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Everything posted by Sbeast

  1. The whole mix needs to be louder, at least 3db gain. Also a high end boost would help, as it sounds slightly dull and distant right now.The bass and kick need to be more pumping for this style of music. The arrangement and added material fit in pretty well, its mainly a few production issues on this one. " ...you know it hurts my feelings when you lie about my track like that" Hopefully that was sarcasm, because if anything, people will be giving the honest truth on here. Good luck with your submission anyway.
  2. Very dry and midi sounding mix . A lot of the instruments need some reverb, along with humanization which has already been said above. Some of the original material is actually pretty good but Dafydd is right about the chord progression. You should do some good research on the use of effects such as eq, compression and reverb and what makes a good mix. Then come back to this and give it another go because I think this has potential. As Rozovian pointed out, Zircons guide is a great place to start. Good luck!
  3. It was Rev. 8 but I thought that was just a synth accompaniment part. I would add a deep sounding bass that follows the chord progression in time with the kick drum. Just a suggestion really, it might work. I agree that you don't want the end to sound cluttered or anything but I feel it just needs something more to distinguish it from the previous sections. Maybe a variation on the percussion? Well either way its sounding decent, well done!
  4. Just checked out the updated version. It seems like you've gone for an orchestral remix with added synths. An interesting choice and for the most part works really well. Its a dynamically rich remix and it kept my interest throughout. Theres also some decent added material happening from 2:05 onwards. I love the delay/filter effect on the intro melody, but the snare sounds like its auto-panning and I'm debating whether that fits in well or not, (its a nice effect but gets a bit distracting). The "pitch dive" at 2:53 and the short snippet from the Mario Overworld BGM at 3:10 were nice touches. Not much more I can say, it will be interesting to see what the mods make of this. Good luck!
  5. Thanks for introducing me to the source, I really like it. Very epic 80's/ early 90's stuff. Now for the remix review! Overall its sounding great, and a good starting point for a rock/metal remix. Definitely needs to be longer and shouldn't end that abruptly. The "craziness" of the tapping parts work well for me, I dont think that it should be played too cleanly. The drum samples sound fine to me, but some velocity and timing randomization will make it sound a bit more human. Finally, the ride at 00:06 is telling me it wants to be a crash. Please expand on this and from a fellow guitarist...great playing!
  6. I just listened to both the source and the latest revision. The style works great for this piece, sort of ambient/electronica or something. But its lacking a couple of things. I'm hearing no bass at all, or maybe its just very low in the mix. That would really fill out the space and give some more depth to the song. The kick fits well, and I like all the synth choices. Although there is some, it needs a bit more dynamic contrast. I can imagine it building towards a huge climax near the end. The added synth starting at 01:40 helps, but it needs even more. Hope that helps.
  7. Ok I just listened to the latest version, here are my thoughts. Firstly it needs way more interpretation. Aside from the intro riff (00:01 - 00:09), and the solo section (01:45 - 02:09) theres not much new material. Stylistically, its very similar to the original aswell, using mostly the same instruments (acoustic guitar, trumpets, percussion). There's still a few off pitches in the solo section. Try to stick to F# Minor (F#,G#,A,B,C#,D,E). Sorry if it seems a negative review, just being honest and want to see this improve.
  8. It's certainly a good start and shows promise for decent dance style remix of one of Kojis better pieces (imo). I agree with a lot of the comments about samples, the claps and guitar stick out the most and they could do with some humanization (velocity, timing randomization). The last minute is the most interpretive and a good variation on the source material. You could even add a key change, or a half-time section to make it more your own. Looking forward to hearing the next revision.
  9. Sbeast64 : "Frog...Return" *Sbeast64 sent out Axel from Streets of Rage* Sbeast64 cast *Wait for "No Escape's" Approval*
  10. I never really appreciated/understood dubstep, but this has changed my mind. The bass is insane, the use of volume and filter automation was spot on, and the arrangement is pretty solid. The section starting at 2:03 is a perfect contrast from the other sections, making this a dynamically rich mix. Also Navis "Hey..Listen" going into the drop was epic. And LOL, that made my day.
  11. Just checked out the song, heres my thoughts on it. - Overall a good start, and this shows promise for an epic take on Sabrewulfs theme. - Some parts are a bit repetitive, and could use some variation. - Some of the instruments need to sound more "humanized". You could randomize the velocites and note lengths, add some reverb e.t.c - I agree with hewhoisiam, the song seems to be lacking bass up until 1:42. Thats all for now, keep at it.
  12. Just listened to the WIP 2, heres some thoughts on it. What I liked: - An interesting take on the source, with an overall nice ambient feel to it. - The smooth transition that starts around 1:22 into the more upbeat section. - Its a good length, and the mixing for the most part is pretty good. Suggested improvements - At 0:56 I would add some background percussion, to fill up the space a bit more and add contrast to the previous sections. - I would make the orchestral instruments more prominent towards the end to build to a climax. Thats all I got for now, keep it up!
  13. Hey there, this is my first post too and as a fan of metal and this song, it seems like a good place to start. At the moment its a pretty solid start, with clean production. But I would have to agree with Gario that it would benefit from being a bit longer and more interpretive, because right now its more of a remaster than a remix (to my ears anyway). A guitar solo or a softer section using clean guitars may add to it.
  14. I apologize if this has already been asked before, but I cannot find an answer to it. Is it possible to hear peoples submissions in the "judges decision" forum even if they have been rejected? Thanks.
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