section that deviates from the main melody would sound pretty cool too in my opinion. Nice start so far!
  11. Tomorrow is going to be the first Saturday in nearly 3 months that I haven't had to do anything for this compo... that is kinda sad Whatever will I do with myself?
  12. Well, let's wait and see what happens. I'm sure there is more to the story then just the two sentences on the main page. I'm sure DJP will give us a more transparent explanation in this thread as to what exactly happened.
  13. I just bought this a few days ago and am absolutely loving it. I enjoyed "Get Equipped" quite a bit, but you guys really turned it up a notch for "History Repeating". The music itself sounds a lot crisper & cleaner (better recording equipment since Get Equipped perhaps?) and the vocal range and layering shown on this album are a huge improvement as well (no offense to Get Equipped). I haven't been to able to stop listening to it, great job guys! If you're still looking for suggestions for a song to submit, I'd say personally "Don't Mess with Magnet Man" is my favorite, it's just such a fun & upbeat song. "Can't Stop the Top" and "History Repeating Part 2" are close runner-ups though. Any idea on when the second half of this album is coming out?
  14. Cool, thanks Deia! I have one of the classic white OCR tees and it's printed on the Gildan Acitvewear - Ultra Cotton, which is a heavier weight tee, and exactly what I prefer. So if that's the same as what you're using, awesome! Thanks!
  15. Yeah what ever happened to these being offered normally? I remember the new t-shirt design voting thing last year, but nothing ever came of it, did it? Or are there still plans for new designs? Regardless, I may have to order one of these! EDIT: Also, I'm really picky with my t-shirts... Deia could you speak to the quality of the shirt itself? Is it a heavier weight t-shirt? I've ordered shirts online before and they've been really lightweight and crappy (not OCR). Thanks!
  16. I'm really enjoying this! I love the piano! The dubstep elements sound particularly weak though... the percussion and bass need a lot more to make them pop. It doesn't necessarily need to be more aggressive, it just needs to have a stronger presence, in my opinion. Especially the bass, it just sounds really hollow and empty as is. I'd take a look at seeing what you can do to beef it up, or replace the instrument if necessary. I totally dig the piano + vocals though. The vocals are a little cheesy, but I think it fits great with the atmosphere. Nice job!
  17. Awesome stuff Pete! I really enjoy all the chromatic piano stuff going on there. Can't wait to hear more. And then you need to work on the super villains. I want to hear a dirty jazz Mr. Sinister next
  18. Ok everybody, the complete SZRC zip file is now available for download. It features all of the retagged compo songs, lyrics, album art/banners, plus some bonus tracks! The bonus songs include: Magellanic - Super Sonic Fireballz (A Lava Reef mix inspired by Liam's possible Round 2 matchup) A revised version of KingTiger's "Ruined Puppet" Round 1 song now with revised vocals featuring Martha Irvine A revised version of my "Pyroclastic Tides" mix featuring C7 that I restructured a bit Rexy's Emerald Hill & Planet Wisp mix "Go Into the Light" Another bonus track by Rexy, "Welcome to the Ice Cream Zone", which is a remix of Sweet Mountain and Ice Cap Zone Plus, a super awesome compo megamix arranged by Sir Jordanius featuring nearly nine and a half minutes of songs from the tournament all mashed-up together! So get on it! For anyone who just wants to grab the bonus songs, I've made them available in their own zip file. Both links are back in the first post as well! Thanks again everyone for making this a truly enjoyable and memorable tournament! As I've said numerous times, I've had a ton of fun hosting it and I really appreciate everyone's participation! Thanks!
  19. Oh I also forgot to mention, the final compo ZIP file will be up sometime tomorrow. I'm awaiting a few other bonuses and then I have to compile a couple other things for you guys. But in the final ZIP you can expect: all the compo songs with corrected tags, complete lyrics, and a handful of bonus songs and other goodies!!!
  20. And the results are in: Amphibious: 27, Gario: 10 AMPHIBIOUS WINS!!!!!!!!!!! Although the final round voting was a little lopsided, I really thought both songs were a lot of fun and they were a fitting end to what has been a really exciting competition! I want to personally thank each and every one of you that participated in the tournament in any way. Thanks to all the ReMixers who made some truly amazing music for us each week and thanks to all the voters/supporters who listened and voted on the songs every round too! This has truly been a blast for me to host and I'm really ecstatic with the level of interest & support everyone in the community displayed throughout the competition. So yeah, thank you everyone! Since this has been so successful, I think I'll plan on hosting a SZRC on a yearly basis (similar to how DarkeSword hosts the Mega Man compos yearly), if there is continued interest. If anyone has any feedback for me, in terms of how the compo was ran, structure of the tournament, voting, or anything at all, please feel free to let me know! I'd like to incorporate suggestions into the next compo, if there is anything that needs adjusted. Thanks!
  21. It is pretty amazing IMO. You guys will like it. FYI everybody, I'm going to be out-and-about most of tomorrow, I plan on tallying the votes and announcing the winner of the compo tomorrow at noon like normal, but I won't get around to updating the final bracket image or posting the final compo ZIP file + bonus tracks until sometime Sunday probably.
  22. You are my hero and you're awesome as hell +1 Bonus Track!
  23. I was about halfway through the song and I was going to say that this just sounded like a rather conservative (albeit in a house/trance style) cover of the Planet Wisp Act 1 source. Luckily the second half you opened things up a bit with some variation in the piano part and that Green Hill cameo on the strings (well done). I would agree that the piano definitely needs some additional work. It currently sounds a bit muddy, like it could be EQed a bit better (particularly to get those higher frequencies to pop). I think an overall 'brighter' sound would work wonders for it. The piano writing in the second half is great, so I think it really deserves to shine. The ending is a little weak and anti-climactic too, in my opinion. Overall, pretty cool song though, I like it. I hope you can fix it up for submission.
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