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Everything posted by k-wix

  1. Hopefully we'll be getting some of that 'Guest Transfer' stuff sooner rather than later - so we can all meetup whenever we want. Really want to play with people from here.
  2. I have 37 Apple Pies in Guild Wars 2. They are yours. Every one of them.
  3. Finally got all the parts installed - game now runs like butter with damn near every setting maxed. 8gigs of DDR3@1600, my very first SSD, and a amd FX Series @ 4.2 Quad core. I never would have thought my gpu could run the game like it was nothing. Just goes to show, all parts matter
  4. kwix.3204 is my 'code'. Feel free to add me for funtime adventures. I ended up going to Tarnished Coast with some close friends, but you can visit other worlds so I can play with everyone! Yay! Can't get over how good this game is. The Auction House needs to be up right now I need onions for dyes. Give me my onions.
  5. Do you think you could recommend a processor to run it on a budget? I was thinking of upgrading my oldest PC, but trying to keep it to just a mobo/proc/ram update. Video card is a 260GTX. Dated, but above the minimum, I'm pretty sure.
  6. Huzzah! Congratulations and I wish you both all the best.
  7. I'm really surprised no ones talking up Gw2 around here, the final beta weekend just ended and there really isn't much being said. I shall rectify this by posting my thoughts! I had a blast playing an Asura Elementalist. Being able to switch between the 4 elements AND 2 weapon sets at will gives them a gigantic potential list of abilities to go to for just about any situation that pops up. After playing a fair amount of TERA - The combat in Gw2 feels just as good if not better. I like that every ability seems important and impactful. There really are no 'bad abilities'. I didn't get far enough into the mechanics to really see the stat system and the perks and abilities yet, but It looks very fun to toy with. I might be playing League Of Legends a bit too much lately, but some of the combat design really felt like it shared some similarities to that, where - instead of focusing on a core role (like damage, or tanking) you use your characters kit in an attempt to manage the situation and turn things to your favor. I died a lot, but I usually felt outplayed, never outclassed - and that's a refreshing change of pace from something like wow, where gear determines the majority of the fights. Also, the majority of the times I died, i would think to myself 'If I had switched kits and done X instead of Y - I might still be alive.' I might be calling it too early, but I honestly think Gw2 has the best PvP of any MMO i've ever played - and I've tried pretty much all of them. I really enjoyed the overall flow of the solo questing. It never forces you in a single direction, yet kindly tells you where it might be a good idea to go next. I LOVE that you can go through entire segments of the world without doing any fighting. In the starting Asura zone, there is an area where the 'goal' is to just tinker with electronics. You *CAN* fight berserk golems and such, but there are these little tables setup where you and another player can play 'golem chess'. It's a little 3x3 grid where you can move and attack. It's basically a game within a game - and it's pretty fun, AND you get experience for it. So fun. I feel like Gw2 is taking the best parts of every MMO before it and putting it all together in a fantastic package. All that praise aside, I do have one very big issue with the game, and it's that the game engine is incredibly unoptimized. You need DDR3 Ram and at least a quad core to run the game at a solid frame rate. I have 3 computers, and ran the game on all 3. One of them is high end, one is the middle-man, and I have a very dated one as well. The game was only really playable on the high end machine, and that's a huge shame. The graphics in Tera are much prettier, and the game runs smooth as silk on most machines, because of Unreal Engine 3. They really, really need to spend some time optimizing the game engine, because it runs like crap in its current state. Oh - is there a server OCR people are planning on playing on?
  8. Really super-neat idea! Might be difficult figuring out who gets to do what, and the core rules of how things should be organized, but it's one of the best ways I can think of that people might improve over a short period of time. Kudos on the idea - goodluck getting things moving.
  9. CDR is definitely the way to go when building him, and I do think the new chalice is super good on him but with your build (unless you skipped some items?) you had very little in the way of HP, Armor/MR - and if that's the case, the enemy team should have focused you from the beginning, nullifying most of your advantages. In order to really fulfill his goal as a 'nukey support' Zilean needs lots of AP and CDR to capitalize on the use of his abilities, which means he needs to ditch the 'defensive' components of his build, since supports don't usually make a ton of money - this makes him extremely squishy. As for his ultimate, I'd personally rather have Lulus. It's virtually the same mechanic, but takes effect immediately - and has the bonus of mini-bouncing and slowing everyone near her target. It's the perfect turn around tool, saves allies, and can't be mitigated by the enemy team changing targets until the 'effect' wears off. The *only* advantage I see to Zileans ultimate is that it's way more spammable. I think most fights would be decided long before he gets to use it twice, though. Also, not to keep the thread locked onto the discussion of my 'meh' feelings on Zilean - lets talk about dat new Ezreal skin!! Totally reminds me of megaman! Love how the skin changes as you level up. Really neat ideas. Hope we get more skins like this.
  10. Because bonus damage on every third hit is more interesting than increasing stats accordingly, and honestly - Zileans time reduction IS a really interesting and fun ability, I just think it falls short. It needs a buff, or needs to do something else.
  11. As someone who plays mainly support champions - and plays them in a very wide variety of ways and trys to synergize with the team, Zilean just comes up short no matter what your trying to do. He's decent, and in the right hands he can perform well - but it's a case of where other champions are just doing it better. Anyway - here's why I think Zilean is underpowered. Having a spell that shortens the cooldown of th rest of his spells is just bad design. I get the concept, and I think it's neat.. but he's loosing an entire ability just to make his other abilities more spammable. Look at someone like Lulu, she also has a really good speed up spell, also has some nuke, but then also has a hard CC ability, a shield, an 80% slow on the enemy? He needs to loose rewind in favor of something better, something that affects the game more. His ultimate, arguably the only reason you take him is also extremely underpowered. You can get its effect on an item. It can be difficult to even land the ult due to CC and the enemy team can counter its effects by simply switching targets. Conversely, in the early levels the buff doesn't last very long and in MANY cases the enemy team (or ganker?) can just 'wait it out' then murder the teammate. It used to be longer, but they changed it to scale with the level of the ability in a patch awhile back. The great part is if you DO land it, and they DO kill the target, there is a bit of a delay where the target 'ressurects'. I hate this because that player has to spend precious seconds waiting to get back in the fight. Many times, the teamfight will have already passed, and they will wakeup only to be killed again by a number of enemies.
  12. On the subject of champion rebalancing, who do you guys think are some of the most underpowered champions, or those that don't really do a lot compared to the others? I'd really like for them to take a look at Zilean and perhaps change some things with Xerath, like his passive, he just never gets played.
  13. It's happened a few times, but I certainly don't think it's intentional. There are plenty of new champions who haven't been nerfed at all. Lulu, Hecarim, & Sejuani all pop into my head. And on the subject of Darius, I'm glad they are nerfing him, though I think its his Q thats busted, rather than his bleed.
  14. This is an amazing bundle.. if I didn't already own every single one of these... I would totally be buying it.
  15. This is actually super helpful. Thanks a ton. 300 gold for each recall? I never really thought about it that way.
  16. Can anyone give me some pointers on improving my CS in a game? I find that I am just about always behind everyone once the game hits the mid-to-late phase. I feel like I'm bad at farming, yet when I'm in a lane I always try to last hit and keep the auto-attacking to a minimum. I play a lot of support, which is probably a big factor, but even when I'm a carry or someone who needs farm, I notice I just seem to be always behind the curve. Is it just a matter of practice ensuring you last hit every single creep? Or is there more to it?
  17. Can't seem to find Rozo lately, but I have an updated/finished version of Hope Isolation Pray. Huzzah for progress.
  18. Sounding pretty awesome Halc - I'll definitely have to pick this up.
  19. Not really the direction I wanted to see the elder scrolls go. Hopefully they keep at least a few of the mechanics similar to the elder scrolls games and not try to replicate the traditional mmo formula.
  20. This was a pretty interesting read, and has got me a more into D3 than the beta did. Thanks for posting!
  21. It's really hard to say who is op at this stage, and yea - things definitely change as people figure stuff out, but she just seems too good. I always feel like I have options on how to engage, I feel like I can safely grab opponents if I'm careful. Most of the things that your traditional 'grappler' has to struggle with - Cerebella has a very easy time with. I also feel like I have a strong presence in just about any matchup. A well-played Peacock can do some solid keepaway, but its honestly pretty easy to bulldoze her into a corner and force her to fight me.
  22. Absolutely. It reminds me more of Guilty Gear than MvC, but yea - to some extent I definitely agree. The game is still super young though, and I'm already seeing people online pulling off combos that are 50-60% of someones health which is a bit disturbing. I enjoy the mind-game aspect of fighting games more than anything else, and don't really like it when 1 or 2 combo's can spell the end of the game. It's probably my biggest gripe with the game. And on the topic of Cerebella, as someone who commonly mains grapplers - I am of the opinion that she's one of the best characters in the game. Her throw game is absurd, she has huge range, and most of her throws lead into big damage combos. Her normals are really, really good. A good chunk of her moves have 1 or 2 hits of super armor, making it very difficult to play footsies with her or in some cases keep her away. And lastly - her mobility is really good.
  23. Her poison gimmick is one of the coolest I've seen in a fighting game. She has a move that basically lets her load one of three different type of poisons into a dart, and she can toss or directly inject you with it, and each poison has a unique effect, one is a simple 'damage over time' which I think is pretty common in fighting games, but the 2nd makes it so that any time she hits the enemy, they stay in hitstun for like.. a full second, this allows her to chain pretty much anything she wants until the poison ends. The third poison forces the opponent to have some control delay on all commands entered, which is basically like injecting your opponent with lag. Really neat ideas.
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