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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. yes, it is a remixed version of the Exorcist theme
  2. @ Epitaph, Examples of why DeathNote has an amazing soundtrack. L's Theme A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uUVX376U4M L's Theme B Near's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaAl-KhpGZ8&feature=related Low of Solipsism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYhLlz5bK6c&feature=related
  3. I is for Ice Climber
  4. yeah but it's fun... C is for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
  5. That sounds like a response any man would give once he's started something... Also, nice soundtrack choice...I've always like Dodgeball
  6. A is for Advance Wars
  7. that's not too bad...I'll probably end up buying one...better than the 15" analog tv I have now, that only has an analog cable port in the back...(it totally sucks for gaming because the sound a picture quality on anything past SNES is shit!) @Zircon, the expression on your face in that hamburger pic makes you look like you're about to cook a family pet or something...LOL or you butchered the cow...
  8. DeathNote has a really melodic, cool soundtrack...lots of use of guitars, piano, and orchestral elements, not to mention a really good remix of the Exorcist used as the main theme for both L and Near.
  9. Y is for Yoshi's Island 2 DS
  10. Here's a thought, what series that were really short would you like to see extended/continued? For me, Outlaw Star is definitely one I'd like to see continued.
  11. V is for Vectorman
  12. hmm, might have to go see it, NGE was a good show...the manga was quite well done too as I recall.
  13. Kinslayer


    There are three songs from this soundtrack I'd really like to see done, they are all long songs, because the Follin Bros did an excellent job with this soundtrack and every song in the game is actually already a full length song instead of a 1 minute loop... The songs I want remixed are such: Akrillic Venge Thicket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAvDAQIDGc&feature=related Boss Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzRjk6Ioqd0&feature=related Edit: Can someone please close or delete one of these threads...I don't know how, but somehow there were two made, thanks a million.
  14. Kinslayer


    There are three songs from this soundtrack I'd really like to see done, they are all long songs, because the Follin Bros did an excellent job with this soundtrack and every song in the game is actually already a full length song instead of a 1 minute loop... The songs I want remixed are such: Akrillic Venge Thicket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAvDAQIDGc&feature=related Boss Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzRjk6Ioqd0&feature=related
  15. Not at all, I'm actually not quite sure how the book pronounces his first name...he's kind of a split personality in the back of one of the main character's minds...
  16. S is for Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  17. @Brushfire, Nice hat dood, and I was right, I did have you pegged in an earlier set of pics...haha. I could actually swear I've seen you somewhere before, but I'm sure when you lived here you avoided Amarillo like the plague. I'm glad somebody had fun this weekend, I had to work
  18. O is for Okami
  19. M is for Metroid: Another M
  20. Um, thanks for the name change. I didn't expect it after deleting the posts, but I'm still glad that I'm known on one site under something different... -Thanks
  21. There are certain games I'll play through with friends and games I prefer to fly solo on. I love playing the classics with friends because well, that's just how the old system worked. RPG's I prefer to play alone because I like to explore and find everything, and I just have my own style for playing them.
  22. pardon my ignorance, but is that related to Neon Genesis Evangelion, or is it seperate?
  23. H is for Helicopter
  24. yes, it is subbed, they haven't started working on an English dub, nor is one slated for release at the moment.
  25. I don't care, it's fucking rude, if people talked to me like that IRL I'd beat the fucking shit out of them.
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