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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Can the judges djp Doubting that's gonna happen anytime soon.
  2. Personally, I think the variety of tracks was what really made me like BT so much. I get bored listening to the same type of thing for too long, which is why even Hedgehog Heaven couldn't hold my ear for too long. BT has a great mix of offbeat, techno, and rock that keeps me from getting too bored with it. You'll probably get bored with SoS, then. GEETAR WANKERAGE XTREEM
  3. What coolness factor? If you have to rely on some flashy or rediculous guitar to make up for your lack of impressive playing, that is anything BUT cool. If in the course of one set a guitarist plays a regular six-string, a 12-string, and then a bass, I would be impressed, assuming he could play each well. If I saw some guy on stage with the guitar illustrated, I would be rolling on the floor laughing, even more so if he wasn't in a joke band. SUPPOSED coolness factor. Better?
  4. Why not just get 3 different guitars to suit your needs? It'd probably be cheaper and they'd be way more playable. The coolness factor goes away, but seriously: Do you think you could actually play that for more than a few minutes?
  5. An email has been dispatched to the remixers who currently have unfinished arrangements. If you are one of them, please respond to the email as soon as possible. Thanks. There's also some sweet new bonus tracks on the website, so check 'em out.
  6. I know why you feel that way Rexy, but I don't think it's any less of a project than what we've been doing here, no matter who's involved with it or what sort of recognition it received.
  7. I really would like to take it over and continue what you've started, but unfortunately I just don't have the time. I do want to see this project continue on though, so I hope someone steps in. Good luck, Walan!
  8. Clear your cache/cookies. If all else fails, switch to FireFox.
  9. Admittedly, it's mostly my fault. I've been quite busy lately, plus I have a family member in the hospital who's been there for over a month and isn't doing very well, so my time and drive to work on this project is fairly limited. Lea is also busy, and her tasks are somewhat seperated from mine anyway, so it's not really her job to do what I've been doing. I'm actually not too surprised that this project has taken this long, considering the full scope of what we're going for (the 40 track count, namely), so even though I would've liked it to have been done sooner, we're not as far behind as you might think. There's only a few tracks left! Hopefully I can find the time to get on the remaining remixers here soon, and maybe Project Chaos will get released sometime before New Years.
  10. I've heard it. It's no PriZm, that's for sure.
  11. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. Your name is in the first post. Sixto is the best ever.
  12. Sixto, much love to you. Now we just need a Raine's Theme. Do you have the ability to host any .wavs on your own space? If not, there's a thread in the WIP forum detailing how to upload to my webspace, or you can just send it to me on AIM or something. Let me know.
  13. News to report (and I'm double posting because I CAN!): TheDeath's remix of Hydropolis has recently been accepted by the judges to be posted on OCR. Congratulations, ElDeatho! The SoS website is now back online, and will feature preview songs, with a new track released every week or so for awhile. Enjoy the previews! Project Progress: As for the rest of the project, progress is a bit slow, and I have been quite lax in keeping contact with a good number of you guys who aren't done. Current status of Project Chaos is unknown, but I'd really like to start getting the ball rolling again a bit so we can at least be almost done with the music by the time PC rolls out (watch it come out tomorrow). As far as recent progress, Usa has recently finished his remix of Desert Flower, and work rolls on for the Last Battle collaboration, which may possibly be one of the largest collaboration of musicians to date in a video game remix. Master Hatchet has recently come aboard and will be providing some hawt guitar licks (along with PriZm, hopefully), while zircon will be wrapping the whole thing up in a nice, tidy package of listening goodness with his mixdown and mastering skills. The addition of those two brings the total number of remixers involved up to 8, ON ONE TRACK! May seem like a lot, and you might think it'll make for some damn schizophrenic music, but it's actually coming along very nicely and I'm happy with the progress so far. As for the songs that aren't done yet, expect some PM/IMage from me here pretty soon. Over and Oot!
  14. Who cares if it has or hasn't? Besides, as far as I know, this particular source has never been covered previously. So even if it is from a Castlevania game, it's at least unique source material.
  15. Shhhh! That's supposed to be a secret for the hardcore VGF listeners!
  16. That would be a harpsichord. This is probably my personal favorite track from goat's Unchosen Paths project. It's surprisingly fun and light-hearted in a way, which is a great counterpoint to the looming darkness/evil feeling most Castlevania music (and a good number of the songs on Unchosen Paths, consequently) represents. My favorite part is the clean electric break at 2:56: It really makes a good bridge into the uptempo ending that rocks my face. Great stuff, goat!
  17. I didn't really have much of a problem hearing the source in Joker's mix: A few of the other remixes on this project have even less of the remixed track in them than his did. I've gotta talk to SnappleMan anyway, so I'll find out what's up. PC should be pretty close by now, but we'll see. There's still a good number of tracks that are being worked on anyway.
  18. Yeah, not too much activity lately. I'm not sure just what exactly is going on with Project Chaos, what with the locking of the thread, but we're definitely going to be in on this well into October, I'd say. I really need to get some status updates from some of you regarding your tracks, so if I haven't talked to you in awhile, expect an email, IM, PM, or some other contact (like showing up at your front door).
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