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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. COME ON PEOPLE!!!! SEND IN SOME GOOD MIXES SO WE CAN GET PAST 1500!!! They've already been sent: It's just up to DJP to post them, eventually.
  2. I don't see what's so wrong with the S&K PC collection. The FM music is unchanged and the emulator that it uses actually runs well: The only time the music is changed is if you select the MIDI music option instead of FM Synth.
  3. Yeah, i know. But think about this: The greatest Sonic Zone music was composed by Michael Jackson... (Ice Cap Zone) Pssh, please. Michael Jackson doesn't compose music: He has a crew do it for him. Therefore, if anything related to Michael composed any music for Sonic 3, it was the crew that composes his songs, not Michael himself. And besides, the best song is Hydrocity.
  4. Indeed we should. Are you going to do both of the themes (Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles), or just one of them? Looks like the Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Or Sonic & Knuckles, since they were identical) version, according to the tracklist.
  5. Grah misinformation. Programming problems was the reason, no? How could it be? The songs in question have been recreated numerous times in fan-made MIDIs.
  6. Errr...No it wasn't. Are you getting Launch Base confused with Sky Sanctuary?
  7. DJP generally doesn't even bother with PMs, especially with the forums migration to new software happening soonish. You're much better off emailing him at djpretzel@ocremix.org.
  8. First of all, I feel that if a project already covered a song, then why bother remixing it again. They covered it, so it is theirs. Going by that notion, all of the remixes of Schala's Theme except for the first one should be taken off of OCR. Who cares if the same theme repeats itself in another project? The more the better, I say. And on that note: How about Mithos from Tales of Symphonia?
  9. This is exactly what bittorrent was designed to do. i use bittorrent and i agree that it's a great way to save bandwidth, but some people dont like using it and/or aren't computer savvy enough to figure it out so i think using something like sendspace or rapidshare is a great idea These guys make a good point, although I think that the unlimited servers could handle the traffic. It definitely wouldn't hurt to make the project available on some filesharing sites, though.
  10. Totally cool, Sixto. I'm not too concerned about it, since right now we're just kinda waiting for Project Chaos to be released before moving on to the next step, as well as gathering up the remaining songs from remixers. You're clear. Speaking of which: I need to hear from klm09 and Dj Carbunk1e regarding the status of their songs, or they may be removed. It's been awhile...
  11. Project didn't exist until mid-2005, though. But I can see your point.
  12. This is by no means a personal attack or anything on Urafaerie, I'm just analyzing the songs. But I gotta be honest here: we probably wouldn't have accepted any of those remixes onto the project. They're, at best, barely decent. Most of them need a lot of mastering work, they sound empty at a lot of points, and some parts are way off-key. Never mind the unrealistic samples, the distinct lack of percussion in most of them, and no endings. Some of them are pretty close to being MIDI rips, even. Not enough original material, except maybe some sort of short intro. I have to give Urafaerie some credit for doing the first Symphonia remixes I've seen out there, but I can't say that they are all that good. Of course, these are about a year or two old, so it's quite possible he's improved.
  13. I'm a bit slow to this one. My face is officially rocked. Chaotic sure, but it's splendid chaos. Very fun to listen to.
  14. I'm not requesting any type of coordinator status, since I have my own project that's keeping me more than busy enough at this point. I just happen to really like the idea you have here and want to see you succeed, so I just thought I'd give you a few pointers.
  15. I can give you a few pointers: Have the time and dedication - Make sure you have enough time to coordinate a site project to its full completion. These projects often take upwards of a year to complete (Hedgehog Heaven took two and a half!), and can be extremely draining if you aren't prepared to take on the workload. You'll need to recruit remixers (this means sending out PMs and emails): Don't be afraid of rejections, as you'll likely get a lot of 'em. It is a good way to get the project out there, though, and it at least lets people know what you're working on. Make a big list of potential remixer recruits and talk to all of them. Communication is important - Always make sure to stay in contact with the people who are involved in your project on a regular basis. If you don't do this, your project will fail, guaranteed. Recruit a co-coordinator - Someone you can fall back on to run the project in case of an emergency, and just someone to pitch some general ideas to is very helpful. Maybe try to get someone who is strong is an area you aren't. For example: If you're not very good at artwork, recruit an artist as a co-coordinator (this is what I did ), or even just as a general staff member to do artwork. Either way, someone to discuss project issues and ideas with helps your chances of project success. I think that's about all I got. Just thought I'd help out a bit.
  16. Pretty sure that project is dead in the water.
  17. All of the bosses listed up there have different themes in each game they are featured in.
  18. If it's a big hassle, fire me off a 320kbits CBR MP3 file or a FLAC instead: Much smaller and it should still work just fine. myf & Arek: Don't you have your own project thread for this stuff? LT Edit: Yep. Banter about it in the MWW project thread. myf Edit: Mah bad, homez. Kyle Edit: Postjack'd! Arek Edit: Always gotta player hate
  19. Hey djp, good to see you around here. I've sent you an email regarding your request, so you may want to check that.
  20. Almost missed this, but...Who said I was defending you? ;P
  21. I gotta be honest: from what I've heard, CS SE easily trumps the original. You'll have to wait and see how, though.
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