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Status Updates posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Hey thanks for the words about the track I remixed for the holiday album. I'm planning on having an updated version on the forums sometime soon!

  2. You mean on Xbox? Not good. I haven't played it in awhile either and I doubt it has become more popular in the last few months. Most are playing TTT2 and SC. SF4 is also pretty popular but I never play that. :)

    I guess the free version on the ps3 is the way to go at the moment.

  3. Hey, Equilibrium just whomped your Skyrim remix. :)

    Your remix was better developed though.

  4. Yes, that cake couldn't have been more fitting. :)

  5. You're going to have to detail your reasoning of how yours is "bettah" in both the subjective, objective and abstract senses.


  6. If you do Symphonic Metal this round i will be all freakin' ears!! Good luck! And can't wait!

  7. I use Sonar 8 currently.

  8. TRISM!!!! Pretty sweet arrangement! What did you use for the guitar? You said it wasn't live but it's not the obviously synthed guitar sound I was expecting. I'd be happy to work with on it if you wanted to do a co-op remix. :)

  9. Bass you say? Laying down a little Bassism? Bass Power? The AmBassador of Bass? Basses are loaded? Help! Get me out of this Bassment so i can slap you in the Bass?.......... Are you a Basscist? I know i am. :)

  10. Going to be a busy month but i'll try to get something up on the WIP forums for the DUKE in a little bit hopefully. :)

  11. Ecto I thought we were going to be OCR fight buddies! Come on! Fight me damn you! Call out one of my remixes!


  12. I'd like to take a look at the guide to remixing you are working on. I don't have AIM (nor do I want to get it anymore, last time it loaded up tons of garbage on my comp) but if you could pm a link i'd appreciate it.

  13. Hey Gario, this is getting waaaaaaay out there but what do you say to Team GAR for WCRG 2014?!

    You, myself and someone else with Gar somewhere in there name. Like Garian. Whaddya say? :)

  14. Not crazy about that UFC tune. It's kinda like that let the bodies hit the floor pop metal that came out awhile ago. At least that's how I hear it. I'd much rather do a version of this

    Cinematic Orchestral Metal is where it's at yo.

  15. Yes we are in agreement. It's horrible. Wish they would stop playing that piece of garbage. :)

    The worst part is when i'm humming or singing the tune right before an event comes on without realizing it. When crap gets repeated endlessly it messes with your head.

  16. Hey Gario, It's been awhile but I have a new WIP if you want to check it out. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37233

    Open to suggestions as always.

  17. Awesome, now i have Mirby's name on my profile page. I'm moving up! Now if I could just trick DJP into sending me a message....

    That guy(?), bread something or other, had 4 posts in 8 years?

  18. Hey, Wanderlei just released a video blowing up about Chael.

    I don't think he should be asking for 5 rounds. If it ends up going that long he's going to lose for sure.

  19. Hey Will, I know you must get a ton of these but could you check out my guitar remix of Zero Wing's Natols level? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30096 I'd appreciate any words you could give.

  20. I'm going to try for it!

  21. Thanks alot I appreciate it. If you have any suggestions on the production end of things I am open to them. For the record, when you posted Snowboarding Sonic you shot to my top 3 favorite remixers.

  22. Hey, just wondering if you can do power metal vocals in the style of either Sonata Arctica or Sabaton.

    Just in case I decide to do something like that for the SZRC. I don't have anything written just yet but depending on future matchups I have a few ideas.

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