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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. http://www.kvraudio.com/product/adt_by_vacuumsound If you want to give this plugin a shot for your rhythm guitars it will help clean them up and make them wider. I used it on my Supremacy remix along with some Density mk III for a little M/S processing and there was a huge jump in the quality of the rhythm guitars. It takes one take and artificially double tracks it for you.
  2. Happy Birthday to a fellow Gar-somewhere-in-the-name OCR'er! I don't know what the cake protocol is so defaulting with a Segar Genesis. EDIT: crap got ahead of myself. please merge with other thread. Even though I think the guy deserves his own thread.
  3. You better be at this one Brandon I freaking swear. Don't you have a blood drive coming to your town soon?
  4. I'll be there next year for sure. The last one was a blast and as long as that free arcade room returns i'll be there every year.
  5. It's an album that will be coming out sometime in the fall. Still a little bit of a wait but not too much longer.
  6. Agreed. The whole SO3 soundtrack is amazing and this is one of my favorite tracks from it. I think I had a remix of this years ago that never got finished but I may decide to crack it open again. I'd like to hear what some other people can do with it though!
  7. ...what the hell? Not what I was expecting but still pretty awesome. That fight scene at 3:00 could use some work. The only criticism i have is that I think the groove was too hard to hear through most of the video. Vocals seem too loud and cover up too much.
  8. This is one thing I can't wait to see go away. The "AAA" game. Millions spent to have the player hold Forward and have a book dictated to them. Doesn't seem like a game at all, more like a movie where you are required to just hold the play button to get through it. I loved Mass Effect tho. I hope that FFXV gives up on everything they tried to do between 10 and 13 and bring back the world map! ToV did it and it was awesome! Getting Tri-Ace to design the battle system would be pretty awesome too considering how over hyped 13's was and how much more fun combat in Star Ocean and Resonance of Fate was.
  9. Bass was cut at 40. Actually I think this mix had everything below 80 cut on the bass with the kick boosted at 40 and cut at 80 slightly as well as a drum bus cut at 500. Thanks for the load of comments everyone. Parallel compression is something i use on all of my metal remixes, i'm a huge fan of it. Getting the right balance has been huge pain for me though. Sometimes I over do it, sometimes I under do it. :banghead:
  10. Thanks for the notes Brandon! For the middle I processed the kick and snare differently by knocking off the subs and some of the highs to dull them. I then opened them back up at 2:53. It was a nice idea but with the drums coming and going the way they do probably wasn't necessary. Never even thought to mess with those settings. Usually for the subs between the bass and kick I just look at a spectrum analyzer. I tend to end up boosting the kick 3-5 db around 40hz and dip around 80 then boost the bass at 80 and cut the rest or just dip 40 by the same amount as I raised the kick. I think that's good enough for a mod review. Will resubmit for MR with new version.
  11. Tornados, Tornadoes? Anyway, Tornados can suck.

  12. Thanks Timaeus That flute is just from Dimension Pro. I wanted it a little fake sounding to bridge the gap between it and the center panned distorted lead that comes in at 0:53. I'll try using EWQLSO flute again even though I wasn't crazy about it the first time I used it. Guitars are a little too loud afterall. I'll drop them a few db and see if I can get the orchestra also poking through a little better in a few spots. Still, i'll leave it up for mod review since I want to feel like i made at least some type of progress with this one lately.
  13. Yea, free to play is a freaking cancer. In a weird way I kinda dig the tokens being used in a similar way as the coin ops of yesteryear but the whole reason I pay 60 bucks up front is because I know i would run up the cost of the game to well over 200 bucks by the time I finish playing it. Enjoy though and let me know if you pick up TTT2 (and have it on 360). Also keep in mind that i've lost every friend i've made through playing fighting games with them. Online friends i mean.
  14. Hoping to throw this at the judges soon. I've had this on my hdd for an eternity it seems. For this version I overhauled the guitars and mixed everything to pink noise. I also think I achieved greater depth to the overall mix. I'm sure it could still use a tweak or two but i'm going to throw it up for mod review. http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/supremacy-cosmiccataclysmver8 Enjoy!
  15. I can't find anything about the game other than there is no Jin Kazama yet. Do you have to unlock their moves as you play?
  16. Instruction Manuals. I like reading them, especially the older ones. Really, i'm already bummed that they are being phased out.
  17. I'm wondering how this is going to affect defense training though. Spending 4-5 bucks for a character to play might be ok but spending 4-5 bucks on a character just to figure out your counters in a controlled environment is going to suck. I'm all for more people to play against but I can't help but feel that this free to play stuff is a cancer of the industry. It used to be that I wish I had more money to get the games I wanted to play. Now it's I have too many games to play and not enough time to play them. Not that I really am able to play them anymore which makes the whole thing alot worse. For the record I think fighting games going to PC would be a horrible thing. Just the suspicion that someone was able to figure out how to knock a few frames off of a punisher or have botted their throw escapes is enough to ruin every match you play. I know some games like SSF4 have already gone to pc but last i checked almost no one plays them.
  18. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hell I missed it didn't I? oh well, throwing another WIP into the pile for now.
  19. You going to be at Magfest? As OCR's biggest SEGA ho (level has nothing on me!) i'd like to shake your hand sir.
  20. Just where in the sam-heck did you hear that? -Fighters are more balanced than ever (no more insanely OP/broken characters like Kabal in MK for instance) -Online play isn't always perfect but it's far better than waiting at the arcade for someone to show up who knows what they are doing. -The games themselves are more fluid and more dynamic from over three generations of slowly expanding systems. -Youtube allows for quick discovery of awesome 14 hit comboage. -Character customization means you can get everyone half naked if you want to. I do. -Practice modes have developed. No more spending 75 cents to get one play and hope you discover something new about your character. -If you win, or lose, someone might call you a scrub. Back in the day I got punched in the arm, backhanded in the chest, and even....screamed at. There's bound to be more but i'm feeling like I could go a few quick rounds in TTT2. ...but you get the idea.
  21. Keep everything in a single drum midi track until you are sure you won't be changing them up then split them across other midi/audio tracks Kick, Snare, Highhat, Toms Etc. This gives you better control over what you can do. Keeping everything in one track like that can make things easy at first but eventually you'll find it limits you horribly. -You can't adjust the volumes from console view which means once you bounce to audio you can't adjust the volume of the parts of the kit at all -Your EQ is going to apply to all parts of the kit. (This is a bad thing) -You can't use individual sends to set up parallel compression should you want to -You won't have an easy source for simple transition effects. (reversing a crash) There's bound to be more but definitely split your drums up once you are near finalizing them.
  22. Here you go: http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/ You're living in the golden age of arcade fighters. Get a stick and get to practice (mode). As for tekken online I don't have a PS3 and I already have Tag Tournament 2 that I haven't had much time to play so probably not getting it. Also have DOA5, SCV, SSF4, VF5FS, and I haven't had any time for those either. I wish this nonstop flow of games I need to play would end already.
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