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Everything posted by Koriantor

  1. I'd love to jump in on this excursion, but it seems there's no shortage of interest. If you're willing to have me, I'd love to loot with you guys, but I understand if the number of players is getting too high. Large D&D/pathfinder groups can become unwieldy.
  2. Specifically, they put dodge on R and grab on L. I spent a lot of time running around like an idiot. I hope there's a way to change that in the full game. The game feels so smooth at 60fps, and every character I played felt overpowered. I would not be surprised if Nintendo designed the characters with competition in mind (especially with how the Melee scene has grown over the years).
  3. ...well there is Ike though. His kit in smash has the heavy hits. I'd say he fits the manly(er) bill.
  4. Marth's and Ike's presence are givens. They're cool characters. I really like Robin's inclusion. Being able to play both versions of the player character from FE:A is pretty neat. Plus it's really cool to have a non-swordsman Fire Eblem character in Smash Bros, so I like his/her arrival into the scene. From what I understand, Lucina is a *really* popular character in Japan. Granted, I've only gleaned this from hearsay and rumor so take it for what it is. Sudden realization: Nintendo is including Lucina so that everyone can play with their waifu . If Nintendo thinks it makes enough sense to include Lucina for the Japanese market, it wouldn't make sense to NOT include her in the US version. All the animation/art would already be done. The only thing to change would be the language. As someone who hasn't played FE:A, Lucina seems like a repetition of Marth. Not only does she look exactly like him, the move set is identical aside from her animations and the sword-tip mechanics. Marth's sword does more damage at the tip while Lucina's is evenly spread. I'm really torn here because I like her character design, but I've mained Marth for years and the small differences that we know about Lucina's kit tell me that Marth will be more engaging to play. She feels like another Marth. We already have a Marth! Why do we need another Marth?!? I really love the idea of a badass swordswoman, but her kit just doesn't seem unique enough from Marth to compel me to play her. I, however, reserve my final opinion until after I play her when the game comes out. But the real question I think we ought to ponder is whether or not Marth will speak Japanese in SSB4 now that he has FE games featuring him in the US. I earnestly hope so, but I doubt he will. Taunting just won't be the same in English.
  5. For the next few weeks, I'm only available to play on Saturdays. I haven't had the time to analyze the new patch quite yet due to a lack of free time to do so. What's with this AD nidalee thing you speak of?
  6. There are Sega games that aren't Sonic? Seriously though, Skies of Arcadia has a fantastic (in the literal sense) world. It has a unique aesthetic that I haven't been able to find anywhere else despite my best efforts. It wonderfully captures a feeling of adventure and exploration. I swear it would make a perfect anime and it'd be awesome.
  7. Ike was a fun character in Brawl. I liked how he contrasted with Marth's nimble swordsmanship with a heavy hitting beef-sword style. Seeing him in Smash 4 is expected, but pleasing.
  8. I was completely unaware that people dislike SA1's and SA2's soundtrack. ...but based on this thread it seems that's not actually the case? I'm with everyone else in the thread. Those soundtracks were pretty fun.
  9. Many people have hated the 3D sonic games, and SA1 and 2 were the advent of Sonic's endeavors in the third dimension. As a kid I loved me those games, but have you heard SA1's dialogue recently? It's hilariously awful.
  10. Brace for borderline disturbing. During one playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I for some inexplicable reason thought it'd be really fun to slowly and stealthily kill everyone in the police station and hide their bodies in weird spots (like the air ducts or the elevator). ...so that's something I do in video games that I don't do in real life. Murder entire police stations.
  11. Having no knowledge of said series, I looked it up on wikipedia. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" sounds... intriguing. How bizarre is it really?
  12. ...but I'll still play! I understand solo queue frustration. Bad players tend to have more of an impact on your game than good players. I totally understand where you guys are coming from and I respect your guys decisions. I hope you guys will still play with a full five man team :3. I also guess this means that our OCR team needs new members.
  13. I got to about rank 15 before I started playing against the super legendary decks. I'm in the same spot as you (no legendaries). After I hit that wall I started to play a lot more casually.
  14. You've revealed your super secret strategy! Now I know your weakness! Mwahahahaa!
  15. Koriantor#1937. Just added all of y'all.
  16. Brushfire's forum signature is a good example of my disapproving face.
  17. Nearly everyone is super fun to play as. Leona can go perma-ham. Her w is ALWAYS up and her e and q have less than 2.5 second cooldowns. It's crazy. The best comps from what I've played so far are the poke-kite comps. The cooldowns on poke abilities are so low that you can constantly throw them out like a machine gun and it's really difficult to dodge. Laning against TF is like playing dodgeball. It was fun while it lasted. Having pondered that decision myself in times past, I respect both you and your decision. Thanks for playing with me and giving me those tips on Leona support. I hope all the best and all the fun in your future gaming (and non-gaming) endeavors. Maybe we can play some other game online sometime.
  18. Where are you? D:

  19. After a butt-long losing streak, I finally climbed to Gold. Woooooooooooooooo
  20. Nooooooooooo, I'm logging on now. EDIT: There really isn't anyone else on >.>. I'll stay logged in in case you knobs show up.
  21. Of the last 4 duo queue games I've played, 4 of them had someone on my team went AFK or DCed. One game even had a "Diamond" swain support. He didn't seem to understand that although it's mighty tempting, trying to trade with a lane that can outright kill you is a bad idea. He also failed to realize that it was an even worse idea the second and third times. Not all games are like this, but it's been a particularly aggravating series of games. Zircon had a similar streak before he hit Gold, so maybe I'm just close.
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