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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Listening Party going on now at #WCRG on esper GET IN HERE!
  2. awww hee wee goe! Don't know why i'm getting excited for this compo now. I've only played maybe 10 minutes of Megaman over the course of the entire series.
  3. Nu metal? Do that and i'll boycott OCR for a decade.
  4. Dragonforce. :) I remember when everyone I knew loved them backj when they first came out then a few months later everyone started hating them. Not really the band I was looking to emulate but i'll take it. Good luck on your remix!

  5. Namco was the EA of the East long before EA became known for being EA. A bunch of shmucks I mean. Soul Calibur was one of the best selling games on the Dreamcast, and probably the best looking of the bunch, yet Namco was upset that Soul Calibur didn't do as well as they wanted it to so they waited until the next generation to do Soul Calibur 2. Same deal with Tales of Vesperia and the 360. Now I have to wait until I can get a dirt cheap PS3 before I can play Tales of Xillia when it releases next month.
  6. Hey PRC veteran! Thanks for giving Shadedog a top three vote! I didn't think it was going to make anyone's list once Darke posted the tracks so i'm very humbled that it stood out in a good way. I'll have a new version of it up soon if you're interested. Thanks again!

  7. ParahSalin. You're name cracks me up every time I see it. Thanks for giving my Shadedog a #1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I still have some fixes to do but hopefully i'll be able to get it to pass the judges panel. Thanks again!

  8. Hey shrack, thanks for giving my WCRG mix a freaking number one vote! I don't think i'm worthy when compared to the competition of this first round but i'm really glad you enjoyed my attempt at epic caribbean folk metal! New version coming soon.

  9. Nova! Thanks for giving my WCRG mix a top three ranking! I have several fixes that need to be done but then it's probably going to go off to the judges. The Garpocalypse-era of OCR is near!!! :)Thanks again!

  10. Hey Theory! Thanks for giving Shadedog a spot on your top 3! It still has a number of fixes i'd like to do but I hope to have an updated version soon if you want to check it out when it's done. Thanks!

  11. Hey Star, Haven't seen you much before on the forums but thanks for giving my WCRG mix a spot on your top 3! I'm hoping to have a new version of it up on the forums soon, i'll send you the link once it's up if you want. Thanks again!

  12. I saw a few more reviews come through so i thought I would post mine at the last second. Spicy Rum, Warm Beach: Not off to a great start but midway through things seemed to finally come together. Then it repeated... Very abrupt ending as well. It should take at least an entire phrase to set up an ending properly. If you go back 4/8 measures and think about how you can wind things down so the listener realizes it's coming to an end it should help. Doesn't have much of a tonal center. Make sure you know your mantras for staying in key(whole whole half whole whole whole half for starters) or just go for all white keys on the piano roll. Space Plunder: Off to a good start but then the leads hit and they sound like they are fighting for attention. Make a list of the sounds you want the listener to hear and in what order and build it sort of like a pyramid. The only other beefage I have is that there isn't enough material to warrant a 5:17 minute mix. A little closer to three minutes would have worked much better in my opinion. Electric Dust Pirate: Very nice intro and a very deep soundscape. The faux-rhythm guitar wubs sounded kinda cool at first but it really dominates the mix in a bad way. Once it went away I could hear everything clearly again and honestly i was pretty glad it went. Everything else though sounds great. Get the Candle for Fireballs: ow, my virgin ears... Magical Skull Land: 00:25 really needs some kind of significant change in the groove. The beginning doesn't really move anywhere. The drop at 00:50 really isn't anywhere near drastic enough to work. It would be a great spot to open up on but getting there is what really needs the work. That rhythmic synth gave me a nostalgic trip for PSII's battle music though. Literally Metal Pirates: Some really really good production but that wah'd synth on the outside really starts driving me nuts about midway through. Can't say much about it because I've heard they are difficult to make and alot of people really like it but, yeah. No. The chiptune sounds are great and the rest of it is alot of fun to listen to. Space Pirate Attack: That bass at the start cuts out really awkwardly at first but once it got going I really liked the groove. Gravity Bandits: Fantastic start. Everything sounds like it gets set up really nicely but then when it gets going it becomes confusing on what to listen to. Sounds a little over reverbed too. Otherwise awesome. Bubbleman's Beach One of the several mixes that made voting a nightmare. Only beefage (how many f's in beefage?) is that I didn't recognize the sources very easily. Shadedog The Beached Surfer Boss: Not nearly loud enough and that title sucks. Were you using that Disney theme as a punching bag or something? Darke's not going to like that. NEXT!! Jack Sparrow and the Funky Pharoah: A very sweet two minutes. Really, I would have been fine with this going on all day. Captain Hooks Splash Fiction: Listening to this made me realize just how much I half assed my own hand percussion. I mean, I knew I half assed it, but now I have perspective. Awesome combination of VG and Caribbean inspired sounds. Bizarre Rituals in the Kingdom of Witchcraft: Interesting mood. I think the guitar needs to back off a bit when the flute plays. Staying static through the entire song keeps it from being as interesting as it could be. The organ could have been cut further above the guitar as well me thinks. If you were going for a rough classic rock sound then mission accomplished. Nothing personal intended just adding my two cents to the pot. Love all you guys that do this but if anyone's raw about anything then feel free to show up at MAGfest and i'll whomp ya. At Dead or Alive or something. But not Street Fighter, at least not a recent one.
  13. Thanks for the reviews everyone. I'll get mine up later today.
  14. as much as I played SCII (cant believe its already been 10 years) I'm really not that interested in this HD remake. From what i've seen it doesn't look like they are not touching the game outside of the minor graphical changes. IF they balance the game the way they did SC5 I'll be all over it because SC5 did a great job fixing everything they needed to for the series. But if it's the same old SCII i'll pass.
  15. Just got my votes in and picking those spots was extremely tough. Are we good for posting mix reviews/critiques? I might do a write up later tonight. Also noticed I made two people's top 3 list! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I really didn't think epic-caribbean-folk-metal would make anyone's list!
  16. Going through the tracks now. Some pretty sweet interpretations so far. Just for reference... is Cash the old CashandChange? or is that a different person?
  17. That's a good question. One month at DoD one of the more known remixers called a mix "average" at the end of a mix review and you what the score ended up being after all the votes were in? Almost dead center "average". Some influence is unavoidable but I'd rather discuss the tracks than to just sit and learn nothing about them and what other people think.
  18. Sorry I thought I was the only one out of date with most of the internet stuff. ...and sorry, I didn't mean for that to come off the way it probably did. IRC is internet relay chat. If you get a free program like MIRC you can talk on the OCR .....irc. http://ocremix.org/info/Chat Just not sure where it could be had. If OCR would mind us taking up that chat room or if someone could set another one up that could work too.
  19. Hey everyone, Had some problems but just got my track PM'ed. So, when the tracks are posted how about a listening party over IRC. If the tracks get posted tonight I might not be able to make it but I could do tommarow or any other night.
  20. haha, I've got a bunch of those organ trail images featuring members of OCR. Are you going this round? I was going to save that one if I was going up against you.

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