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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Yep yep. All of that info is in the first post. The first tentative check-in date is December 1st, where I'll mainly be looking for a basic outline of your song. It doesn't need to be incredibly developed, but enough for me to get an idea of what you want to do with the song. I'm pretty flexible though too, so if anyone can't meet the deadlines then I encourage you to PM me so we can discuss it. Thanks!
  2. Yeah I have someone I specifically asked to do that track. We'll see, I'm awaiting an answer! EDIT: also one minor update: Palpable is going to be collabing with DiGi Valentine on Cosmic Eternity
  3. Hmmm yeah... I do like "Divided in Time"... something along those lines may work very well I thought of something like "Across Time & Space"... again going "across time" past/present/future zone stages, and "space" referring to physical space, as in the two soundtracks from the two different regions. "Divided in Time" as a little cooler ring to it. I'll need to think on this some more. I'm curious as to what a "fever dream private message" looks like And I'm also really curious as to what you're doing with your song Main Finger!
  4. Oh cool, I definitely like where this is going so far Liam, it sounds pretty cool! It definitely has a nice funky vibe to it - it's a cool direction to take this source. I like that little brass run-up right at the end that transitions into the B melody section too - very cool. I think with some better brass samples and some live sax this would definitely be 1000x better. I'm excited to hear what you do with the rest of the arrangement. Good luck!
  5. So our track list is pretty much solidified (just need to fill that JP Special Stage - which I'm working on getting someone), I figure we can focus on creating some awesome music now! We have roughly a month before our first tentative check-in date. Really what I'll be looking for here is seeing that you have a solid idea in place for the song. It doesn't need to be incredibly developed or anything by that point, just enough to see what you have in mind. And I'll be completely honest, I'm not going to be super-strict about these deadlines. What is more important is that people are staying in contact and don't just disappear on me. I know most of the people involved in the project well enough though, so I'm not too concerned there, I know you guys will deliver If for some reason you aren't able to get something to show me around the check-in date, just shoot me a PM and we can talk about it. Thanks everybody! If anybody needs anything, just let me know. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I've added a "Collaborators" list to the first post that's listed everyone who has told me they are willing to collaborate and what they can offer. I know enough people where we can pull some more in if there is something in particular you need for your song though, just let me know. I'd also like to hear some more suggestions for album titles too... particularly something along the lines of the time-travel theme of the game and the duality of two soundtracks. I was liking where some of the suggestions were going earlier in the thread. Keep it coming!
  6. I have to agree, this does remind me of Monstrous Turtles a bit too, but it definitely has more of an aggressive edge. I'm really enjoying this song, great debut!
  7. Shit. I forgot to listen and vote on these. I kept meaning to do so this week but I've been so busy and I thought I had tonight still to listen. Well I'll still listen to them, but I wasn't able to vote. Sorry guys!
  8. Actually the more I think about it, I think this will be great. The prequel trilogy was mediocre at best and Lucas seemed content just making cartoons since. So why not let people who actually want to do something with the franchise make movies, with an unlimited budget nonetheless. Plus there is soooooo much good content from the expanded universe books & comics that they could pull from to make future movies. It will be interesting to see where they go with a new trilogy though. Do you bring back the original trilogy actors or have it set waaaay in the future? Hmmm...
  9. Awesome! I know me too! I just started throwing some ideas down for my Palmtree song tonight and I hope to get serious with it tomorrow. If anyone needs something or has any questions, feel free to just shoot me a PM. We pretty much got all the tracks lined up now, which is really exciting. I have someone in mind for the Special Stage JP music, so hopefully I'll get that filled in the next day or so. Lots of exciting stuff!
  10. JP Stardust Speedway super-mega-collab is a GO! To those involved, I'll be sending out more details tonight. Mr. Sir Jordanius has also gotten back in touch with me and solidified his claim on Wacky Workbench JP. It is great to have him aboard!
  11. Sounds a-ok to me . I was considering mixing some in somewhere, either as bonus tracks, or perhaps little interludes in-between songs on the main discs. What did you have in mind? Oh and I do want someone to do a rad cover/remix of the at some point to kick off the JP disc perhaps. I think DusK might be working in a little of that into Sonic Boom (his idea), but something like that to stand alone would be nice too.EDIT: I guess I should be more specific though... if it's just like a 15-second clip that is pretty much identical to the original, then I'm not quite sure what we'd do with it, ya know? I guess it will kind of depend on a case-by-case basis.
  12. Updated a few more claims today. We got SonicThHedgog to cover Little Planet and Mr. Brandon Strader to cover the JP Final Boss. Both are stellar additions. I'm particularly excited to hear Brandon bring the heavy on that epic boss theme. That leaves us with just Wacky Workbench JP and the Special Stage JP music left to claim. I'd really like to get a prolific trance remixer to cover the Special Stage music and someone to bring the funk for Wacky Workbench. I have a few people I'm waiting to hear back from, so we'll see! That and hopefully the Stardust Speedway JP collab solidifies. Exciting stuff!
  13. Haha ok awesome! That should be fine. I'll be pretty flexible on the check-in dates with people that I know can deliver high quality music in a short period of time. Thanks! :)

  14. Really? You think you'd want to do JP Final Boss? I was listening to the source last night and was actually thinking that you could do an amazing orchestral and metal cover of it. Will-o-Wisp style would be perfect I do believe! You down?

  15. Both soundtracks have their charms. I really want to get one or two more 'big names' to round out the JP/EU disc. We shall see!!
  16. Yeah it's Little Planet. And yeah I'm just waiting to hear back from everyone about the collab LMAO a song about dinosaurs. Priceless. Nice job by the way! I know begoma was looking to do a slower R&B/hip-hop take on his version of "You Can Do Anything", so I'm not entirely sure if that would match up with your vocal style (at least based off those two examples). I'm not sure what else he had in mind for the female vocal part though, so I'll leave it up to him! Also added Arceace and wildfire to the claims list. So the US soundtrack actually filled up before the JP/EU? Keep the project title suggestions coming too everyone!
  17. I have to update claims later tonight when I get home, but Arceace PMed me earlier asking for US Special Stage, which then would give Beth Quartz Quad US. So that should work out fine. I'll confirm tonight. Also, just curious... Beth, do you actually sing lyrics too? I think I've only heard you do like "oooohs" and "aaaahhs" for lack of a better term, if you know what I mean
  18. Sir Nuts had a vocal collab in the GRMRB 2011, so it has happened at least once before in a non-WCRG Darke compo. The SZRC was a little different cause I said from the get-go that collabs were ok IF the participant was still the primary mixer on their song. I agree with Will and everyone else, since it wasn't explicitly stated in the rules, I'd let it slide this time. But in the future, just make it clear if collabs are ok or not. EDIT: just saw Jason's post... Instead of completely re doing the round, maybe just give like 1 extra week to build upon your current song? So then Jason can collab and Pete could do more touch ups on his? I dont know.
  19. Yeah that might be the best idea. If you do your song like the samples you showed me, then I believe they'll be completely different takes on the theme. I know of a couple other bonus tracks that will probably end up on the album anyhow!
  20. Oooh... I like where you're going there... something that represents a duality. I'll have to think on that one. Dualities... and time travel. Hmm. If not, we're going with Back to the Future: A Sonic CD Tribute Project Awesome! I think your source fits your style perfectly. I'm excited to hear it. Damn, do you play like everything? ... going through more claims PMs tonight! Fun!
  21. Oh darn, I have like 4 people interested in Stardust Speedway JP right now. I'm working out some collab stuff for it, so I should probably take it off the claims list. Sorry :( Nothing else catches your fancy?

  22. I'm on my phone, so I'll check your PM and mix out tonight and let you know!

  23. Well not all of them... We still have like 8 left
  24. which reminds me Brandon, I was curious if you wanted to do a song for this Sonic CD project I'm starting up: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=888101 There's only a handful of tracks left to be claimed! I know you're pretty busy, but let me know if you're interested!

  25. well I was sending Sir J a message and noticed these shenanigans below hahaha...

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