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Everything posted by Koriantor

  1. I'm not actually from Utah. I'm living here for the moment. Originally I'm from Ohio. I've started a few remixes, but never actually submitted anything. I really need to change that.

  2. I just tried out Thresh for the third time. I don't know what's different, but something's clicked and I really like him. I could still use practice, but that'll come in time. He's so stupidly good. Nothing is more liberating than pulling off a sweet lantern-hook-flay combo.
  3. Hey! Hey you! Happy birthday! Thanks for your work on Extra Credits. It's one of the highlights of my week.

  4. I found this really amusing Hide and Seek game. Basically, one team of 5 hides from another team of 2 in the inner circle of Dominion. Each hider has 5 lives. The hiders can only use CC abilities, while seekers can use anything to kill the hiders. The game ends when the hiders survive 40 minutes, or they run out of lives. Anyone interested in trying it out?
  5. Broken as in ultra-mega-gosu-melt-the-enemy-team-broken or this-champ-sucks broken? I haven't had much chance to play League since he came out.
  6. Because of the tank meta, hyper tanks like Mundo and Shyvana are really common. It's really difficult for Veigar to get to the backline where his burst actually kills champions out right. If he unloads his burst on the tanks, the tanks have enough resistances (natural or built) to not die from your burst. If Veigar doesn't kill someone in one go, his utility drops off dramatically until his cooldowns are up again. Plus there are still quite a few ad mids that are popular (Zed and Kha come to mind (although this next patch might change the preference for Kha. I doubt it though)). I have to hand it to Veigar though. His event Horizon is awesome in teamfights. It disrupts positioning and primes people for "the damages."
  7. Season 4 Veigar: Event horizon -> tickle -> cry in the corner until your cooldowns are back up.
  8. I've been emailing them once every two or three days for the past week and a half and haven't heard anything from them. ...but yeah! Tournament soon. We should get an extra bit of practice in tomorrow night. Hopefully the servers aren't shaky like they've been all week.
  9. My last two games were with Zirc. One of them I was jungle and zirc was mid. Zirc was doing awesome, but top and bottom had horrendous decision making that lost their lane super hard. I couldn't help both top and bot. Such PAAAAAAAAIN. Unrelated: I just picked up Vi. I like her. Her natural damage is so flipping high. Fun jungle pick.
  10. The beta-ness of the client adds some .Didn't even notice there was a 4th "slot" on the main menu . It looks like decoration to me. I'm interested to see how the game develops when they start adding new cards. Right now Blizzard's got a limited set of cards to balance, but that can change when they start adding more stuff.
  11. Like the rest of the hooligans in this thread, I'm up to play with any of ya'll. Summoner name: Koriantor
  12. Anyone on here play it? It's fun stuff. For those who haven't played and/or heard of it: Hearthstone is a video game-ized collectible card game similar to Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh created by Blizzard. It's in open beta right now and FREE to play! You can get it here.
  13. Listened to it. It play good. Can confirm, am CD player. Seriously though, awesome work Jimmy. You've got rad style (both personally and musically).
  14. I'll be around. One of you guys want to add me on steam? I'm set on perma-do-not-disturb on skype so I don't get notifications on it. Steam's the easiest way to get ahold of me if I forget or I'm late. (Steam username is Koriantor)
  15. The next patch was released today, so make sure you patch before practice (It's around 150mb).
  16. I'm on a week long journey through the mountains in Nepal tracking down a rogue terrorist organization that stole my lunch from the breakroom fridge. Why? Where are you?
  17. No idea. I'm just going to be online.

  18. Graves and anyone with CC is a great combination. I LOVE playing Graves with a Leona, blitz, or thresh support. Taric is another solid pick for graves. My friend and I duo Graves-Maokai a lot and it seems to work out really well. Janna is especially deadly with her AD boost on her shield. Janna-Graves can trade some insane burst and take minimal damage. It's really funny Graves when the enemy engages on Graves and he just unloads his full combo. With the right support (like Leona or Thresh), he can still win a fight, even if they engage on him. Plus his burst scales so well off of AD that if he gets a little ahead it goes a long way for his damage. People don't expect how much damage Graves can dish out. I find he doesn't do so hot against people who outrange him like Cait ( Especially Cait. Cait is murder to play against as Graves), MF, or Sivir (Her spell shield is annoying. Soaks up half of his burst). Haven't played much against Draven as Graves so I can't say. He'd be a difficult one I think because he outranges graves and hits like a Draven (hard). He's decent against Jinx, and Lucian is tricky to play against because of his mobility. People don't think about it very often, but blue buff on graves is insane. He can pressure lanes really easily with his buckshot and can be hyper aggressive with his skills. A graves with a bit of a lead and blue buff can demolish lanes. All and all I think Graves is best when you grab a CC support, and not picked against Caitlyn or Sivir.
  19. To be fair, I said I tend to play everything I think with the tanky meta, running an assassin jungler isn't the wisest decision. It's the ones with gap closers and CC that'll be more useful. I definitely think my Noc choice was a mistake from indecision . I'm comfortable running Malph, J4, Amumu, and Fiddle in the jungle. I might try improving with Mundo. I've played with him a bit, but not enough to compete with at the moment. I'm terrible with the hook champions like Thresh and Blitz, and no experience with Lulu. However, I love me some Leona play. I'm pretty comfortable with Taric. I really like Nami, but I don't own her yet. I can pick her up though. Maybe try a few games running bot and see how it goes? On another note, I made a google spreadsheet for our champion pool. This is similar to what my crew and I use to plan for ranked 5s. If you guys could fill the champs you own under your color and type which ones you favor, I think it'll help. Last night I won a promo series and skipped a division. So that's cool.
  20. I would be down to play in an OCR team. I can play any roll decently well. If I had to pick my superlative positions, I'd say top is my weakest and my strongest is probably Jungle or ADC. Username is Koriantor.
  21. I actually had to come home for medical stuff too, and served for about the same amount of time.

  22. From what I hear, that'll be the case for the next few months. Congrats djp! I'm excited for little Princess Zelda Pretzel. I assume you named her that because it seems like the only reasonable name for your daughter (especially when you shorten it to Princess Pretzel. She'll be in a Nintendo game in no time!). Regardless, she's got some awesome parents. I'm happy for you guys. Congrats!
  23. It also helped that they all ran in to 1v1 you instead of take you down together. Silly players.
  24. If your tanky champs are in the other lanes, or if your lanes have cc on their own those issues aren't as bad. I'd say he's a situational pick because of that. Kha's stealth, leap, and damage let him come out of nowhere and catch the ganked lane by surprise. Plus he can venture into the enemy jungle to ward or counter a lot easier because of his jump. (Note: I'm theorizing here, I don't play Kha or have that much experience against him).
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