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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. So happy and chippy, it's almost down-right musical candy and you could taste every color of it. The melody is recognizable and yet so many playful and energetic additions make this ReMix unique and fun to listen to. DDRKirby did a great job with this one, a fine way to start off the album release flood. With that said, I'm super pumped that this whole album is finally out. Super Mario RPG is not only one of my top five games of all time, but was actually my first RPG at the age of seven, and the memories of playing this are too numerous and precious to me, so a thank you to the bottom of my heart to the artists and directors who made this possible.

  2. This is pretty wild, and YamaYama seems to have the whole "start off regularly, spin this thing out of control and then come back" style down to an art. It's good Jazz that flows, and while the section right after the first minute is a little bit too distorted and out there for my tastes, I appreciate ReMixes that try something out of the ordinary and unexpected every now and then.

  3. Oh sweet lord, YES. This is kind of trance I haven't heard a lot of in years, and it really takes me back to when I first heard of the genre. And as a vocaloid fan, I'm down with robovocals one hundred percent, especially since, as others have pointed out, they sound incredible and clear. This ReMix has been handled so damn masterfully in the ways of trance, it almost brings a tear to my eye, I love it. I hope we hear more from you, Kuro.

  4. Heh, I don't this this ReMix is THAT odd, but it does have some offbeat (in a good way) expression to it. The switching back and forth of the timings at points, the sorta start, stop and then start again melody towards the middle of the mix was quite the experience and I was okay with it. The glitching towards the fake-out ending was pretty neat, and having more glitches afterwards keeps the listener on their toes. It's a kind of ReMix that people should listen to for the experience, but I can see how it is the kind of mix where you'll either like it or won't be fond of it because of some of it's peculiar moments. Either way, it sounds good to me. Good mix, man!

  5. Such a delightful tune to celebrate OCR's 17th b-day with (my lord has it been that long!?). This is perhaps the most upbeat version of the the Piranha Plant's Lullaby I've ever heard, but it is a good, gentle one as well. The chip-bits being used in such a fashion that it comes off as jazz, but still having a soft sound to it is cool. Like floating through clouds in a happy, peaceful manner. This album is chalk full of pretty songs, and this one is no exception. Nice work DaMonz!

  6. Interesting. I actually quite like the dnb backing on this track, and the drop and energetic dubs hitting didn't bother me. It is pretty sweet to hear a Silent Hill track taken in a different direction like this and really given a rearrangement that has a good beat with solid production. The best part is nothing soundwise was overbearing or too loud, which is awesome for mixes like this that have electronic elements. Not bad at all, I like this one.

  7. Aw, man, this is absolutely stunning and magnificent. Definitely can echo the sentiments of this being very cinematic and score like in both arrangement and quality. All the instrument samples blended in well together and compliment each other into sounding better together rather than apart, and having heard the Halo theme done so many ways over the years, this a fresh, beautiful take on it that I sincerely relish. You got skills, man, glad to have heard this one.

  8. Oooh, those drums have quite the kick to them and that is something you really want for a metal track like this one, so I'm liking that. The switch in melody direction near the end is a great way to keep things heavy without sacrificing the pace of the ReMix. Personally, I would have let the whole mix go a little longer after the solo before the end, but honestly, I couldn't really nitpick anything out of this one because I really dig it throughout. Also on a personal taste side, really love the name of the mix. Something about the imagery of the title still gets a thumbs up from me. Not bad.

  9. Well, I was going to make a "Ruin" pun joke, but maybe I'll skip that. This is very good and the blending of chiptunes with a funky backdrop made this a pretty smooth arrangement. The transition from Aquatic Ruins to Rusty Ruins was pretty tight and I was grooving to this for the entire mix. Really liked the orchestra stabs near the end of the mix, and everything just sounded so clean and slick, so lots of props for that. This is a pretty hot ReMix that I would recommend, so I'm glad y'all didn't...........ruin.......this one. :tomatoface: I couldn't resist!

  10. Brooding choir? Check. Evil electric guitar? Check. Hard hitting percussion? Check. Menacing breakdown followed by a killer solo? Damn straight! This is very much the definition of solid as all hell heavy metal and perhaps my favorite take on Mako Reactor that I've heard thus far. Yeah, sure, there are nitpicks to be had here and there and I personally wasn't a fan of the almost sudden end, even though it was built up properly the way most metal endings are after the solo, but all in all, this was a very kick ass ReMix and I quite liked it.

  11. Ok, cool, yeah I totally dig this. Taking a theme that sounded like nice easy backwoodsy stroll and giving it a bit of a tropical kick with some orchestration and a bit more energy was a great choice. I've never really had a problem with mixes that are more conservative so long as they get some form of interpretation somewhere, and I feel like the style and some of the samples do enough of that for me here. I really liked how the percussion and flute played off each other in the end, and all around this was a pretty upbeat mix that complements the original track while having it's own moment. Nice!

  12. Ah, yes, love the Rhodes piano work done here, and that guitar playing was so good! To be fair, the original Dire Docks tune and many mixes that come from it are beautiful pieces, but I think I truly enjoy more rock-out style versions of it like this one where the guitar is played at a higher tone with a more playful and enthusiastic speed. Awesome solo, really fun arrangement and a slightly harder style of Dire Docks that is really up my alley, I can't give this anything less than five outta five stars. Damn fine stuff, fella!

  13. The emotion in a solo piano ReMix is just as important to sounding great to me as the actual playing and arrangement of it, and luckily Rexy nails all three with amazing results. Everything flows together so cohesively and the switch-ups were pretty sweet and kept me interested for the whole ReMix, which is nice for a longer mix like this. Such a beautiful piece, good work Rexy!

  14. "It's a relatively liberal mix, so at times you might feel like you're listening to a remastered version of a Sonic OST and not an SMB arrangement"

    I really had to laugh and agree when I read this, because I had JUST thought the same thing while listening to this ReMix. Even though it's not the same tune, musically and feeling-wise, I got a Casino-like vibe off this mix. The switching back and forth between the World 1 map and Athletic was done extremely well, and even without the breakdown I could hear both sources, so great job on taking this in a new direction while maintaining the originals so that they were recognizable. Not the typical Willrock style that I know him the most from, but still a fantastically funky mix with tight production, good writing and a clean, cool sound. Definitely putting this one on my Ipod.

  15. I'll just call it what it is, it's a comedy thing and less of a serious music song obviously, and for that, well, that comes down to the listener's taste in humor. Personally, I've heard far too many songs like this to be bothered and I actually think it's funny (mostly because it hits the joke and then ends all within a minute). And still, I'll give credit where it's due: small issues on the first few notes aside (which actually sound more like a recording bug than the actually guitar to me), the guitar playing reminded me of some Stephan Lynch songs in it's quick acoustic style, and is still far better than I could ever do, so well done on that. Lyrics sounds like that old game where kids take a famous song and replace every other word with "butt" or something. It's funny, and it makes me smile, and sometimes, that's all you really need from a song. Plus, vocal dubs and chipmunk run-ins for the win!

  16. I don't think this is terrible, not by a long shot. In fact, I think I would go as far as to say that the low-fi arrangement style and keeping it as a short little ditty probably helped keep it relatively fun. I kinda dig lowfi funky hip-hop sounds, so on that level, it works for me. It is an older ReMix, and it seems even DJP himself wasn't over the moon with this one, but while I may not love it, there was nothing on this mix that really irritated me to the point of complaining about it. Any nitpicking aside, sounds like a decent older mix.

  17. Jesus, dude! This is absolutely wonderful, from the soft, damn near heroic opening, the awesome electric guitar playing (especially when you really open up in the later half of the ReMix) that kept the original tempo (or at least close to it) and the easy outro, this is how a metal Terra ReMix is done. This is the kind of energy that I think the original Terra theme could have really used to take it another notch, so I'm glad to hear it here. Truly enjoyed this one, great ReMix!

  18. The quirky Burton-like arrangement and cartoony sound was highly amusing and I gotta say, I quite enjoyed it for that. It is a bit short, but for the minute and forty seconds, there was nothing that got on my nerves or put me off at all, so from a 2000's mix standpoint, this is one of the better one's I've heard, and if remade to today's standards and given more time to grow and expand, I bet this would be incredible and super fun (well, more fun than it already is, I mean). Nice work!

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