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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Going to be a busy month but i'll try to get something up on the WIP forums for the DUKE in a little bit hopefully. :)

  2. (GarA)Sooooo, If I did Epic Melodic Death Ska versions of all of Mcvaffe's remixes they would still pass? (GarB) Answer: No they wouldn't because you suck Gar. No really, this might be a good idea for a future compo.
  3. http://www.dwellingofduels.net/ -Top of the page; Gold Icon First place and rightfully so! Lot's of great stuff last month though for sure.
  4. Congrats. Looking forward to seeing what happens with this project.
  5. BIG FU**KING HERE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! har har. But he's already hard at work on directing the Zero Wing Metal Album Project.
  6. 1. Come up with simple 4 bar phrase 2. Sidechain/key it with a pad that holds one note the entire song 3. Repeat it until society as a whole is slightly dumber. 4. Put vocals over it (optional) But to better anwer your question check out www.cakewalk.com To get started you'll need a PC, a Digital Audio Workstation and speakers
  7. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/11/toejam-and-earl-heading-to-psn-xbla?abthid=507620b4f871776a250001af Nov. 7th!! Who's co-oping with me?! I hope one achievement will be "Fall from lvl 25 to lvl0 then climb back up to beat the game." F&*K'n Jammin'!!
  8. Posted on an old favorite of mine Horteka Stomp. So the challenge is complete when Ice Attack is back on Page 60?
  9. This is one of the very first remixes I downloaded after I found OCR back in what feels about two lifetimes ago. I think it symbolizes early OCR very well. It's a good and enjoyable remix but certainly not near what we have today. Love the last 1.5 minutes of the remix.
  10. For some reason I can't see below page six. Any tips on how i can fix that?
  11. I call the Roz. Though a double "Gar~" might be a force. Tough call. You're not dropping me this time MW
  12. I played the SR600 in a store and was pretty impressed with it. Currently it's at the top of the list for my future music related purchases. I just wish they would change the "Slim & Fast" marketing BS. The slim I get but the fast? Not unless you lube up the back of the neck and the strings, and quite frankly i don't have the time to give an oriental massage to my basses every time i play.
  13. www.rickenbacker.com http://www.fodera.com/PublicPages/Home.aspx (this is what i want, any donors?)
  14. I can't believe i'm about to recommend an Ibanez but you might want to check this one out. http://www.ibanez.com/BassGuitars/model-SR600 http://www.google.com/#q=Ibanez+SR600&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=p3R0UMmxD_G10AGRsIDIBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDUQsxg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=4e8959f351791230&biw=1024&bih=566 Might just be what you are looking for. Can't go wrong with a Fender Jazz either. What styles of music were you looking to do? Oh and I saw what you did thar with your post.
  15. Acoustonic was friggin awesome. I played through Sonic 1 and 2 right after the DoD listening party. Could you detail some of your recording thoughts/techniques?
  16. Just what the heck is going on with this thing OCR? Seems like there is plenty of support judging by how many threads get started about sonic cd every couple of months. I've had some ideas that i've been kicking around but I haven't completed anything for this yet. I'm all for Rexy and Superior heading this thing but are there any new details from the potential directors? Should we get something together for an audition?
  17. Can't believe i didn't see this thread earlier. Only two days left. I'll sign up as a novice. Here are a few of my more recent ones that i've posted. http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/sor-starlight-embracing-city http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/magicknightrayearth-bossremix (8 hour punchfest compo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGaLulrvxs4&feature=plcp (just for the hell of it) I should be posting some new stuff very soon.
  18. Like everything else in music, It's all how you phrase it. In return, for your time, I'll give you... nothing. In return for your, time I'll give, you...nothing In return for your time, I'll give you! nothing! Problem solved and now back to work! Dont mean to sound like a douche, i'm always thrilled to see programming talent seeking out the community here. Just remember when trying to sell your idea you need to make it seem worthwhile. A little humility can go a long way but too much will keep people from having faith in you.
  19. So much whining about the present. Several thousand years of it is too long. Yes music is becoming a commodity. Looking at my collection of stuff that i have now would have taken several life times to acquire if everything stayed the way it was 15-20 years ago. Record Stores? Only being exposed to what's available? Glad that crap is over. Now people can do music in their living room watching youtube videos and playing with their daws. Just so long as no one loses appreciation for good art i don't see what the problem is. This is really just about people who can't adapt to changing times complaining about not being able to make money. You don't have to be paid for your music to mean something these days. Something i've had to come to terms with myself over the last few years, which is why i'm going back for another degree. I'm bummed i couldn't make a life out of music but as long as i have time and resources to work on the things i like to do then i'm happy.
  20. IE..........what is this.... 5? Tried it a bunch of times again. Not loading for me.
  21. My honor has been insulted suh. I say, i say I demand satisfaction suh! I cut my hair off half a decade ago!
  22. Tried to join but couldn't get the page to load. I just see a blank screen with "my stats" at the bottom
  23. I don't like your tone you had while typing that, or your choice of words for that matter. Does anyone else hear jerry lewis as the voice in their head when they read posts on the internet? Might just be me.
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