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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Awesome track from Gario! Probably one of his best songs to date - I loved it in the WCRG. It was definitely a completely different and fresh take on Magnet Man. Nice job!!
  2. lol why'd you change your forum name? I was checking my PMs and was like "who the eff is Damashi!!?" :lol:

  3. Ok, no rush, I just wanted to make sure you had gotten the email. Thanks!

  4. Congrats on the solo mixpost Bev! This was my favorite track of yours from the WCRG. Definitely a really different & fun direction from you! My only minor gripe is I think some live brass (instead of the samples) would've taken this mix to a whole other level. But I say that about every song using brass samples these days, so take that for what it is. The ones in this song are well done though and don't detract from the overall enjoyment of the song. Great job!!
  5. Hey did you get the PM and email I sent you about your Sonic CD project track? Just wanted to make sure you got the feedback! thanks!

  6. I've been getting some awesome WIPs, keep em' coming! Just a few notes... if you can, and if your song includes multiple sources, could you include a source breakdown with your WIP please? It will help with providing feedback. Also regarding feedback, I'm a bit swamped with real-life fun stuff at the moment too, so if your WIP is far enough along to require some detailed feedback (i.e., more than just "oh hey nice direction - keep at it"), I'll try to get that back to you within the next week or so. Thanks! I'm not sure I understand what you're saying either. Recorded would imply that you are physically recording every part for the song. I assumed you meant you weren't finished arranging or writing the whole song yet. Which is fine, like we said, this is just an initial WIP to kind of get an idea of what you have in mind for the song. A minute or so is just fine. That would be awesome Haha, that would be a good idea if every version of my song was good. Right now it's more like "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version", "SuperiorX's Mix - Crappy Working Version 2", and then "SuperiorX's Mix - Working Version that Might Actually Be Going Somewhere".
  7. Nah, like others have said we have the project sig, which I'd rather people use to create a consistent image/message. I'll probably create a nicer one here though soon once we have a solid album title. For some reason this morning when I first read this, it really made me laugh
  8. oooooooooooo Mega Man.... this is soooo tempting but I really need to focus on my Sonic project. I'll definitely be checking out these mixes though, that's for sure! good luck everyone!
  9. I can't wait to hear this WIP Meanwhile, I've got like 3 different versions of my track going. I have a really solid minute and a half and then each version branches off somewhere different - none of which are really impressing me at the moment hah.
  10. I just voted. Cool stuff guys! If I have time later I will write up some stuff.
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!! And here are some snakes (man) on a cake:
  12. We've got the final open source claimed by metaphist!! He's going to bring the funk, or so I hear Welcome aboard sir!
  13. Awesome trailer guys. I can't wait to hear the full release!
  14. I hope everyone here in the States is having a nice holiday... just a friendly reminder, our first WIP check-in date is just about a week away (December 1st). I'd like to hear an initial outline for your song. It doesn't need to be super well-developed just yet, but enough to get an idea of the style & structure that you're going for. I know quite a few of you have already reached out to me about not being able to have anything by that time due to other previous album commitments and holiday stuff, so please PM me if you think you won't make so I know. Like I've said earlier, I'm going to be pretty flexible on this stuff, cause I understand life happens, I just ask that people stay in contact. In other news - I'm still pondering album titles although I am liking Temporal Dualities or Temporal Distortions quite a bit. Thanks!
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeet preview. Sounds like this album is going to be friggen awesome. Nice work!
  16. Rockin song! I enjoyed it a lot, especially the guitar shenanigans that kick in around 2:30. A really nice personalization of the theme. Well done!
  17. Yeah all the Past themes in the US soundtrack are identical to the JP Past themes, so those need to be reserved for the JP soundtrack remixes only. So yeah please don't use those in your US mixes. That is noted in the "Additional Song Info" section of the first post too. Thanks for checking! heh heh, well that particular mix didn't occur to me, but I guess it is a rather common phrase It is a referenced scientific phenomena as well . "Temporal Dualities" could be a cool name too.
  18. Hmm yeah I kinda like that idea too. I came up with "Temporal Distortions" the other day too, cause I thought it had a nice ring to it, and it implies ripples in time and multiple timelines existing at the same time (i.e., past, present, futures; 2 different soundtracks, etc.). And hey a couple things for people turning in WIPs: Please provide a very basic breakdown of your source usage (especially important if you are using Past, Present, & Future sources) to help differentiate between original stuff and more liberal usage vs. more conservative source usage No one has done this yet, but please don't host your WIP here in the forums or on a public access site (your soundcloud page). Use something with a dedicated link like box, dropbox, tindeck, or a private soundcloud link. Thanks!
  19. Thanks djp! Hey you should claim the . I'll be flexible on my deadlines for you
  20. Whoa this sounds a lot better than the version from the GRMRB 2011. I liked it then, but this version is definitely 100x better. I'm still not terribly fond of that lead, but overall I dig it. Nice job!
  21. Being official OCR and released through the site is definitely the plan, and the sooner we get official, the better. From my understanding (and from reading the sticky guidelines and talking to others), I'll just need to submit the project information to the mods to evaluate and approve. Given the fact that the album has an overarching theme, numerous posted (or to-be-posted) remixers, and a full tracklist, I don't anticipate many problems there. As for timing, I just need to find out if they prefer to hear some WIPs first (to ensure quality), or if seeing the mixers & tracklist is enough. I'm going to be looking into that very soon. Thanks! and @Jordanius: that's an awesome album title idea hah
  22. Yeah I had thought about that, but Will also told me that if the project gets OCR official, we can get our own private forums here, which would probably just be easier overall for everyone.
  23. Pete is absolutely correct - and as I had said just a few posts ago - Dec 1st is just the initial check-in date. At that time I'm just looking for basic outline of your song. It doesn't need to be incredibly developed, but enough for me to get an idea of what you want to do with the mix. All of that info is also in the first-post, so everyone please read that first. EDIT: where did Pete's post just go?? At some point, yes. Probably won't be until later in the project though (definitely not the first check-in date) until things have had time to develop further. Ideally too, if/when we get private forums setup, I'd like to have the WIPs up there for the other mixers to listen to and provide feedback as well. We'll see.
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