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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. No idea why so many have been hating on this game so much. After FFXIII I think this was just what Final Fantasy fans need. It still has a ways to go but 1.18 changed enough of the game to give it some hope again. i only play it for the catchicks anyway Can't wait for Firefall Faire! http://static.finalfantasyxiv.com/topics/images/86/97/949_1.jpg
  2. I already have Symphonic Orchestra Gold and Ministry of Rock (the blacksheep of the bunch apparently). As much as I'd love to get all of those at one time, If i had that much money i'd almost certainly go for Omnisphere instead.
  3. Looks like it's that time of year again and more of EW's sample libraries are almost half price! This time I can't seem to decide which I would prefer to get between silk or ra. I initially thought that silk would have everything I wanted as far as eastern instruments go. ( i'm looking for erhu, pipa, shamisen, shakuhachi and koto among others) but as I was inspecting Silk with my mouse hovering over the BUY button I noticed no Japanese instruments were listed. Instead they were listed on Ra's page along with many of the same instruments that are in Silk. So now I can't decide what I should get. For me, the Japanese instruments I'm looking for are the big sell and as long as it has all of the articulations I want I'll probably go with Ra. Can anyone who has one or both make a recommendation? -gar
  4. For me it would be this: A fan remake in the style of Sonic Fan Remix would be great for this series seeing as how telecom shouldn't have been trusted with their own ips... Same deal for this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqJcpenD0kE
  5. I enjoyed this game alot and it was this exact track that I have always thought about remixing. Been on my to do list for months. Anyone want to beat me to it? I'm sure i'll butcher it.
  6. Even though I don't share your love of Mario, I wouldn't mind usurping your life. Any tips on how you got started on doing what you do? I feel like all the years since I got out of college have been a complete waste of time
  7. Glad to see he came back to Final Fantasy with XIV. Now if he could just motivate those programmers to make a decent game FF7 was the first FF I owned myself and to date I have beaten it 15 times! Imagine, if I added up all that time that's 75+/-(15)=1125+/- hours I could have put into my music! That's 187 days of practicing 6 hours a day! I wonder how depressed I'd be if I knew that! Send me to meet him! I'm Japanese literate! -gar
  8. Sorry, should have posted the link. I currently have: Dimension Pro, Ministry of Rock, Symphic Orchestra Gold, Phaedra, Steven Slate Drums, and an older version of Orion from Synapse Audio that I use on occasion. I would like to add more ambient sounds to some of my mixes though i know it would be unnecessary for a VG remix. The other options I am considering are getting either Rapture, or waiting until Omnisphere gets a price drop.
  9. Happy Independence Day! And to all OCers in the UK: Hi. I am looking to expand my library once again and I am currently looking into Camel Audio's three pack that's being sold on audiomidi.com for 80 bucks. While I haven't heard anything bad about it, I really haven't heard anything about it. Does anyone have any of these libraries? Are they even worth it? Would it be a better idea to keep saving for omnisphere? Taking donations by the way. -gar
  10. Sounds pretty good. While I dig the overall feel to the added guitar solos I think they stand out on their own too much. Try pushing some type of guitar part to the background throughout the piece so the solos don't come off as such a contrast to the groove you established. Hope this helps. Looking forward to the update. -gar
  11. That's something I'd be interested in reading WR.
  12. Though humorous it was I may have been mistaken about the nose trumpet. I'm looking for that odd sounding instrument that sounds kind of like a didgeree doo and it's played by flicking the thing next to your nose. For some reason, I keep thinking of some old guy sitting near a swamp, with a hat, and playing one of these things. Any idea what this is called? Is my description even close to being understandable? I did a nose trumpet search through youtube and all I saw were people blowing through their noses. Which I guess was to be expected...
  13. No idea, but I would like to add that I am also looking for anything that sounds like a nose trumpet.
  14. Sorry, but I have a huge problem with that track picture you used on Sound Cloud. Just like the Gario said, that lead is really abrasive. Loop a small section of the piece and go over the EQ. Spike the q and boost (be mindful of your speakers) and search for any frequencies that are abrasive then drown them out.
  15. I tend to play fighting games the most through my years of gaming and while the tekken st's have been pretty good i think tekken 6's is the weakest by far. Kind of a shame when tekken 5's was excellent.
  16. Thanks Roz, i'll be checking out your suggestions. The only drums that I can use for non-rock mixes are what Dimension Pro can come up with. My impression of Dimension Pro's drums are not that great though it may just be that I'm using them incorrectly. More often than not I use parallel compression and right when I think that I get them sounding decent they get blasted on the forums. Though the OCR'ers might be referring to my crap patterns...
  17. Right now I am currently planning to pick up, or rather download, NI's Mashine. Can anyone tell me if they thought it was worth the 60 bucks? Are there any other libraries that I need to have? I only have Steven Slates Drums and Dimension Pro right now.
  18. Yeoow. I think i'm bleeding from that one. But if it needed to be said it needed to be said right? I'm a big Equifan so I used some quotes from Met and Wingthors Hammer as inspiration. Though it's a fine line between Homage and Plagiarism. As far as the Rhythm Guitars go i had a total of 4 tracks two hard panned left/right and two 50% between two different rhythm guitars. With each pair EQ'ed differently (100%&100%, 50%&50%). Throwing this one back in the pile. -gar
  19. Updated my original post with my latest effort that I would like to submit for MOD review. I am really hoping to answer this one question I have had about this since I first started working on this and that is: If you were at Subway right now, ordering a sandwhich, what type of sub would this be? Are we talking Meatball or Vegetarian? Submeat or No-Submeat. Get it? Keep thinking about it. There might be some humor in there somewhere. -gar
  20. Jia Peng Fang. Makes me wish I could play an erhu. Next, maybe some Insomnium or Finntroll. I'm musically Bipolar.
  21. I think there is something to be said about hunting down or coming across by chance a piece of music that you have been looking for. With itunes and others it's not nearly as big of a deal to finally have tracked down that last cd/tape/record in the entire Rush discography, trading cd's with your friends, or the simple fun of just going to a record store (remember those?). If you really want something, tracking it down is half the fun and it will stay more meaningful to you years later than if it was just buried somewhere on your harddrive. I remember many years ago coming across the Riven Soundtrack in a used cd store for around 6 bucks. Not a big deal to anyone today but at the time I about $#!% myself. Game soundtracks were much more difficult to obtain than they are today. Now, if I want something I type it in and 10 minutes later there's a pretty good chance it will be mine. Can't beat the convenience though. -gar
  22. Yea, I jumped on them during Audio Midi's greatest No Brainer deal they ever had. Even though Ministry of Rock comes with several drum kits I find myself using SSD in all of my rock mixes.
  23. I've updated my original post with the updated remix and a brand spanking new title for it. Very cheesy alliteration. Get it? Welcome to my dumb sense of humor... -gar
  24. I don't mean to be competitive or anything, as I'm also finishing up a Matoya interpretation, but I was gnashing my teeth at this one. In fact, I'm pretty sure that by the end of the piece the left side of jaw now sits higher than my right. I think it started off interesting enough, i'm all for some tension in seemingly untense music but it needs to find a groove somewhere to get some relief for the listener. The vibe was unique. As it is I kind of got that feeling of walking through an arcade (remember those?) and listening to the background music and sound fx from several cabinets at once. Hope I'm not offending you, just what I heard. Might be a unique enough idea to try to run with.
  25. I was caught between UK time (which is where this place is hosted I think) and having to get to work early so I posted it after 10pm EST. I know this would have been alot funnier if a known remixer did it. At the very least I hope I opened up the foghorn era of ocremix.
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