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Everything posted by DjjD

  1. Dude...fucking awesome. I'll be the first one to say it: Direct first mixpost, I am jealous. Seriously though, congrats and if I was there, there would be copious amounts of beer drinking just for celebration purposes. Best of luck on your next submissions. P.S. This song is schweet. EDIT: Correction, direct first...PROJECT mixpost. You killed 3 birds with a stone. That's saying something.
  2. I started when I was 18, 22 now. I never had any sort of formal training though, just got into it because of isolation. I guess you could say being in high school drumline helped with sense of rhythm greatly, but as far as melodic sensibility? There was next to none. lol I was diagnosed with chronic migraines, and had to go get multiple MRIs over my junior year. At that point, I had to stop going to regular high school and go into online high school because my grades were slipping rapidly. So it basically created a situation where I was stuck in a town 30 miles away from any friends or any events that might have happened in what was my social life. Music became somewhat of an obsession, completely engulfing my life and making me learn a new skill I never thought I'd pick up.
  3. This album is awesome...and it should totally stay at the top of the page, because this album is awesome. Did I mention this album is awesome? Go get it. Seriously though, really great stuff from halc.
  4. You stole mah Gravity Man. heh, best of luck in the tournament dude. :)

  5. *ahem*...be prepared for the hardest round of the Hard Men. That is all. P.S. Also, SuperiorX, this signature is friggin' awesome.
  6. Hell yeah! Congrats for finally getting on OCRemix! Ever since that "Fear Factory" remix that never made it...I've been a fan. Awesome work.
  7. Bring it on. 1) Gravity Man 2) Dive Man 3) Stone Man 4) Junk Man 5) Dynamo Man
  8. This is an awesome album. One that certainly does the franchise justice. It's just some kickass groovy music. Get it.
  9. I quite liked the first song. Got groovin' quite nicely, but I agree with Mustin it started to get a little odd around the middle. I can see how people would get turned off by this new album, it's certainly not meant to be modern, dance-y electronic music. Granted, it's always nice to remember the roots in which dance music today was founded on...so why not disco? Mustin, that signature has made me laugh for the better part of a year (or two?) now, I thought you should know this. Cuz it's awesome.
  10. Working on this right now, should be finished very soon.
  11. Hey everybody! For a while now I've been releasing things under the "DjjD" name and while I'll probably be doing that continuously from now on, my name "Jakesnke17" will remain on OCR. Now that I got that through with... "Biohazard EP" - Includes 4 songs altogether. 2 remixes, 2 originals. Completely free. Pay What You Want, no charge. I've also started doing a little bit of video work. So if you feel so inclined please feel free to check out the video I made: Thanks again you guys for listening. More remixes to come, and an original album is in the works set for 4th Quarter 2013.
  12. Wow, this sounds awesome. Will be getting a copy shortly. P.S. Is that a Bouzouki Groove remix? o.o
  13. Hey look, more music. Get.
  14. Just finally had a listen to the whole album. Really quite enjoyable indeed. My favorite track was "Genius Stroke". Good stuff!
  15. Good stuff.
  16. I'm pretty sure I posted this a while back, but with the new mixpost up and all (*jumps up and down*), figured why not: https://soundcloud.com/jakesnke17
  17. Having participated in the entirety of the listening party, I approve of this album. Great stuff man!
  18. Happy birfday man, wish I could be there to buy ya a beer. haha
  19. Awesome stuff man and on 9-Bit Records! Congrats!
  20. whoa, this shit is tight. Keep on remixin' brother. oh, btw, YOU SHOULD ALL CHECK THIS OUT. kthx. Also: http://www.twitch.tv/benjamin_briggs
  21. Happy birfday!
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