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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Just a little bit over a week to get me a WIP! Let's get that red off the tracklist!
  2. Bastion is pretty much one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
  3. Today IS the final day of the sale, so you'd better jump on what you want before 10 am tomorrow.
  4. "My Toe" is a short audio voice clip that plays when you get hit on the feet in the game.
  5. Actually, I don't think it ends until after Monday...
  6. Everyone else is going to tell you to go with Oblivion because they loved getting 'rimmed, but I'm gonna just gonna say that Driver is awesome and I'd always take it over any RPG.
  7. Mega Ran's Capcom-related releases are officially licensed. However, he doesn't have a license from Square-Enix for Black Materia. We talked about it pretty extensively with him a little while back.
  8. Yes, they can send mass emails out to everyone registered on the forums, provided they didn't opt out of the mailing.
  9. I saw that too and decided to look into it. Apparently the PC version has some issues: namely, it can have problems with 64-bit processors, doesn't support widescreen resolutions, no proper controller support, and there's a savegame-destroying bug. I'll just wait for a decent sale on the console HD version.
  10. I was totally thinking it was too, until I looked it up to make sure. My mind tends to get classic Epic and Apogee mixed up sometimes.
  11. Have an entire panel of voice actors read it, a la at Emerald City.
  12. Larry, you're getting almost as bad as DarkeSword with the FFV project. Almost.
  13. That was me when I was about 8 years old. I loved model trains.
  14. I'm coming up for an upgrade myself, but I can't justify springing for a 4G phone and a new contract. I managed to get an unlimited data plan right before they went away, and I want to hold onto that for as long as I possibly can.
  15. Man, I almost can't even believe a Railworks game has actually gone on sale, much less for 90% off. I think I'll be springing for that one.
  16. A PC isn't a very cost-effective way to play video games compared to consoles. Not everyone has the knowledge or desire to build their own PC. Not everyone has a PC set up next to their television. Not everyone has a PC that can play games well. Not everyone likes to use a PC to play games. Hell, I'm sure there are still people out there that don't even have a PC but would be interested in something like the OUYA. I definitely see a market niche that could be filled, and apparently so do 39,000 other people.
  17. I went to SDCC last year and didn't see much point in returning this year. It is VERY crowded (which I am not a fan of) and the panel setup, as was outlined in that article, is ridiculous. The one thing I did really enjoy was getting to finally meet and hang out with some great friends, but it's hard to justify the overinflated badge and hotel costs just to do that.
  18. Sometimes it's hard to..."get" Sakuraba. If you aren't into weird time signatures, strange instrument choices, songs broken up into different parts that switch frequently, and other various assortments of prog wank, you probably won't like Sakuraba. He's one of my favorite game composers, but even I'll admit that his style is an acquired taste.
  19. If only they could get Macho Man Randy Savage to promote this. I would buy one immediately if I saw a commercial with him yelling "OUUUUYA!"
  20. I remember playing the classic Duke Nukem sidescrollers, and a shareware demo for Rise of the Triad. I played the hell out of Wacky Wheels, too.
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