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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. One request. Please take "Metal" out of the description. Or at least add a -y to it. Synth-y for sure. Metal-y. Ok. Metal? nope. Just messing around. Sorta. Good luck this round for the WCRG! I'll post a better review once I get a little more time with it but right off the bat the leads are kinda killing my ears. Honestly, I think they are too loud. They cover up the rhythm....synths alot. I like the arrangement though and the attempt to chiptune some metal. Just those fake guitars... If you went for this type of sound you would have been my new hero. Should be a good round though. Can't wait to hear everyone's work.
  2. F2P is a cancer of the industry. I've been able to play the beta on occasion and I really can't wait to play something that people care about playing again. Just wish I had the time that I used to have.
  3. oh you gotta be kidding me with these Zero themes. This would have been the perfect week for me...
  4. Hey everyone, but specifically Darke. Uploading has been going really slow. I'm going to pray that it's done within the next 20 minutes. Edit: Subbed! with 10 minutes to spare.
  5. First case was in highschool, minor overuse in my right wrist from practicing too much Severe overuse wrist injury my second year at college, (if you are a cello player/teacher DO NOT TEACH BASSISTS!!!!) took several years to heal and I don't think it ever came back 100%. Tore a few muscles in my wrist and jacked up the tendons during a local kyokushin tournament. Took almost a year to heal. Result: Can't play anything anymore for more than 20 minutes at a time without pain. (Which is longer than it used to be just a couple of years ago) Pay attention to your nutrition and make sure you're getting everything you need or healing will never happen for you. In my case I've had to invest in several Powerwebs and I think they have helped me regain the use of my butchered wrists. Tendons take alot longer to heal than bone. Where do you work? I used to do physical labor in warehouses and grocery stores and I honestly wish I never did it. Overuse injuries were common enough just from that crap, then I would go home and practice.
  6. You guys are either going to love my mix this week or hate it. Or you'll think it's sort of ok. One of the three.
  7. I successfully made my cut this year. Here's a picture Enjoy 'cause August is Garpocalypse's Cheescake, Brotwurst and Beer month. Bruce Lee gave himself a crippling injury by Goodmorning-ing his body weight first thing in the morning before any warmups. He then later realized that he didn't need any weight at all for the excercise. Just the bar was enough. Since I don't have health insurance right now I am being really careful about how much weight i lift. Sorry this information is coming too late for you but I have been having some crazy success this summer lifting lighter weight to failure than lifting bigger. Forcing your fast twitch fibers to work by fatiguing the slow twitch fibers first seems to work really well and with little chance for injury. Check out the DTP program on Bodybuilding.com. Can't surgeons fix themselves anyway? I'm pretty sure I saw it in Iron Monkey. This Doctor, Surgeon type guy got really messed up and fixed himself. It only took a montage to do it so I think you should be able to do something.
  8. Could do without those strings. But honestly that's the finest Hurdy Gurdy vst i've ever come across. I really want that accordian vst with the hurdy gurdy but I think i'll spend a few more days trying to justify the purchase. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. Bonus Points to anyone who does vocals in either Macedonian or Pre-war Japanese. ...or not at all.
  10. If you do Symphonic Metal this round i will be all freakin' ears!! Good luck! And can't wait!

  11. There's a joke in here somewhere. I'm not gonna look for it. Hopefully it's not on me. Don't worry, being out of sync was only part of what was wrong with those wobbles. There, feel better? But seriously thanks for stepping up and taking that week when esperado and i couldn't. Mixing two weeks in a row should be worth bonus point consideration.
  12. So i'm gathering this is going to be a metal round then?
  13. You're going to have to detail your reasoning of how yours is "bettah" in both the subjective, objective and abstract senses.


  14. Hey, Equilibrium just whomped your Skyrim remix. :)

    Your remix was better developed though.

  15. I think I've been able to make more sense out of any given writing from D.T. Suzuki than this thread.
  16. Strader taking The Last Soul? Amphibious doing Moon Beach? this is going to be awesome
  17. You're going to want to talk to AngelCityOutlaw. He had a Tomb Raider remix on the workshop a little while ago that I think he is fixing up. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38427 I really liked the music from Underworld and would flip for a remix of it.
  18. It's OUT and it's on ITUNES!!! eeeeyyyYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! If you liked Brandon Strader's remix of the Skyrim Theme you're going to love THIS WHOLE FREAKING EP. It's 5 bucks and it's called Waldschrein Skyrim Theme is called Himmelsrand
  19. That day is long off though isn't it? You know it's probably the same day that the GARPOCALYPSE ERA OF OCR BEGINS!!! Judging that I submit 1 mix every 1.5 years that day is long off in deed.
  20. Awesome round and all but I would get so much more out of these vocal remixes if the lyrics were... unintelligible. ...and SCREAMED!!!
  21. One crit if i may. That section at 1:31, strings are never never going to be playing right on top of the beat with the pianist. Unquantize that asap. Actually that could probably be said about the whole thing. As far as the brass goes the sequencing needs to be alot more dynamic. Incorporate some swells and blast a few accents and it will be the most exciting part of what you have. Think about the breath of a brass player, the strain on their faces as they play your part, and i think you'll have it. On a side note this really reminds me of Iron Storm on the Saturn.
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