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Everything posted by YoshMaster

  1. Holy COW this is catchy!! Amazing track! The latin/kpop mix is so good! Just love that light catchy drum beat in the verses! Also the vocals are the absolute best ever heard on OCR! Great job!!
  2. Wow, I was really touched by the song and your text on the state of the USA. A lot of people around the world are also saddened by what your country has become.. I hope you get to heal and go forward once again, as a nation.
  3. Happy birthday OCR!!!! I’ve been with you for 18 of those 20 years and that makes me feel really old lol! So old, that I have memories of going with my dad to get Lufia 2 for my birthday when it was brand new! The first Lufia i had rented so many times and I was highly anticipating the sequel. It became one of my top5 game of all-time!! The soundtrack was a big part of the reason I love this game so much. So it is an amazing gift to me that an album will be finally coming out on OCR! Yay!!
  4. Love the energy! Reminds me a lot of the kind of "orchestral rock" we got in the Gundam Wing OST!
  5. Totally agree that this sounds like electro-swing but a bit "trancier" LOOOVE both style, love this remix!!
  6. McVaffe (or I guess it's MkVaff now!) is by FAR my favorite Remixer! I now stand at 40 of his remixes in my iTunes! :P Another amazingly catchy remix as always! Good job!
  7. Holy COW this is great! Amazing work on this crazy request! I respect the real effort you put on this so much!! Downloaded and added to my iTunes ;) Can’t wait to blast this in my car at a red light this summer lol :P
  8. Holy s*** this is good!!! I've been liking Hylian Lemon a lot ever since his Essence of Lime album back in 2010 but now I think I'm just in love.. seriously one of my favorite artist on this planet, the guy knows how to groove and be funky and I need that in my life THANKS FOR SO MUCH AWESOME MUSIC!!!!
  9. .......WOW!!! This could have been SO corny and cheesy but amazingly EVERYTHING works!!! The vocals are totally credible for a 90s boys band, the rap is AMAZING, the solo is on point... I am floored!! This should be the official anthem of an 90's music comeback!! I will be blasting this in my car this summer thank you very much!!!
  10. Haha EXACTLY what I was thinking!! And sounding like Contra makes it an automatic add in my iTunes list
  11. Great remix of this amazing song! I, like so many others, have discovered this game back in the day, with the magic of emulators One of the very best SNES games, it is incredible to think this was never sold in the US and Canada...!! I've always loved this track and ALWAYS thought it felt SO much like an Earthbound song!!! Anyone also gets this impression when they hear it?? It feels like a "Mom I'm hooome" song
  12. The world DEFINITELY needs more Advance Wars remix (and games!) !!
  13. Wow I also love the story behind it and I am extremely happy to welcome Steve to OCR!! Also, I consider myself open to a lot more styles and genres than the average person, but even then, I never was able to appreciate bluegrass music that much. I don't know why exactly. So how surprised was I to adore this remix!! Good job Steve on making love a bluegrass song, now if someone could make me love country music too that's probably the only style left for me to learn to love
  14. As an old guy who is here since pretty much the beginning, I don't know if I count as knowing what's hip these days, but I do listen to mostly electronic music and this remix was an instant download! I LOVE it! The energy is just so powerful and makes me happy
  15. Beautiful... I feel so without any worries now..
  16. Love the old school hip hop vibe! I stopped listening to rap and hip hop after the mid-90s but this is like a throwback to the beginning
  17. What!? When I saw that Darangen had a 7 years vacation () I couldn't believe my eyes!! Finally Home is still one of the song I listen to pretty often and I just could not believe it was that old already!! I would have said 2010, maybe 2009 but 2006!?!? I've been listening to that song for 7 years?? Wow..!! This tells me it is without a doubt a classic for me!! Glad to see you back Darangen!! PS. Thanks for having made a Lufia remix, Lufia 1-2 are way to underrepresented here..
  18. I'm so sad that Suikoden 1-2 are so under-represented on OCR that I'm gonna listen to this and cry my life out... Suikoden 2 has one of the best soundtrack of all time!!
  19. In a way it's sad.. I mean he just made the most epic song POSSIBLE for human ears... You can all pack up and return home, there is nothing better to be done... Seriously it's ridiculous... I didn't think that I would ever experience this in my life but IT IS as good as Bohemian Rhapsody.. I have no doubt in my mind that Queen would have been proud to do a cover of this during their shows haha !!! I now have this life goal of making every human I'll ever encounter in my life listen to this!!!!! Me again, sorry but I'm just so in shock over the quality of this track.. I just wanted to congratulate virt on the lyrics, really that are absolutely terrific!! By FAR the best lyrics ever written on OCR but overall great lyrics that can stand amongst the best of the best songs!
  20. Just LOVE this kind of dirty jazz!!! Man this album just keeps getting better! Love the blend of genres!
  21. That track source is soooo good, I NEVER had any problem waiting for Shadow at the end of the island with that song playing out !!!
  22. Good job! That's my kind of R&B!! Goddamn I feel nostalgic with all those tracks..
  23. Love this remix!!! Actually I never could understand why this track wasn't remixed more often as it's extremely good!! It has a very trance-inducing chorus.
  24. This is the kind of song to listen to as the world end... I just imagine a man, sipping a glass of bourbon, watching the apocalypse at his window... just the music, no other sounds.. calm, accepting, happy even.. in peace..
  25. Boy it sure is a sad track to me.. I guess sad as in "so damn beautiful and touching" at least Sabin and Edgar as always been my favorite characters and their background story is bro-love as its best!
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