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Everything posted by GSO

  1. ...has anybody used this library/do you like it? I want some secondary opinions before I buy this 300 dollar library. Website
  2. yeah I know right?
  3. ...from Materia Collective: http://nerdist.com/final-fantasy-x-album-remix-exclusive-playstation-soundtrack/
  4. ...Have enough Variety in it to be considered for the Site?: https://youtu.be/1H9DFjUgBk8 World of Destruction(Dancing Mad)For Piano Trio demo.mp3
  5. Demo: live instrument version coming soon: Violin(Statue: Demon)~GSO Cello(Statue: Fiend)~Austin Hart; Materia Collective Piano(Statue: Goddess)~Nathan Gulla; Materia Collective
  6. here's the update:
  7. here's the update:
  8. ...for Dancing Mad trio: PM me if interested.
  9. thanks Liontamer.
  10. so, do you have any Ideas of gaming press I could pitch a project and it's kickstarter to(and how to contact them)once I get permission from Square enix(to build a buzz)?
  11. final fantasy 5- pyramid of moore
  12. I get a ringing noise when I use sustain keyswitch in audio bros symphony essentials? is there anything I can do about that?
  13. Do these sound real? or do they need more humanization?:
  14. Do I finish the CD part of the project if I haven't heard from square enix(japan) in three months' time? this includes Recording, Kickstarter, Printing etc. how could I approach them to even ask permission(I emailed them already, but they don't have a specific area of the company for things like this). I'm walkin' on eggshells here...
  15. Project FB/Info Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1603283849691266/?ref=bookmarks someone who knows how to pitch a project to a journalist Someone to create the Kickstarter(s)(I've tried multiple times. I suck at it.): Financial adviser(to help with the finances of the project + do the kickstarter monetary breakdown i.e. spreadsheet): PM me if interestested.
  16. An original chiptune track I did on a chrono cross/trigger tribute album:
  17. Prisoners of Fate WIP: http://tindeck.com/listen/xkxas Magical Dreamers WIP: http://tindeck.com/listen/pwdzn
  18. the workshop needs a list of people with video production skills + what software they use. cuz I am willing to pay a video producer for a project but I can't figure out who would have that skill besides Jose the Bronx Rican.
  19. willing to pay 100-150 USD(via paypal) for 4-4.5 minute vid/trailer)
  20. Info for project 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LZUrcVrcT87qVUWCDg4Bkq7W6Vo2mVZAkfWaBlPW2Qs/edit?usp=sharing Info for Project 2(long term): Facebook group + page for project 2: https://www.facebook.com/groups/203290670048309/ & https://www.facebook.com/Gaian-Symphony-Gamingorchestra-1700877566830616/ Audition packet for all interested parties: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bm9fvw8k5cwy16p/Audition_Packet.pdf
  21. starting with the second project, I need an orchestra.
  22. Hi all! is there anybody here who really understands Kickstarter and can make an awesome Vid for my Kontakt sample library?
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