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  • Real Name
    Catherine Stay
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Occupation

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    Studio One
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Female
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  1. as of right now, String(violins, viola, cello double bass) and piano Arrangers needed to help with Arranging/cleaning up the sheet music for live recording. character themes i have so far are Roxas: I'm Me~ Roxas' Soliloquy - Post Your Game ReMixes! - OC ReMix Community
  2. I'm Me~ Roxas' Soliloquy(1st pass): http://www.sndup.net/wnyq (Diz really treats roxas like dirt at the beginning of KH2): Inspired by these:
  3. I'm working with a team on a A closer-to-the-source-material Castlevania anime adaptation. Project info: “In an era long past, as monarchies weakened, local feudal lords grew in power. The first knights simply protected their lords’ domains. However, with the reforms of the late 11th century, knights became the protectors of the peace. They valued courage and honor, fighting heretics and heathens in God’s name. In this age, one company of knights was said to be invincible due to two men: Leon Belmont, a courageous man who feared nothing and whose combat abilities were second to none, and Mathias Cronqvist, a genius tactician, whose learning made him an exception in a largely illiterate society. They trusted each other completely, and they were bound by an old friendship.” ~Lament of Innocence Prologue i talk strictly from the pov of i-love-this-franchise and i can expand so much on this material if i could do a show. here are some things that will make our series different from the one on netflix: it’s a character drama like symphony of the night. no swearing, sex or nudity. it will have a tasteful amount of blood, as opposed to the gorefest of the netflix show. alcohol will be present but people won’t be black out drunk. our series will not scapegoat the catholic church. the backgrounds and art style will take its inspiration from symphony of the night and the gothic and baroque Eras(Grandeur, realism, emphasizing beauty, majesty, and grace, and for the objects and buildings, using graceful arcs and curves whenever possible. gothic would be for example, stained glass windows. the music will be very medieval and baroque style. I’m working on the show right now with the composer/arranger and the script writer. the series will go through the whole timeline until 6 months after 1999(including events never told before like the Demon Castle War) team biographies here: https://castlevania747013383.wordpress.com/home/ Disclaimer: Konami has not given us the go-ahead yet. we’ll pitch the idea to them once the first six episodes(season 1)are done. project reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/qruaxy/a_closertothesourcematerial_castlevania_anime/ and twitter: https://twitter.com/cr_baroque
  4. i'm in need of a midi transcriptionist. contact: caitrin7@hotmail.com
  5. Apocalypsis Noctis and/or Apocalypsis Aquarius
  6. @Ronald Poe @theconsoloist what are some of your track ideas? the album needs a battle version of In The Light Of The Crystal just FYI.
  7. the album will be canonical to dawn of the future. Ardyn and noct's relationship(an uncle and his nephew) be like this: https://catlin9.tumblr.com/post/187427942954/uncle-ardyn
  8. yes. question. @Ronald Poe @theconsoloist do either of you know how to transcribe midi from audio?
  9. @djpretzel apparently, I don't have permission for new tags.
  10. Contributors 752 posts Report post Posted October 19, 2019 (edited) please note: you do not have to use the genres or styles I put in the examples. Story of Kings Project Proposal GAME NAME(S): Final Fantasy XV ALBUM CONCEPT:Different musical styles tell of the reigns Different Kings. How it works: pick a track, pick a monarch(2 tracks per monarch), pick a style.(some ideas: ancient, biblical, early, Medieval,Renaissance, Baroque, classical, Romantic, or modern example links below) Up to three different versions of each source is allowed PERSONNEL: GSO (Project Director), (Assistant Director), (Album Art / Website) TIMELINE: TBD TRACKLIST: Episode Ardyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mboeeXSRloQ&list=PLHRx9CEUtB5PYtv3zYUyqZkNmIIL-fjR6&index=1 Ardyn Main Theme (Prayer of the Oracle) Angelgard battle Memories Besithia’s Lab Besithia’s Lab(Battle) My Calling Declaration Niflheim rises Founders Festival Insomnia Guardian Boss King Regis Somnus - The final battle Brother Resist your fate Ardyn’s Madness Ardyn's rest Final Fantasy XV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THht1RqCh8U&list=PLc_RJ2laVnkAdkzdK2w-BdiuPDIw5eyIZ Disc 1 1 Somnus (Instrumental Version) 2 Departure 3 Broken Down 4 Hammerhead 5 Wanderlust 6 Encroaching Fear 7 Stand Your Ground 8 Relax and Reflect 9 Day’s End Fanfare 10 Horizon 11 Safe Haven 12 Lurking Danger 13 Hunt or Be Hunted 14 Cindy 15 Urban Chrome 16 A Quick Pit Stop 17 Love Lost 18 Galdin Quay 19 Ardyn 20 The Aggressors 21 Nox Aeterna 22 The Hunters 23 What Lies Within 24 Daemons 25 Bros on the Road 26 Fantastica! Disc 2 1 The Niflheim Empire 2 Veiled in Black 3 Valse Di Fantastica 4 Crystalline Chill 5 What a Hoot 6 Blues De Chocobo 7 Reel Rumble 8 The Fight Is On! 9 Lestallum 10 Welcome to the Leville 11 Unsettling Aura 12 Don’t Panic! 13 Apocalypsis Noctis 14 Cosmogony- Claimed by GSO 15 Melancholia- Claimed by GSO 16 A Premonition 17 Nox Divina 18 Labyrinthine 19 Flying R 20 Imperial Infiltration 21 Veiled in Black (Arrangement) 22 Invidia 23 Sorrow Without Solace Disc 3 1 Sunset Waltz 2 Disquiet 3 Omnis Lacrima 4 Rodeo De Chocobo 5 Listen Up 6 Creeping Shadows 7 Impending Peril 8 Up for the Challenge 9 Cape Caem 10 Cape Caem – Our New Home 11 Cape Caem – Hidden Harbor 12 Bros on the Road II 13 Noctis 14 Over the Waves 15 Altissia 16 Altissia – Gondola Ride 17 Welcome to the Royal Suite 18 Starlit Waltz 19 Prayer De Luna 20 No Time Left 21 Song of the Stars 22 The Hydraean’s Wrath 23 Ardyn II 24 Luna 25 Apocalypsis Aquarius Disc 4 1 Broken Bonds 2 Dining Car 3 Cartanica 4 Relax and Reflect – Pensive 5 Careening into Danger 6 Tenebrae 7 Horrors of the Night 8 End of the Road 9 An Empire in Ruins 10 Ravus Aeterna 11 In the Light of the Crystal 12 A World Unwaking 13 Neverending Nightmare 14 Homecoming 15 Hammerhead – The Last Bastion 16 Somnus 17 Hellfire 18 Magna Insomnia 19 Dawn 20 Somnus Ultima 21 Dewdrops at Dawn 22 Main Theme from Final Fantasy Final Fantasy XV Volume 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8IniwY7KQI&list=PLc_RJ2laVnkAyOd6MIaO7x8yCCakpYorw Tracklisting 1. Shield of the King – Theme of EPISODE GLADIOLUS 2. Steeling My Resolve 3. Taelpar Crag 4. The Spirits Converge 5. The Trials of the Shield 6. Battle on the Big Bridge (EPISODE GLADIOLUS Version) 7. Of Muscle and Mettle 8. Scar on My Pride 9. A Frozen Soul 10. Prompto’s Solitude 11. Beckoned by Darkness 12. Orbital Instability (Extended Mix) 13. Trigger 14. Coffee and Contemplation 15. Where None Dare Tread 16. Helix of Insanity 17. Lost in the Snow 18. The Fire Within 19. Identity 20. Moving Forward 21. Sound of My Heart 22. Face the Music 23. In a Trance 24. Crazy Motorsleigh 25. Orbital Instability 26. Aberrant Experiment 27. Sins of the Father 28. My Life to Live 29. Home Sweet Home – Theme of EPISODE PROMPTO 30. Descent into Darkness 31. Choosing Hope – City of Light 32. Hunters’ Haven 33. Hunting for a Thrill 34. On the Defensive 35. Urgent Mission 36. The Clock Is Ticking 37. A Daunting Challenge 38. COMRADES Fanfare 39. Cheers! 40. Let There Be Light 41. Lodes of Fun 42. Rise and Shine 43. A Clash of Swords 44. The Wrath of Swords 45. Choosing Hope 46. NOCTIS – Those Who Follow 47. EPISODE IGNIS – The Main Theme 48. Stress in Solitude 49. Spelldaggers 50. Altissia Under Siege 51. Rest Up, Ignis 52. The Bladed Tactician 53. Clash on the Waves 54. A United Front 55. To Each Their Calling 56. A Tear-Stained Sword 57. Theme of RAVUS 58. Forbidden Flames 59. The Blazing Tactician 60. Badge of Honor 61. A Lightless Journey 62. Ardyn III 63. As Friend and Brother 64. Become the Fire 65. Captive in Cobalt 66. Ashes to Ashes 67. Wicked Laughter 68. My Humblest Desire 69. Apocalypsis Magnatus 70. Over the Waves – At Anchor 71. Bismarck, God of the Sea 72. Dirt Track Trials 73. Return of the King 74. A Warm Welcome 75. Insomnia Ablaze 76. Veiled in Black (Insomnia Arrangement) 77. Omega 78. Omega – Limit Break 79. Cerberus 80. Advent of the Apocalypse 81. Es it foron! – A Prayer 82. Encelevenemus – Kingly Compassion 83. The Founder King’s Hope 84. Moonlit Melodies 1. What’s the Plan? 2. Raid on Gralea 3. Daemons – Heart of Evil 4. Daemons – Eternal Darkness 5. FINAL FANTASY XV – World of Wonder 6. Braver 7. Easy Rider 8. Gone 9. EZ Dub & Bass 10. Gliding Along 11. Arroyo Bello 12. Afrosword 13. Party Around the World 14. Ravus’s Last Moments 15. War of the Astrals 16. Shiva’s Wish 17. True Love 18. I Promise 19. Moogle Chocobo Carnival! 20. Carnival of Lights 21. Fireworks Finale 22. Vision of the Dawn 23. Your Friendly Neighborhood Assassin 24. Assassin’s Festival 25. Time Well Spent 26. The Hunt 27. Man on a Mission 28. Everything Is Permitted 29. Festival de Chocobo 30. The Murky Depths 31. Trident 32. A Convergence of Winds 33. Welcome Home 34. Eosian Glory 35. Reel Rumble – MONSTER of the DEEP 36. Reel Rumble – WHOPPER of the DEEP 37. Go for the Gold! 38. In Search of Adventure 39. Reel Rumble – DAEMON of the DEEP 40. Into the Abyss 41. Trident – The Ancient Scourge 42. A Narrow Escape 43. Welcome Home – Journey’s End REMIXERS: More info in the PDFA Story of Kings_ a tribute to Final Fantasy XV.pdf Legend open claimed complete wav'd A Story of Kings_ a tribute to Final Fantasy XV.pdf
  11. trailer for group: A sextet/octet Baroque/ Early Music Choral group focused on arranging & performing VGM in historical and acapella styles(late 14th to early 17th centuries). *please Note: there will be 3 singers chosen for each voice type so we can rotate people in and out(24 in all) and YOU MUST HAVE YOUR/HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT! some examples of what the repertoire might sound like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN5FkY1zlos&list=PL87A99F7E28901B19
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