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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Mutherpluckin' B has rolled up with 8 minutes of sheer turtle funk. Awwwww yeeeeeeah. The finished track count is now up to 4!
  2. I found this out when I went and watched the films of the original series. It's a really cool callback.
  3. Firefly had a good one. TNG-era Star Trek is also a classic.
  4. NGI was March 15th, 2003.
  5. Is 4-tan air-guitaring? Because that would be so like her.
  6. Haha, I remember when Stevo linked this guys' Mega Man 2 album (which you should all go check out, by the way.) All I can say is that this guy has put together a great, hardcore metal arrangement of a classic theme. Don't pass it up!
  7. Y'know... I was kind of kidding and not really expecting anything out of it, but that's amazing. You are awesome, sir. Looks like you even tracked down her new design, because I didn't post it. Now THAT'S research.
  8. Yep. It's easy to overlook but it reinforces a lot of the insight we're given into Tony's character, both in this film and the previous Iron Man movies. It shows just how extremely observant Tony is, and how most every decision he makes is spur of the moment.
  9. Hey guys, am I doing it right?
  10. We're only halfway through the season. They signed on for 12 episodes.
  11. Personally I thought Jaimie Alexander as Sif was better, but I have a thing for hot amazon warrior chicks.
  12. Chernabogue nailed it. There's tons of symphonic power metal outside of OCR (though I think 'Prancing Dad' might be one you're overlooking,) particularly with the Dwelling of Duels. goat is definitely a great representation of the genre; his arrangement is still one of the finest ever created.
  13. That was the split point during the listening party, so I'm pretty sure that's the official cutoff between discs.
  14. There, that should keep the fanboys satiated for another 5 years...
  15. It actually has been done, surprisingly: http://kngi.org/private/miscstuff/megaman/mm6/05%20Dr.%20Wily%20Final%20Battle%20(Mega%20Man%206).mp3 Sadly, that's only about a minute long.
  16. A little birdie called the Korra Facebook page told me.
  17. Are you sure it's Tuesday? Because the newest episode is up right now: http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/legend-of-korra-105-the-spirit-of-competition-full-episode.html?navid=LOKFB
  18. Doesn't feel like 3 years. IT STILL FEELS LIKE OCAD IS JUST A BABY.
  19. I dunno, I kinda prefer the music for the first part of the level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuI_Pif40_0 Either way, yes please.
  20. It also isn't incredibly schizophrenic and crazy for no discernible reason. It has tons of dramatic, low-key moments, great storylines, and well written multi-dimensional characters, all of which are quite rare in stuff driven towards a younger audience. It isn't just good despite being a kids' show; it's plain GOOD.
  21. The original Last Airbender is probably one of the best cartoons ever made, much less one of the best cartoons of the last decade.
  22. Magellanic (aka Lidawg) sent me his final track, bringing the finished count up to three. It's almost like this is becoming a real album! AWWWW YEEEEEAH!
  23. Why do I get the feeling that Snake will be in this game, continuing his streak of appearing in every company crossover fighting franchise out there?
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