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Everything posted by GSO

  1. playing final fantasy x hd remaster- moving the save file from ps3 so I can play it on an emulator(for the purposes of having a smaller screen) I have a legal copy of the game I just want to try it on this ps3 emulator: rpcs3 I have: 1. emulator: rpcs3 2. copy of the game 3. Bruteforce savedata to copy my save state 4. ps3tools ...has anyone tried this?
  2. I'll have the album art done Monday. do we know who's going to do the album trailer?
  3. finished Demo: (need to make transitions tho.)
  4. #ocjazzcollective some Traditional Celtic Band instruments that I Like: Fiddle: GSO Flute: Acoustic Guitar: Harp: Dulcimer: Bodhrán: This is a goatskin drum used widely in Irish music I was thinking this setup could be used for: & ...or anything really. Contact me via PM or caitrin7@hotmail.com if interested
  5. Gerudo Tango: Romani Violin: GSO Acoustic Guitar: MicahB Drums: GSO/MicahB Piano: JohnStacy Trumpet: John Robert Matz
  6. GSO

    I need A trumpet Part for my Gerudo Valley Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/jzwed as for the parts I can send you the pdf as a base but really just feel free to do your own thing.




  7. Rebirth of the Crystal: A Final Fantasy IX Oratorio....ReBoot(RECRUTING PEOPLE TO BE ON THE beginning PROJECT CORE TEAM): English Lyricist Concept Artist Orchestrator Arranger #2 People I Have: Latin Lyricist: Ian Martyn *note: the Orchestrator and arranger 2 must be able to Work in Notion 6 & Studio One 3. Contact me if interested: caitrin7@hotmail.com
  8. Has Anybody here ever Run The Play engine for EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs - Gold Edition + Kontakt at the Same time on Windows 10? how did that work out for you?
  9. For the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy VII, I'm Hosting a Music Video Competition. Rules: You Can use any video Material you want but only these three tunes from the FF7 OST: ...Show Me what you can come up with! Deadline June 1st 2017(post to this thread to enter) Prizes: 1st place: you get to make the 3 part video for the ff7 20th anniversary medley(Part themes in order: Life, Crisis, Advent) 2nd place: you get to make the Halo Main theme Video 3rd Place: you get to make the tetris theme video
  10. Here is an updated Score Breakdown: Anybody interested in making the 3 part AMV either PM me or email me at caitrin7@hotmail.com for the music.
  11. I'm Gonna shelve this until I Get my Hands On NI's Cuba: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/world/cuba/
  12. I first started this in 2010: Version 1 version 2 Inspired by this: Which version do you like better?
  13. Hi All! I need Somebody to help me arrange the track "Who You Really Are" as an end to my BBC Sherlock Medley For Violin & Piano. here is what it sounds like: Contact me at caitrin7@hotmail.com with the subject line Sherlock Season 4 (The Final Problem) Who You Really Are if interested for more info.
  14. Huzzah! A Proper Ending:
  15. The Aria(a Duet Between Maria & Draco): (I Need A good set of studio Headphones XD)
  16. Curtain Call WIP 1:
  17. Fan made final fantasy songbook for piano trios and Quartets For Final Fantasy's 30th Anniversary I'll Spearhead the Project. here's what I was thinking: If anybody here Uses Scorewriting software Presonus Notion 6, feel free to contact me(so we can pass Ideas back and forth, come up with new stuff and put together a printed and or digital scorebook Commemorating Final Fantasy's 30 years). Contact Me(either PM or email): caitrin7@hotmail.com Here is a complete Work in Progress playlist for Volume 1:
  18. For Final Fantasy's 30th anniversary: official 30th anniversary portal website Fan made final fantasy songbooks for piano trios(Violin Cello and Piano) and Quartets(Violin Viola Cello and Piano) Here is a complete Work in Progress list for Volume 1: Beginning Of The Adventure(Prologue, Final Fantasy I) On To Victory(The Rebel Army, Final Fantasy II) A Maiden's Prayer (Elia, Maiden of Water, Final Fantasy III) Love's Embrace (Theme of Love, Final Fantasy IV) A Moment of Rest (Tule Village Theme, Final Fantasy V) World of Destruction(Dancing Mad, Final Fantasy VI) Very Hard To The Promised Land(One Winged Angel, Final Fantasy VII) His Last Vow(The Oath, Final Fantasy VIII) The Journey Home(Endless Sorrow, Final Fantasy IX) The Dream's End(To Zanarkand, Final Fantasy X) Tale Of The Longfall(Ronfaure, Final Fantasy XI) YouTube Playlist for all three Volumes: What Do you think? Art theme Pictures: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-157396710 & & http://www.deviantart.com/art/FFIII-Warriors-of-Light-175290614
  19. I saw the Japanese web site yesterday: http://www.finalfantasy.jp/30th/ (it looks totally kickass btw). man, I feel old lol. I have some special projects lined up for next year to Coincide with this The FF VI Opera(FULL) feat. Bonnie Bogovich as The Impressario The Nikanoru as Draco May Claire as Maria Final Fantasy VII 20th Anniversary Medley by the Gaian Symphony Gaming Orchestra Final Fantasy VII 20th Anniversary Medley Trailer & Patreon Page I'm debating on whether to get the 30th anniversary box.(I've heard that the 25th anniversary box was like 300 USD).
  20. I would recommend this: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/symphony-essentials/
  21. A Tribute To Mannheim Steamroller Christmas:
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