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Everything posted by FenixDown

  1. I know a lot has been going on lately between MAGFest, Apex, and PAX East, but I'm sure there are a more than a few of us wondering when Talkback is going to resume. I remember you guys were asking for suggestions on what night would be best to move to as Fridays haven't been working out as much lately. I'm fine with whatever night works best for you. I might not be able to catch the whole thing live on Mondays but if that just happens to work best for you, by all means do it.
  2. Nice list! I'll have to remember to consult this the next time I'm looking up under-represented RPG soundtracks for my next compo. Aside from what MindWanderer said about Tactics Ogre not having the "Let Us Cling Together" subtitle (that was on the PSP release), the only thing I really noticed is that Lunar Silver Star Story should have Complete at the end of the title.
  3. I knew Chrono Trigger would be something special even before I played the game. I was with a friend of mine and his mom at the local rental store (it's kinda like Netflix that you have to physically go to to rent or return movies or games, for the younger forum goers) and we were told to pick out one game. I saw Chrono Trigger on the shelf and the box just captivated me and I recalled reading about this game in, I think, Nintendo Power just days before and managed to talk my friend into picking it. We went back to his house and fired the game up in his room and were just blown away. The visuals, the sound, running around the Millennial Fair (doing a bunch of things we'd regret later), and going back in time to save the girl we just met there. Eventually I got a copy of the game for myself as a Christmas present. To this day, Chrono Trigger is still my number one favorite RPG and ranks among my all time favorites in general. Happy birthday Chrono Trigger!
  4. A Kickstarter to fund a free-to-enter video game convention intended to raise money for a local children's hospital. Not sure how many people on OCR are in the Midwest but this event is intended to happen in Grand Rapids, Michigan in July assuming it gets funded. As of this post, it only has just over 24 hours remaining and about $1,300 left to go. The event sounds kind of like a mini-MAGFest for charity with multiple VGM cover bands performing like Super Guitar Bros., Arc Impulse, and Playing with Power! (The frontrunner of which is the guy hosting the event). They also intend to have gaming rooms and a dealers' room, and they've booked the voice actor of Captain N the Game Master as a special guest. So, if you think you might be in the Grand Rapids area in July, or just want to help enable an event to raise money to provide seriously ill children with toys and video game equipment to make their stay at the hospital at least a little better, give that link a click and check it out. I attended last year's GR8BIT LIVE event, which was just a small scale VGM concert in the back room of a bar with Super Guitar Bros., The X-Hunters, and Playing with Power! performing and that was a blast. Here's a .
  5. I know this was directed at Shariq and I don't want to deviate the discussion away from the Sigma Fortress Compo, but I have been thinking about pitching the idea of a Video Game All-Stars Compo to Shariq sometime after I've run another rRPC. Not calling dibs or anything, just an idea I'd been entertaining since around last summer. It'd be something like a Smash Bros. compo that's not restricted to characters/games that have been featured in the Smash games to date. So you could have your Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Sonic, Kirby, Metroid, Star Fox, etc. characters up for grabs, but also characters from games like Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Earthworm Jim, Ace Attorney, Ristar, NiGHTS into Dreams, and many more. So yeah, after I get a little more compo running experience, I might try running something like that. But that's a conversation for another time and another thread. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to Sigma Fortress.
  6. Just want to say that I'm liking the idea and I intend to follow along and vote.
  7. Just finished going through all seven videos on YouTube. Excellent performances Sebastian! My only exposure to 7th Saga was listening to a couple tracks from the OST as I was scouting for sources to use in the rRPC last summer, but my overall lack of association to the game or its original music did nothing to detract from my enjoyment of these arrangements. Truly fantastic.
  8. I've long since accepted that Mega Man is unlikely to have any more new games. Granted I've missed out on about half of the branching Mega Man series like Battle Network and Zero, so playing those now would be like playing something new for me. In all honesty, as much as I love Mega Man, I'm more upset with Capcom for not localizing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 than I was about them canceling Legends 3 or any other apparent slight towards Mega Man fans.
  9. I can finally happily say I've been to MAGFest now. Overall I had a great time and it was awesome meeting many of you in person. I had not been to a convention of any kind since Connecticon in 2007 so I ended up experiencing some sensory overload during the first day and a half or so. There was easily about five times the population of my hometown attending MAGFest, that felt so insane to me. Anyway, Pros and Cons of the weekend: Pros: - Obviously meeting many of you guys in person, as well as seeing Deia and OA again. I was especially happy to meet the rest of OCU and it was cool talking with Tuesday in the OCR Suite and with relyanCe on the ride to the airport. - Most of the panels I attended were fun. The main OCR one and the Runaway Guys Thrown Controllers were my favorites. - Finally attending a live performance of OCU. - Seeing The Megas and Descendants of Erdrick perform live. - Picking up some cool swag (wearing the OCR shirt and listening to Eevee EP as I type this). Cons: - Got hit with some serious insomnia over the weekend and was barely functioning on roughly 2 hours worth of sleep from 2 AM Friday morning until Sunday night. - I underestimated just how introverted I actually am. I was making an honest effort to be more sociable but between anxiety and the lack of sleep, I wound up withdrawing more than I ever wanted to. My apologies to anyone who thought I was being standoffish or antisocial at any point during MAG, it was not intentional. - Didn't get to meet everyone I hoped to. - Some of the MAG attendees were out of control, particularly those Team Rocket grunts that hung around the elevator on our floor Saturday evening. - And lastly, one of the panels I attended was a waste of my time. Despite the size of the cons list, the good easily outweighs the bad. I will definitely be up for MAGFest 14 next year.
  10. Phoenix Wright pretty much made the series what it is so he is my overall favorite. After watching a fan-translated playthrough of Gyakuten Kenji 2/Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Edgeworth came very close to overtaking Wright in my eyes. That game had one of the best overarching stories in the series so it bites extra hard that Capcom can't seem to be bothered to release it outside Japan themeselves. Those are my top two but I like all five in their own ways.
  11. The UMvC3 track is an arrangement of the Objection! Theme, yeah. It's good stuff for sure.
  12. Or did you mean the ? Here's a compilation of most of the Objection! themes so far.
  13. A 26 or so episode anime adaption of Skies of Arcadia would catch my attention.
  14. Yeah, I'm also late to the Shovel Knight party. I've only had a Wii U for almost a month now. Used almost all my remaining funds from Christmas eShop cards today getting Shantae and Legend of Zelda Minish Cap downloads so I should have enough points now to be able to get $5 back.
  15. This year I got: A three-piece luggage set that will come in handy for when I go to MAGFest. A ticket to see the Blue Man Group perform in March. A couple Forgotten Realms books. A belt that I sorely needed. A Samus Amiibo. $55 worth of Nintendo eShop funds. Already used some of that on getting Shovel Knight and Mega Man Battle Network on Wii U. And various types of candy and money. I'm very grateful for everything I received this year and I'm glad that the gifts I got everyone were appreciated as well.
  16. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1916334303/video-games-live-level-4-lets-do-it-again Video Games Live is doing another kickstarter to fund their 4th album release: Level 4. The planned line-up so far includes games like: Donkey Kong Country, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros., Metal Gear Solid 3, Bioshock, Cave Story, Assassin's Creed, and an orchestral take on Jillian Aversa and zircon's Opera mix from the FF6 Balance and Ruin album, among others. There will be other digital albums included as backer rewards including a new piano album of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross music. Definitely worth looking into.
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