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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. I must've heard it on anime nfo radio then. Anyway, thank you. The search is over.
  2. It sounds a lot like Joe Hisaishi (famous for his work with Miyazaki at ghibli). Still can't find the song.
  3. Thank you! Now I want to know too. I have heard this song before..
  4. I have always been curious for Neverwinter Nights, but I don't have much too spare right now. I did download Tyrian 2000 for free, it's good, it's old and it's a game.
  5. Alchemy and it's libraries, it's easy to customize and automate with pleasing results. It does use up a bit of cpu, but since I upgraded my cpu it hasn't been a problem.
  6. I made a similar thread to this a way back, but it's good to spread the word around. I think I will have to go with Signature bundle since I want the FL Sound Font Player and Video Player, seeing as it's cheaper than buying producer and getting them separately. Pitcher and New Tone will be on my cart too. I am finally getting a legit copy of FL. Waiting for the right time definitely paid off!
  7. No not a good reason, sounds like you want it for another reason. You should stick with ableton and save time + money.
  8. To me it seems like they are clueless. That's the feeling I got when I played the beta.
  9. Signature bundle comes with SF Player but there is a free player that seems pretty decent http://www.kvraudio.com/db/phenome_by_prodyon You could look at this if http://flstudio.image-line.com/documents/editions.html?tab=2 I think getting producer is the best deal, unless you know you won't use the features in it.
  10. Certainly: How it works: Send you Name, Email & Address as directed at the FL Studio Facebook Group Buy page and we will send you a special discount link to the value reached by the meter on the 20th December, 2010. You can use this link to buy FL Studio Fruity or Producer Edition. No strings attached! Text copied from http://www.image-line.com/documents/news.php
  11. If you have been waiting for the right time to buy FL Studio fruity or producer edition that time is now! http://www.facebook.com/pages/FL-Studio/121445354040?v=app_4949752878&ref=ts All you have to do is "like" them and send an email with your name, email and adress.
  12. Good to hear. Going to see it if I get a good opportunity.
  13. I was wondering if someone could remix this for me: You might have heard it before, but achording to me, it deserves a remix.
  14. I have gotten stuck with using only patterns. It might be a bad thing, but I'm so used to it now. I do have cubase too, but I like doing patterns/parts. The playlist just isn't my thing in FL, I do like the cubase "playlist" but I prefer the MIDI input/editing and mixing of FL. If there are som good tutorials for the playlist in FL I wouldn't mind watching them.
  15. They usually have crazy christmas sales, I think it already started, and it will end 31 december. Could always be wrong.
  16. Ok thanks for the tip, most instruments are already panned in philharmonic orchestra so I'll have to be wary of that then
  17. Great first indeed. Can't wait to hear the final product.
  18. This is rockin', I can feel the guilty gear. Tbh the title is perfect for this type of song Man I'm jealous, I can't do metal this good. Edit: The tail doesn't fade out before the song stops, not that it really matters much.
  19. 1: More cohesive 2: Significantly more time than "winging it" ("winging 1-2~) (adding/removing/fixing 2-4 hours) 3: Not really "stuck" more as to where to go next, but I guess you could call that stuck. Overall I am already using this method to an extent. I usually don't start with an intro, I play around till I get a part I like then go from there. Many of my songs are Intro-A-B-(B2)-C-D then loop back to A. (etc) I like to work in patterns in FL studio. I forgot about this thread for a while sorry
  20. Yes repeatedly listening to a song will make it "safe", and you won't make changes as easily to break out of this "comfort zone" if you are there already. This mechanic applies to other things as well, not only music. It's just how humans work Nice quote from your instructor, I will try to remember that one
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