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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Cool, I'm digging the mix of metal and retro sounds combining in this mix (especially the djent bits with eerie chip sounds sprinkled around it), very unique and interesting. It's such a fun arrangement to listen to, especially because you've allowed the structure to change so much over the course of the song while keeping the actual source melodies strong. This one's going on my playlist for sure!

  2. I like that this track uses it's time to explore it's musical possibilities and bring in a lot of ideas like a cycle. Some of those I ideas, like the bells near the end, were sweet and I would have enjoyed being used more. I was afraid at the end with the volume lowered that it was going to be a fade out ending, which I normally don't mind but I don't think would have worked as well for this mix, so I'm glad it had a more definitive ending note, though I wish it was louder and/or longer to punctuate it. Minor production nitpicks aside, I enjoyed this a lot and seems like a very strong mix from a good group. Not bad, guys!

  3. I got a huge feeling of old-school Sci-Fi vibes from the intro right before it breaks into more of an action piece. Plenty of creepiness to go around at around 1:28, with the chimes and strings at work, which works so well to bridge together the more vicious wubs and the drop. Good ending as well, never a bad choice to end with an evil laugh. Definitely one of my favorite tracks off Vampire Variations 3.

  4. This is the version of Blanka's theme I've kinda wanted to hear for a long time, one that reflects what Blanka appeared to be at first glance, a brutal beast that bites, scratches and electrocutes trespassers in his jungle. I liked that this had a serious tone in the guitar, but the synths didn't seem to go along that direction other than to provide a clearer melody. It's a contrast that I liked more during the second half of the original theme (like in 2:26-2:40) then the other parts of the theme. But still, it's a solid mix that gets me closer to the vicious, feral, unrestrained Blanka I've always wanted than ever before, so I can really appreciate this one. Not bad.

  5. Now this is some proper fight music, with high energy, breakneck percussion, and electric guitars hitting hard while providing the melody in the lead. I kinda like how the synth sorta sounds like it's backing the guitars up, adding layers to the whole ReMix. Sounds like a technique I'd expect from an older RPG battle theme, so it worked for me even if they didn't change throughout the mix. I will say that I can understand where some are coming from on the over-compression critique, but it kinda came off more retro sounding than bad to me, so I'm not really bugged by it at all. I think DusK did a great job with this battle ReMix.

  6. This has quite the emotion to it, and I get the sense that this would be something incredible with the right visual picture in mind with how cinematic it was. The amazing build-up in the beginning, the slow-down and the final rebuild to the end made this work so well as an arrangement that makes me think of someone becoming more determined and hopeful while getting towards the top of a mountain or some kind of imagery like that. Anyway, very good ReMix, I'd say.

  7. Yeah, I hear the rough style of this one, and it really gives this song a unique personality because you can tell that it was done as a choice. Reminds me of a chill bar or a lounge type place from an older time in the slower parts. Certainly an interesting ReMix to hear, and while I can safely say that I'll never spell the title of this mix correctly ever, I can see myself enjoying the actual song a few times in the future. Nice work!

  8. Well, sure as hell didn't waste any time in getting into the badass chanting and guitar work right out of the gates, huh? This is terrific, I love how this bounces back and forth between something more relaxing and the chaotic sections. Even with the outro, the woodwinds make it seem peaceful, and then the guitar kicks in again to take it home, so both sides of the spectrum got to shine in this one. Great arrangement, and I always enjoy hearing more "Bonds of Sea and Flame", so I can easily say I liked this ReMix.

  9. Cool, this is a very well written ReMix. Lots of great orchestral story telling with this one, and starting off light only to slowly build up to a grander sound was great. Hard to believe that this is so short when it sounds as fully fleshed out as it does. I haven't played any Dragon Warrior games myself, but I do like a good narrative, and musically, this has one in my opinion. Well done.

  10. Ahhhh, this is so good. The style kinda reminds me of a really advanced tune that would come from a DS Sonic or Mega Man, with the funky bass and rock working together along with the "starbits" sounds that show up every now and then, especially in the very first second of the song (I don't know what that is actually called, so I just call them "starbits" in songs, because that's the image in my head when I hear that sound effect, a star flying). Upbeat, catchy and full of energy, this is all around a fantastic ReMix. Absolutely love this one!

  11. Interesting. Some of the notes in the chiptune parts actual remind me of some of the old Game Boy Shantae notes with how the notes rolled, particularly a minute in. I have to say I really started to like this mix a lot half way through when it got more frantic, combining the electric guitar and chiptune together in a more driven sense. This was a fun song to listen to, and I kinda dig the idea of taking chiptunes and giving them a rock treatment and driving the intensity up a little bit. I actually hope to hear more aggressive chiptune/rock tracks like this in the future for more badass retro sounds. Awesome ReMix, I love it!

  12. This is one of those ReMixes that I consider "HD" versions of themes, where it takes what I loved about a source theme as a kid and amplifies it, helping me remember what I loved about them in the first place. This mix accomplishes that by getting straight to the point with some rock that was very heavy on the guitars, as a good battle theme should be. Yeah, I wasn't crazy over the fade out, and the short length calls for a case of replay button abuse, but those two things aside, I gotta say I enjoyed the soloing right before the end also. This was a very well arranged ReMix managed to fit a hell of a lot into the length it had, which is great. An honor for K. Rool indeed.

  13. This would have made one hell of a club hit in the 90's, I think. I used to listen to a lot of music like this a long time ago, fun stuff. Aggressive, but with a hell of a beat and lots of creepy vocalizations by Bateman. Terrific psytrance in every sense, I could really get used to hearing this more often again. Great ReMix, man!

  14. Definitely excels at being old-school with the upbeat chiptunes leading the way, and the percussion sounded on point. The arrangement itself was very complete, but yeah, even for someone like me who doesn't mind fade, I gotta agree that it didn't work for me as much as a regular outro would have. Still, the mix all in all was solid and pleasant to listen to without any major complaints, so well done, I'd say.

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