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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Sorry Bee Strader, I don't mess around You've got plenty of time to make something and I'm really excited to hear what you do with the source. Knowing you, you'll make something completely awesome in like 2 days anyway, like you did with all of your SZRC entries
  2. GREAT news everyone! Our project has been approved for official OCR status!! We now have a private forum setup in the Projects subfolder. Any project staff and remixers involved in the project have access to this forum. We can use this to post our WIPs and provide feedback, which will be insanely easier than our current methods... So I need all remixers on this project (i.e., if your name is in the first post of this thread) to go to the private forum and post in the thread titled "Permissions Test" so I can make sure your access has been setup properly. If you can't access the forum, please let me know. Thanks!!
  3. Yeah DiGi, that'd be great! You're definitely more connected with the greater SEGA fan community than I am, so if you know some people who are good and would be interested, send em my way! And just to be clear, I can't commission anyone to do artwork, so just like our remixes, it's all non-profit fan work. They'll of course be credited on the album though. Thanks!
  4. Oh hey I just noticed... not sure how often this thread gets updated... but can you guys add my Sonic CD project on here please? We're called Temporal Duality: A Sonic CD Tribute Project. I'm the director and currently all of our remixer slots are filled, but I am looking for an artist for album & website art. And if anyone wants to collaborate on music, they can give me a shout-out too. We're also currently "unofficial" but I submitted us for official-OCR status back in November, so I'm just waiting to hear back. Thanks a bunch!
  5. So yeah I've decided on Temporal Duality for the project name, given my long exposition a few posts back about how it is the most fitting title given our project theme, scope, and the game tie-ins, yadda yadda. I've made some new banners too, yay: So yeah everyone use these banners now and ditch the old East vs. West ones Also, I'd love to find a talented artist(s) who might be interested in doing album art for the project and website (now that the name is settled). I can make decent sigs and banners, but that's about the extent of my abilities. I'd love to have some really high quality artwork (just take a look at other recent OCR albums to get an idea of quality) that would show off the themes of the project. Off the top of my head I'm thinking some art that somehow visualizes time travel, like maybe some lens flares (like in my banners), warpy light thingys or maybe the Past & Future sign posts (like in the game). Something that shows different zones being fused together (like in the banner), which would build on the "duality" theme. That's just a few ideas. I'm open to suggestions. If you, or anyone you know is qualified and interested, let me know! Thanks!
  6. Very nice! Probably my favorite track off the FF9 soundtrack too.
  7. LIAM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! That sucks man, your WIP was nice too. I guess, good thing it wasn't that far along though (unless you'd done more since you last showed me). Regardless, yeah whenever you get something is fine, don't worry about the deadline. Good luck! Nice! Can't wait to hear it!
  8. I heard wildfire got you the vocals for your Sonic CD project track! I'm looking forward to hearing how that thing comes together :)

  9. Yeah the only one you got to be particularly careful with is Soundcloud, because it needs to be marked private so others don't see it, but then only other soundcloud users can have access to private track links, which is kind of annoying. Box.com is probably the easiest to work with, in that regard. Just continue to upload to your private server (or whatever other means people are using). I'll find an easier way for the rest of the team to listen to the WIPs if it becomes a problem. Thanks!
  11. Yeah I'm really torn on the new title choice, as it seems most people who have responded are as well, since there seems to be equal support for all 3 choices. Across Time & Space or Temporal Duality/Divide are both good and a lot better than East vs. West in my opinion. My problem with East vs. West is that it makes it sound like a confrontation or a face-off (like DiGi noted) and East Meets West just gives off a 'Wild Arms' ninjas and spaghetti western vibe that just doesn't flow with the project theme (like Rexy noted). I really like Across Time & Space, because it has a nice epic feel to it and covers both the time-travel focus of the game and the fact we're covering both soundtracks from the different locations (across space). On the other hand, Temporal Divide/Duality does have a nice ring to it. Not sure if I like Divide or Duality more though... The definition of "duality" is "the state or quality of being two or in two parts; dichotomy". Divide does sound a little more out-right confrontational, although Duality has a very similar meaning; referencing something that has a characteristic of being two things/parts. Which defines what this album project is: a project that covers one game that has two different soundtracks. Then you have the definition of "temporal" as "of, relating to, or limited by time". Which references how the game is about time and time travel, plus in every Sonic game you're limited by time to complete the level. Combined, a Temporal Duality could be referencing how time has the characteristic of having at least two parts. In the game, your actions in the Past & Present stages effect if you create a Good or Bad Future in each zone. When I think about it that way, I think Temporal Duality might be the most fitting title. I've clearly thought about this too much, but my logic may have just made up my own mind
  12. Mmmmmmmmmmm these are some delicious jazzy chiptunes. Best stuff I've heard from you Blake, amazing job!!!!!!! EDIT: I want macaroni cheese now too...
  13. Unfortunately I won't be making it this year either. There were some family things that came up, and I ended up getting pulled into a project at work that there is no way I can get out of on the 3rd and 4th. Luckily I hadn't bought anything yet cause I was waiting to see how this stuff played out. I'm bummed I won't get to meet everyone for realz. And the performer lineup each night looks like it's going to be awesome. You guys rock out for me though, ok?
  14. "Broken Legs" just came on my playlist from the SZRC. I kept meaning to ask you, did you ever sub that song? It's my favorite I've heard of yours :)

  15. Hey, I've been giving feedback on Sonic songs all day for the Sonic CD project, so what's one more . Cool source too, and this is definitely a fresh take on it (after hearing a bunch of them from Amphibious in the SZRC) I'll agree - the intro feels like it goes on for toooooooo long. It's cool to establish the atmosphere but at 1:40 it feels like a bit too much. I like the water sounds and the little hints of the main melody that appear in the intro. I think it works, but maybe just trim it up to around 0:45 max and then kick into the part at 2:04 earlier. Once we get there though, I'm digging it. You have a lot of nice, interesting textures. The instrument at 2:15 is particularly cool. The whole soundscape has a nice lush feel to it between the arpeggio synth, the piano, and the bass in the 2:15 - 3:15 section. I think the pads could be boosted a bit though to help fill out the section even more. And I agree the bit-crushed snare seems a little out of place there between 2:15 - 2:44. 3:15 is a nice change of pace. I love the piano there and the arpeggio synth there. The new lead synth at 4:20 is a lot of fun too. Nice textures. My only addition would be that after 4:45 the rest of the song feels like it meanders. That lead synth at 4:45 sounds like a good place to wrap up. It's sort of the climax of the song. I think doing a few more of the run up arpeggios at 4:45 and having them echo/reverb into the background over that falling pad and then maybe bring back in those water sound effects like you do at the end would be a nice way to end the song. A really fun track though. I love the overall ambient/chill vibe I get from it. I think just tightening up the intro and ending would do wonders for the song, because everything you have in-between is very enjoyable. Nice job! EDIT: oh mixing sounds really quiet overall too. Soundcloud switched over to a new song and I realized how much I had turned up my speakers to hear your song clearly. FYI.
  16. Woooo, I have like a week off from work for the holiday, so my goal is to get feedback for everyone who is waiting on it. As well as make some progress on my track. I'm also looking forward to hearing some more WIPs from people that are also freeing up now Anyone else have any opinions on the new suggested project titles?
  17. Hell yeah! I remember checking this one out in the WIP forums, and I too have had it in my playlist since. Not much else to say, other than this is one rockin' arrangement of a great Sonic source. Nice work man!
  18. I'm such a big fan of melody's jazz hybrid style. I love how all the textures mesh together in this piece, between the piano, the electric guitar, and the bass. Really great song and of my favorite stand-outs from Maverick Rising. Nice!
  19. I bought this the other day and thoroughly enjoy it, well worth the money! I have to say this is probably one of the most enjoyable electronica albums I've listened too. You've always been great, but this album is really a step up in both arrangement and production, great job man! I like the increased focus on vocal tracks too. Jillian is great, as always, and Chris did a good job too. I haven't looked through the album notes yet, but I want to take a deeper look at them and the lyrics to better understand the story concept you were going for. I really dig it though, great job to all involved!
  20. I love the atmosphere and piano in this song! Two amazing source themes too, great job!
  21. Haha... yeah I did that cause I definitely can't read Japanese... In actual project related news ... I got a sweet funky WIP from metaphist today. Things are shaping up nicely so far across all the WIPs I've gotten!
  22. Hey Robbie, did you get my PM about the Sonic CD project by chance? Thanks!

  23. PETE PETE PETE PETE!!!!!!!!!


    (2012/06/27) Sonic & Knuckles 'Pyroclastic Tides'

  24. Yup, I'm alive and well. I've just been really busy working on my own song and trying to get feedback out to everyone who turned in WIPs (including yourself) I've also been trying to nail down the official album title. I think I've narrowed it done to a few options: Time & Space (or alternatively, Across Time & Space): it plays up both themes we were focusing on earlier. Time refers to the time travel in the game, while Space can refer to how we're covering both the JP and US soundtracks (across space). Temporal Divide (or alternatively, Temporal Duality): again, it plays up both themes. Temporal refers to time, Divide can refer to a divide in time (past, present, future) and a divide, like across two different places (US & JP soundtracks). Alternatively Duality would refer to two different places/things (two different soundtracks, same game). We could also stick with the East vs. West idea but I really don't think that reflects the theme of the album project or the game very well. What does everyone think?
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