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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Okay, maybe I should give this thing a shove and get it moving again...
  2. utorrent is fine. I've been using it for years now and my computer hasn't lit up like a giant fireball in my face yet.
  3. Why aren't any of the OCR-tans on the mascot rotation yet?
  4. Nobody's taken my personal favorite track: Quartz Quadrant US. What's the holdup, dudes? You know you wanna tackle the best song on the OST.
  5. It really is. Thanks for your efforts on this, sir. They are not going unappreciated.
  6. Actually, the reason why this took so long is because halfway through the process, Larry DID get a life.
  7. Oh yeah, I forgot Windows Explorer actually has a tag editor. I'm surprised the compilation field showed up under it. That's pretty awesome.
  8. Looks like 16 of the tracks weren't tagged with a "1" in the Compilation field of the ID3 tags initially, including the 8 bonus tracks. That causes the issue you're seeing with iOS devices. You can use MP3Tag to fix this. Here's a little more information on how to do that.
  9. This is one boopin'-ass game with music that I can get behind the remixing of.
  10. It ACTUALLY happened. I've only been hearing "I'M WORKING ON IT" almost every week since 2009 from Larry. Will be downloading and seeding this when I get home today!
  11. There was that promotion for the release of Maverick Rising to get a certain number of Likes on the OCR Facebook page. Stirred up a bit of a ruckus, but it was nothing compared to the Kickstarter Shitstorm of 2012.
  12. http://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/track/stage-1-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-2 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/06-05-Free_Month/03-M-H-TMNT%202%20The%20Arcade%20Game-Ninja%20Kick%20the%20Damn%20Rabbit!-DoD.mp3 http://tanukisuitriot.bandcamp.com/track/tmnt-burning-building
  13. Man, talk about some sort of creepy premonition thing going on here...
  14. A little birdie told me that it's most likely DKC3. As for when, see Brandon's post.
  15. Metal Sonic is the series' second-most recurring villain, actually. He's the same one that was in Sonic CD, Knuckles' Chaotix, and tons of other spinoffs. Mecha Sonic is the one that showed up in Sonic & Knuckles, and Silver Sonic is the one that appeared in Sonic 2 and Sonic Adventure. Don't ever expect the Sonic games to line up with what you see in the comics. As far as both Archie and SEGA are concerned, the Sonic comics are a completely different universe from the Sonic games.
  16. I don't care what anyone says: Mario 2 is a great game and laid a lot of the future groundwork for the series in terms of characters and enemies. It is technically a sprite-swapped ROM hack, but that doesn't mean it hasn't earned its place in the Mario pantheon. Same with Zelda II.
  17. It certainly is among one of the weirdest, and I think weird is ideal for a cartoony kart racer.
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