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Posts posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Glad y'all like it! OCR's had a special place in my heart since just near about the beginning. It really helped me flesh out my love for ambient/electro music in general but primarily through the lens of remixed VG music. And one thing the quieter stuff does is help me sleep as I have ADHD and chronic anxiety & depression - it helps soothe my mind running at a billion RPM and the melancholy mixes (such as Another Inspiration) resonate and resolve the depressive stuff. 

    This site has really been a foundational and important part of my life going on 20 years now and I'm so grateful for its existence.

  2. Super excited for this! I grew up a Nintendo kid, but still sometimes found ways to play Sonic. Also I've always loved the remixes here from Genesis games. I hope they Sega doesn't pull a Nintendo when it comes to inventory, though...

  3. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember...

    I think it was Legendary Wings for the NES. Picked it up at the local flea market in Raleigh. I want to say it was about $4 or so; I must have been 8 or 9. Had never heard of it, only got it because the label art was interesting and I wanted something new. I really enjoyed it!

    But I must say, my most memorable game pickup was around that time at Rose's (or was it Roses?). My mom said I could get a new game as long as it didn't cost too much. I didn't really recognize any on the peg hangers (how times have changed), but there was this one that caught my eye - Bionic Commando. I don't know that I had ever heard of it; might have read about it in Nintendo Power or some other gaming mag. But I did recognize the publisher logo: CAPCOM. I knew them from Mega Man, the first game I ever rented and played in my own home. 

    In the following weeks I was addicted to Bionic Commando. I even faked being sick to stay home from school and church. My parents found out, though, because one Sunday I put on my routine, I got stuck in one of the areas...the one with the barrier at the beginning and I think you need the rocket launcher to get through. The internet being about 10-11 years away, I called the Nintendo Game Counselors - a few times that morning - and then when the phone bill came in they saw calls on that day to Redmond, WA. The only disciplinary action I can recall is some stern words and maybe a threat to lose NES privileges if I did it again. 

  4. On 5/25/2017 at 7:52 AM, noTuX said:

    Podcast vids! Pretty interesting. What kind ofstuff do you plan on talking about in your future podcasts?

    AGH! Totally lost track of this...

    I've also been terrible about posting the subsequent episodes on YouTube...need to get on that.

    Well, looks like since you asked, I've had on a local actor, another filmmaker, then did a solo Father's Day episode, and on Monday's episode I talk with a guy I met at an event I MC'd who's in the Navy (like I was), who also teaches swing dancing, speaks publicly on suicide prevention (mostly at other military commands), got called out for his laugh at a Pete Holmes show, and a lot of other neato stuff.  The podcasts themselves are on iTunes and Stitcher (and cuttingitclosepod.com) but I'll try to get those other vids up by the end of the week.

    Thanks for your feedback and qwerstions!

  5. On 6/22/2016 at 2:08 AM, Slimy said:

    Personally, when I think of "D&D opening titles," I think of the Two Mandolins song from Stronghold playing while a camera pans over a dimly-lit table with dice and maps and character sheets. Probably because I like the juxtaposition of the simple, setting-appropriate music against the more serious storylines D&D tries to do a lot. Some other music I tend to think of as "D&D Soundtrack" is the Dwarf Fortress Soundsense Tracks by Simon Swerwer. The modern guitar probably isn't so setting-appropriate, but I really like the atmosphere. Especially with song like Kobold March, The Tankard Basher, and Spelunker.

    LIKE it! Were the story simply about a gaming session I would go for something like this, however something more...uh...something more something happens (sorry, it's late) and so with the original selection of music I'm trying to create some tension as well as some juxtaposition, hoping to ramp up comedic tension.




  6. I don't mean to be uncouth, but this is just goddamn beautiful. 

    I work for public affairs for a joint military agency under the Office of the Secretary of Defense, our mission to recover remains of service members who never made it home from past wars. I've used some remixes in past products, but this is just PERFECT. I'm producing a PSA for National POW/MIA Recognition Day and this mix...my God...once I have the final product done and okay'ed I'll share the link with all who may be interested - and I take extra special care to ensure the remixers and OCR get proper attribution.

    Dear lord, OCRemix is a treasure and this remix is a gem.

  7. I didn't play my first game of D&D until I was 24 or so (12 years ago now). Participated with some friends from college, had a lot of fun. As a kid I was raised to believe it was all satanic and evil and that the devil would feast on my soul if I dared touch a D20. But I thought the cartoon looked cool...

    Anyway, for a couple years there my friends and I engaged in campaigns; played the Star Wars RPG for which I was Game Master, then we just kinda stopped.

    3.5 years ago I made some new friends from where I now work in Hawaii and we tried keeping a game going, but then adult responsibilities got in the way and that quickly dissipated, but in February I shot a short film that involves D&D and I'm going to try and edit it next week when I'm on leave. So far all I have is about 20 seconds of ROUGH opening titles...

    Music by Zircon - purchased his groovy pack and he said it's cool using it for this project.




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