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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. No... Darke just has everyone's assigned Mavericks on the final draft spreadsheet in the first post.
  2. Hey Shariq, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves... but after you finish the draft, do you have an idea when the first week of mixing will begin? I imagine you'll need some additional time to figure out the brackets and the artwork/sigs and whatnot. I was just curious because my work schedule in September is getting particularly busy certain weeks, so I may want to change the request I made to you to be in a certain bracket depending on when the first mixing week actually begins. If that's ok. Thanks, I appreciate it!
  3. There are always a few surprises in every compo like this, so really anything is possible! Plus these compos are a great way improve and hone your skills!
  4. So I think means we're down to one open slot. Hopefully Will answers the call of the Will-Signal. Lol.
  5. X6 was a lot like the previous games. X7 & X8 changed up the formula a bit from what I understand (never played either of them). CAN'T WAIT TO REMIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There seems to be a nice mixture of OCR veterans and 'new' dudes that have signed up for this so far. I'm looking forward to seeing all the matchups!!!
  6. Nice! I was looking forward to hearing more from you after your awesome Sonic compo song!! And you choose Storm Owl, so that should make SectorZ and Mr. L happy
  7. Come on guys! Let's get some more people signed up for this! I tried to recruit a few people.
  8. As others have said, by looking at the Judges Decision thread, it would appear that the bottleneck lies with the "to be posted" list and not necessarily the "to be judged" list. Sure judging can take a few months, but when the song gets posted tends to be over a year later. Logically, having DJP do individual write-ups for each mixpost would seem to be the most time-consuming aspect of posting a new song. I agree, it might be helpful to have a panel of mods and judges do write-ups and post songs too, which should definitely help speed up the posting process. Unless some of djp's other site responsibilities can be delegated to others so he can spend more time doing write-ups. One thing I don't think others have mentioned though is that there is something really special about reading each of djp's posts. When I one day (hopefully) get a mix passed, I know what I'll be looking forward to most is seeing what Dave writes about it. I'm not sure how others feel, but I think that's special. So if write-up duties do get delegated, maybe it's some hybrid where Dave always does the write-ups for "first-time remixer posts" and any songs he direct-posts (bypasses the judges panel), but for "repeat mixers" maybe some other mods could do those write-ups? I also like the idea someone wrote below about having Dave do an "Overclocked of the Week" post that would briefly highlight each of the mixes posted that week, but leave a lot of the more technical mix details to the individual mixpost blogs that would be done by the judges/mods. I think that would work well, especially if we ever got to a point where songs were being posted daily or every-other-day. Just my thoughts! Thanks to all the OCR staff - I don't think people realize all the time you guys spend keeping the site running (I know I can only imagine).
  9. Looks like Darke is going to be flipping a lot of coins...
  10. hahah yeah we were chatting about it a few weeks ago. I imagine Darke will go for 32 mixers, there should be enough demand. He's already gotten 16 since it opened up yesterday. I don't know how 24 would work unless you had uneven brackets or something.

  11. Yeah, I saw too, I honestly wasn't expecting it to pass though. It was something I just made for fun at the time. They actually seemed to like it more than I thought they would. I might clean it up and resub, but we'll see. I subbed Pyroclastic Tides from the SZRC a few weeks ago and I think that song will have a much better chance!

    As for the Sonic CD album project, I don't know. Rexy hasn't posted in there in awhile. Like I said in there, i was interested in undertaking my own Sonic CD album project, so if she is no longer interested, then I'll take it up for sure!

  12. Haha yeah Tornado Tonion is probably the dumbest Maverick ever, but the theme is awesome! I've never even played X7 or X8 lol, I just liked the theme.
  13. I absolutely love this song. I love all of melody's chill mixes like this. Great work!
  14. Awesome... Sign me up: 1. Rainy Turtloid - X6 2. Tornado Tonion - X7 3. Squid Adler/Volt Kraken - X5 4. Bubble Crab - X2 5. Shining Hotarunicus - X5 I'm going to be out of town the weekend of labor day, August 31 - September 3, so I'd rather not mix that week if possible please. Shariq - if you do your regular "mixing round starts on Saturday", I'd just want to avoid that Saturday, September 1st mixing week. Sat, August 25 week (if we start that early) or the Sat, Sept 8 week are fine with me. Thanks!
  15. My grandma first got me one of those little 54 key Yahama keyboards when I was in elementary school, so that was probably my first experience creating my own music. Needless to say, I was hooked from there. I taught myself piano from that point on and I started playing trumpet in 5th grade (throughout high school). I still play piano today for fun, but unfortunately haven't touched my trumpet much since high school because I never had time to play in a college or community band, and playing alone was kinda boring. I started remixing music soon after discovering OCR around 2002. I made some crappy songs in the 2002-2004 time frame (on ModPlug Tracker and Sony ACID 4.0), that mainly involved ripping MIDIs and changing instruments haha. After that I started college so I never really messed around with remixing music again until 2009 when I started visiting OCR again some more. I hadn't really devoted any serious time into learning more about remixing (and creating electronic music in general) until Shariq's Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet tournament last year. I'd have to say competing in that competition was the single greatest thing that's helped me improve dramatically in a 3-month time period (moreso than I had in the past several years). That, and then just talking and working with other remixers in the community here has been a big help. That's about it!
  16. Yeah I agree the Auction House kinda ruined the game for me. At first I loved being able to buy sweet items, but then I found myself caring more about looking through the AH instead of actually playing the game. What's the point of replaying through all the difficulties when the best items are in the AH? I've only played one character class so far tho, so I am still interested in replaying the game with the other characters, at least.
  17. Great stuff here! I love some of the more chill beats here (I Can See). Very well done!
  18. Yeah, I just meant if properly executed it could be cool. But, yes yes yes, massive cheesy vocals are 100% the way to go like I've been saying the whole time
  19. I thought we meant the same thing? I do not like the idea of limiting teams to using the same DAW. I don't think it is necessary.
  20. Well, the general idea was awesome, which is what I was getting at.
  21. I used Mp3 tag, that I linked below, for the SZRC. I'll send you the PSDs, I was actually making a few tweaks anyway
  22. That's really funny cause I actually stumbled upon this video on youtube when I was searching to see if anyone had made a big band/jazz Casino Night mix before, that's hilarious that that is you!! But yeah, this would sound friggen awesome with live instruments and some expanded/refined solo sections. Definitely need to expand the vocals too. I like what you did there, but I'd love to hear some Frank Sinatra-esque crooning going on in there too Nice job. Make this happen guys! EDIT: rofl, reading the comments on youtube and I don't get why people were bitching about the scatting. That stuff was great. Get Sir Jordanius on that pronto, he knows how to make cool mouth noises.
  23. No, they showed up fine. I think I was just being picky how I preferred things to be tagged The way I have my stuff grouped in iTunes is "Album by Artist" so not having an Album Artist grouping (like OCR) was throwing them off. No worries! Whatever, whatever, I do what I want! But no, yeah I was just thinking that since the Novices were working exclusively with "OCR Stars" that the logo use was appropriate. But yeah like I said, feel free to use the art, or I can send PSDs, or tweak something for ya if you like! Honestly, I think that is a really really limiting idea. I don't think it is necessary at all for people to have the same DAWs. For example, I'm one of like 2 people in the world that use Sony ACID as my DAW, so I've never swapped project files with anyone haha, but I haven't felt limited in my collabs at all. Sure, you can't send project files, but if someone wants to help you write a melody, you just export that channel as a MIDI and send it off. If you want someone to exchange instruments for you, again, just send off the MIDI, have them insert their instrument, render a WAV stem for you, then insert it back in your song. Mixing and mastering can be done on individual WAV stems for the whole song too if you really want to get that technical. Plus there are so many VST instrument banks, you have to assume that the people with the same DAW would also need to have the same VSTs in order to just be able to swap project files. If people have different DAWs, but the same VSTs, they can still help each other out with instruments and how to do effects and synth modulation, stuff like that. Plus the fundamentals of how to EQ, how to stereo-separate, and other production techniques, don't change because your DAW does. Helping with production techniques is DAW-neutral. Sorry wasn't trying to rant on, but I just feel like limiting people to the same DAW really isn't necessary! Great job on everything MindWanderer, this seems like it's been fun for the people involved so far, and I've enjoyed all the music! I definitely look forward to participating in one of these down the road...
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