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Everything posted by Esker

  1. It's great to know about it!
  2. I will be happy of anything come of it. Great song and one of the great ending themes of our NES console.
  3. I've been stucking in games at this generation like no other. I never payed too much attention to it but right now it is getting me nervous. I don't remind me being stucked on racing games but this last NFS was one I get to it. There is a race where cars drive far much faster than the car I have and I don't think it was a matter of leveling up.
  4. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare is somewhat what an innovative game should like.
  5. Happy B-day Briggs!
  6. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  7. Scribblenauts
  8. I'll assume this topic is all about the later violence in games to this discussion ain't get broader. I feel that too. One game from our previous generation that was consider real violent was Manhunt, those who replied feel that was violent for sure, but that game was proposed to be that way. What we seeing now is that games which supposed to be so violent are getting violent, maybe due an advance in technology, large developing crews or marketing reason, assuming that violent sells and games with no violence at all are underated. This leads to unsatisfaction since we don't know what we are buying/playing. Even the sites we trust gave bad reviews or opinions related to our expectations in what is a good balance of violence in games. Anyone who are satisfied with the amount of violence in games should consider yourself lucky.
  9. Since there's a new Strider coming out this is a good idea.
  10. Valkyria Chronicles Resistance 3 Vanquish Journey
  11. Adorable!!!!!
  12. Grim the Reaper is try to lead you into a memory shake.
  13. What do you mean by "quality low-bass"? Is it everything just frequencies?
  14. Take four hours and half to finish a 50 second race was a huge achievement. Some people call this learning curve.
  15. Be my friend Briggs.

  16. You're doing well with this song or maybe change it to dubstep, it sound nice around 1:20 and later. Another observation that I can show you is that you could use more mid frequency instruments. It should enhance your sound. I know its is your WIP v1 so I hope this isn't much criticism.
  17. Happy Birthday DJP!!!
  18. Congratulations!
  19. Other bothering thing when writing in previous days is that I had tendency to change notes in one instrument at a time throughout the sections. When I felt happy with a single section I listen to it for a couple more loops and after I got a feeling that something need to change and I just did it in one instrument each time. Needless to say in my beginners times I didn't realize what was melody and what was harmony, I just felt that changes must happen and then I pick up any instrument in the section and write new notes to it. The funny thing in all this stuff is that I came up with songs more often, now that I realized that this is quite a "mistake" to sound professionally I feel obliged to make it right at first glance, and my adventures in composition turned out to be more less frequent.
  20. Harmony is the most dificult thing to use in music. For me is not too dificult to write a melody line but even knowing what harmony theory says all my efforts don't fill the music in a way I fell it like a professional song. Songs everytime sound empty and many times I made something that I enjoyed it was achieved in a lucky way, so knowledge didn't helped much.
  21. It's interesting seeing people associate orchestral pieces with technology since those pieces are there for years. I usually make associations of technology in music at eletronica style, here I can say its just exists because techonology has evolved. So it's easy to agree if someone that loves styles which don't need necessarily technology in yours compositions like rock or orchestral songs say that technology hurt music. If technology hurt game music the answer is no at all, but since consoles have more power today, players demand epic songs when gaming usually to get involved with the scene, in detriment of that same song being memorable to them. So videogame music become a little bit disposable, maybe as much as the the game itself become disposable after a while.
  22. Expecting a great song soon.
  23. Your remix is quite nice to me.
  24. I didn't play this game, but this Big Snowman is a great track, deserves a remix.
  25. I can name just a few games: Slave Zero, Contra: Shattered Soldiers and Vanquish.
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