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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  2. Because Hadyn, as Snapple, or Undercoat, or whatever he's going by now so accurately put, "The people of project chaos do not owe anyone shit". That's all the need to know until it comes out. My answer to that question has been, simply, "when it's done."
  3. I hate getting messages like that. So when's the project coming out, Snap?
  4. I think I can make the big announcement now: Announcement Some guy named djpretzel, who I have heard is of fairly high importance somewhere on these here internets, has decided to join this project. He'll be remixing Desolate Road. Welcome, djp!
  5. UPDATE ALL PROJECT REMIXERS, please check the Private Discussion section of the forums for new developments that need your input.
  6. Sorry I haven't really been keeping up on checking on everyone's status. Been busy lately, and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon. I really, really need you guys that are behind on submitting something for the WIP due dates to get something to me as soon as you can. We need to work together, because I can't keep up harping on everybody like I used to. If you have missed a WIP due date or two, please PM me a status update or submit a WIP as soon as possible. There are a couple people that are dangerously close to being removed from this project, and if you don't want that to happen, you need to keep myself or Lea updated. Please help us out by doing your part, so we can make this project a reality!
  7. Huh, be like, really really good. And hope they accept you. Ok, so I guess I'll just get started on it then. I thought I had to wait for Snapple or KFC to give me the go-ahead. Thanks! (So do I just submit a WIP to one of them?) Yeah, that should work, I think.
  8. Unfortunately, people don't check the Site Projects section as much as they probably should (especially when they're actually part of a project). I've found that taking the passive approach and hoping people will come to you doesn't work very often; it's much better to be active and initiate contact with everyone involved. That way, you know what's up, and you can make sure people remember if they don't make their way to this section of the forums for a long time.
  9. Wingsoftime and I are also avid Megaman players..... What a bum. Sure, but are you the completely obsessed drooling fanboy with a huge collection Mega Man memorabilia, along with every single Mega Man game that has ever been released anywhere in the world?
  10. Yes. You can post it publicly as well, but don't post near-complete or complete works publicly, of course.
  11. I see him almost every day... Soraya, get back to work on Milkyway Wishes!
  12. I've seen Arcana around, but I haven't seen him here. He also hasn't read my PM yet. Wait, let me try something: I USE MY SUPER AWESOME POWARS TO SUMMON ARCANA TO THIS THREAD. CC Ricers seems to have gone completely and utterly missing again, however...
  13. Yeah, I really would like to know where those two went...
  14. UPDATE The next WIP due date has been set for November 13th. Arcana and CC Ricers still need to speak to me as soon as possible. That is all.
  15. I'm going to make this a song title for my project. It's just that hilarious.
  16. I'm beginning to wonder if Nex is dead or something. I haven't seen him on AIM in ages...
  17. Well, the one other dropped track is currently in negotiations with a certain someone who will remain unnamed. But I'll add you down for backup just in case.
  18. I talk to people who I haven't spoken to yet about the project (or have asked me to keep them in mind as a backup), show them the available song(s), and go from there. Speaking of, Master Link made the decision to drop from the project last week. Claado Shou has decided to pick up Hydropolis. Whether he wants lyrics from you or not, Rexy, is entirely up to him.
  19. I'm currently in the process of talking to a lot of folks about the status of their songs, and when that's done, I'll be assigning a new due date. Also, I'm working on finding remixers for the tracks that people have been dropped/removed from recently. Expect some news on that soon.
  20. Uhhh...how about 45TB? He meant storage space, not transfer. What? You've never heard of a Terrabyte? ?? I don't understand your attempt at humor. Looking back now, I realize that I misread what you wrote, therefore making my attempt at a joke a failure. Oh well. But yes, I upgraded my server space and bandwidth last week, so I'm ready for the release of this!
  21. 4, actually. And we thought about including something from ToD, but decided against it. I believe you meant ToS.
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