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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. Yaya this video series is very educational. I'm on the last chapter, bass. Thanks for sharing :>
  2. Wow the song in the middle of the video in the bg. around 4:28, do want
  3. I added you to my hotmail Rozovian. So if you ever get internet :9
  4. Stun teams are really lame because of no diminishing returns. You pretty much must get quick silver sash no matter what. Malz mid and ww jungle = easiest gank ever.
  5. I beat Final Fantasy VII when I was seven, I didn't have much knowledge in english so I got stuck pretty bad at some parts. Bolt II in the slums, like a bouse. But I did beat it by myself. I learned a lot english from Final Fantasy VII.
  6. If you watched the championships pretty much everyone bought wards. There are spots that should be warded almost 100% of the time. Game time :3
  7. Actually I own all three of those. Those libraries are very atmospheric oriented. You should listen to the demos on their website to see if it's what you are after. http://www.camelaudio.com/Sound-Sample-Libraries.php I myself fancy the libraries but there isn't as much melodic material as I would've liked. But there's plenty of ambient and "add flavor to a song" instruments. Also the impacts library has transition sounds which I find rare.
  8. I live in Dalarna haha cool. I don't really know anyone on OCR though. I hope you have a good time in Sweden
  9. Blazblue has some awesome songs too, my favorite theme from that game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVypfVkSH-s Taokaka's Theme - It's fun, memorable and pleasant to listen to.
  10. There are so many Final Fantasy themes that I would put here but they are so common so instead I will post this gem from Jade Cocoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1RYewp-HC8 It's the blue cocoon master kori's theme. He is a guide to start your adventures and he can give you one of the coolest minions in the whole game, which you can only get then. The theme itself has a wonderful melody. And it makes you think of what kind of character he is since you don't get to know much about him in the game.
  11. I know what you mean I can only play very simple parts with my left hand if I am playing a melody with my right hand. More practice I suppose :9
  12. Nobuo Uematsu is the reason I make music. I can't imagine my life without his music.
  13. I have been watching some of the games on DH. It's been some good moments, my favorite being westrice akali. revengerice.
  14. Junglekaiser: 21/0/9 Marks: flat ad Seals: flat armor Glyphs: ap/lvl Quints: flat ap/move speed You can use different summoner spells, I prefer flash/smite most of the time. Regrowth pendant and 1 health pot. Starting at small golems, lvl up Q first. Use q on the first golem. Kill it with smite. After small golems move on to wraiths - use your potion now - Lvl up w, use w when your q connects on blue wraith. After wraiths go to wolfs, wait for w cd if it's down. Kill wolfs, lvl q if move speed quints, e if ap quints. You should defeat blue golem around 3:00-3:15 depending on quints choice. b, buy boots and 1-2 health pots. Go to small golems - lizard - wraiths - small wolfs. Now you should be lvl 5 at around/under 5 minutes. If there is an opportunity to gank, use it. But you should primarily try to lvl as fast as possible because that's his strength. You can easily steal camps from the other jungler, just be aware of his teammates. Skill priority order: R-Q-E-W Q will deal massive dmg when ganking if you can land it on a single person, and when you are invading it will help you win duels, just don't get caught. The build I usually go is: rush gunblade, starting with hextech revolver, sell regrowth pendant if you can afford it on your b. You can get boots after hextech revolver or if you are doing good wait till after gunblade, I got gunblade at 11:30 one game hehe. boots-hextech revolver-upgrade boots I usually go swiftness or cdr/gunblade- rylai's - lich bane - death cap - void staff/zhonya's/FoN It depends what you need, some games I need to bd, which he is very strong as when you have alot of ap and lich bane. Sometimes you need a bit more tanky because of focus. Rushing gunblade is important because you don't have ignite and when you use it in conjunction with your ult you can get ghosts so much easier. That's all I can think of right now, ofc playstyle is the most important. Your goal is to kill the carry and make a ghost out of him, a bit like poppy, except you get an insanely strong minion if you succeed in killing their ad carry, I had a tristana ghost that did 450 dmg per shot, I don't know if it was a bug but it just cleansed their whole team so fast . This is where I find flash more useful than ghost. If you have any questions I wouldn't mind answering them.
  15. My jungle Mordekaiser, 100% win. People always ask, are you troll? Then I just say no. Win, every time. It's fun, you should try it, if you play Morde.
  16. I just saw this movie, got home just now. I personally loved the movie. I had no expectations and it blew me away. So glad I watched it.
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