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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Wada Kaoru - Saber of Angel (from Casshern Sins Original Soundtrack)
  2. Well I don't know your computer's specs, but i DO know that SFZ gets quite reluctant to work with dual-core processor, if that helps. Also, depending on the version of XP you're using, it can slightly impact the perfomance on some configs. That being said, I have to be honest: Having a computer optimised for audio editing, with strictly audio editing software, not connected to the net and free of all other generic programs (text writer, spreadsheet, anti-virus), is the best option. Not the cheapest for sure, but definitely worthwhile. Anyway, I don't think your issue is really memory related. It may come from the SFZ player you're using, or the fact that you've opened multiple instances of the program. Have you tried some other SoundFonts softs? Here's some links. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/977.html http://www.terrywest.110mb.com/take1.html http://www.project5.com/products/instruments/sfz_player/default.asp Good luck.
  3. Hi everyone, Got to be honest: this site rocks. I never expected to stumble upon such dedicated and talented people, all in favor of making (and often re-visiting) video game music. The work done by this community is just amazing, I just wish I had found this place earlier. Anyway, I'm Dj Mokram, I'm from W.Europe. I love doing music & listening to it too. Been working in various styles for some time, I've never really thought that I could do VG music... at least before I found OCR that is! I'm kind of an "old timer" I guess, since I started gaming during the NES era, but believe me, those 8bit tunes never really got out of my mind (Rockman or Castlevania songs sometimes haunt me at night you know. ). So, long story short, I'm a big game (& anime) music fan. I will be trying remixing a little bit, and in the meantime, I thought it was time I paid my due respect to fellow composers, here at OCremix. I'll try to modestly contribute in my own way. I'll listen, I'll learn, maybe I'll even evolve, but in the end I may be able to share some of my knowledge with other and help too. Hope to see you around.
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