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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Pretty amazing how much the landscape has changed since DoD started. Now live instrument arrangements are more common than anything else.
  2. It's a monthly game arrangement competition where entries must have at least one main live, unquantized instrument and tie into a particular theme that changes each month.
  3. Haha, is this a subliminal message that I should bring GameFuel back?
  4. I see someone added "JCrb" to my name in the title. I guess it would be kind of weird to get confused with all those other Kyles in the community. You know, all none of them.
  5. We're ignoring it because it was so bad.
  6. Best reply in this thread by far.
  7. Holy shit, that's an awesome cake. Thanks, guys! I appreciate it.
  8. FF6 and FF9 are pretty close to done, but I don't know if either of them are in evaluation yet. Otherwise, I can't think of any either.
  9. You should see about sending these to Rama so he can put them in the archive: http://vgmixarchive.com/
  10. Considering the evaluation process can take upwards of a couple months, I suspect it will be quite some time.
  11. It's almost as bad as a band called 8-bit Instrumental covering 16-bit games, a band called Armcannon doing anything but Mega Man and Metroid arrangements, or a group called the Bad Dudes who have never remixed anything from the game Bad Dudes!
  12. There's a few floating around. I have 7 remixes of it, in fact, mostly from DoD artists and cover bands. That aside, some pretty hot stuff from Lucio!
  13. Dan is the mirror version of Satch. Been rockin' this since the MAG DoD last year. An awesome arrangement of two Wily stage themes that don't get enough love (and in Stage 2's case, is actually better than MM2's Wily Stage 1.) Also, one of the best song titles ever, especially for people in radio like me.
  14. There are no videos up yet, but 8bitX recorded the shows of pretty much every band they could, so I'm sure OCU is on their list to get posted up eventually. In the meantime, jmr caught an audio recording of the full set for your listening pleasure. MP3: http://kngi.org/opencircuit/magfest11/audio/2013-01-04-MAGFest11SecondStage-06-OverClockedUniversity.mp3 FLAC: http://www.kngi.org/opencircuit/magfest11/audio/2013-01-04-MAGFest11SecondStage-06-OverClockedUniversity.flac
  15. I don't think we have to worry much about Mario and Sonic representation this time...
  16. So yep, we're still doin' this thing. Starting up in about 15 minutes, I hope!
  17. We can probably still do an interwebs listening party.
  18. City of Heroes. I never was really into MMOs (and I've never been able to get into one since because most of them are just WoW clones, which I'm not really interested in), but I decided to give a try after seeing how awesome the character creation was and getting an itch to see what I could do with it. Being able to create almost any sort of character that I wanted and the overall superhero setting (which I've always been a fan of, even if I don't read all that many comics) really drew me in, and I spent literally hundreds of hours playing the game, creating new characters, making friends and beating in the faces of bad guys in warehouses for a long time. "I'll just try it for a month," I said to myself, then subsequently played it for 6 years.
  19. What, the official album by Howard Drossin's band Roadkill wasn't enough? Here's some more: http://darkman007.bandcamp.com/album/covers-from-game-themes (three Comix Zone tracks) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP353zQZa10 http://kngi.org/private/miscstuff/08%20Comix%20Zone.mp3 http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/10-03-Free_Month/01-Dr.%20Manhattan-Comix%20Zone%20(Genesis)-Paper%20Covers%20Gun-DoD.mp3
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