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Everything posted by Koriantor

  1. The song that began my love of creative synths. The soundscape is quite unique and I can't get enough!
  2. I like both black shirts, but the university type just.. isn't something I'd wear. I still love the current one (just so you guys know). It's definitely my favorite shirt that I own.
  3. I can't see it for some reason. Stupid university internet <grumble grumble>
  4. So sorry to my SS, I forgot my list wasn't public. It's a good thing I didn't recognize the name on the request email (although that might be a bad thing... Gave permission anyway!)
  5. My wishlist is here, but feel free to be creative . I love the creative stuff too (darklink gave me some pretty sweet 8-bit "Bead" art last year).
  6. It's official. I've bought Imposter Nostalgia 4 times now. EDIT: 7 times.
  7. Agreed. Also, I've been loving Far Beyond Eyes. Seriously Jimmy, take all my money already. (well... actually don't, I need it. I couldn't afford more than the min price this time. :/)
  8. Hey, maybe you guys can help me out. What might you suggest for a steam-punkish 1910's feel with possible connection to flying machines. Something like Last Exile or Laputa is what I'm looking for. A good adventure. Any ideas?
  9. I played the remake (on the GC) and I prefer it to the ps1 version. I enjoyed it quite thoroughly, but whenever I'd stop to think about what was going on, I'd lol.
  10. Something I found emotionally powerful. Hmm.... Well Amnesia: The Dark Descent is pretty "emotionally powerful" in that I cry every time I play. I don't care what you FF7 haters say, I found FF7 to be a little emotional. Umm.. I'm having trouble thinking of others, give me a little bit.
  11. While the day isn't palpable, it sure is palpable's! (Sorry that was dumb ) Happy B-day!
  12. It is a JRPG if that's what you're trying to say.
  13. Play all the Final Fantasies! I've heard great things about 6. Should I add it to my list of games to play?
  14. Skies of Arcadia definitely. Also Tales of Symphonia was a great one too. It's a good JRPG and the story is captivating, but I don't know about touching or "powerful." It was powerful to me in the sense that I was very interested in the characters and events.
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