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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. The OneUps already did a fantastic job with the SNES Mario Kart soundtrack: http://theoneups.bandcamp.com/album/super-mario-kart-album
  2. Self-referential soundtracks? STOP THE PRESSES!
  3. So, about that Mega Man: I hear he's blue and cyan. He also would appear to have a motherfuckin' gun for a hand, but I can neither confirm nor deny this.
  4. At least it would ACTUALLY be not what anyone thought. A Pokemon game is an RPG? Say it isn't so!
  5. You forgot the Tails unlockable, which is quite awesome. His flying ability is extremely useful in this game.
  6. And here I was hoping it was going to be a Pokemon cart racing game.
  7. IX got lucky, but I chalk that up to being inspired by the older games.
  8. Guys, guys, guys, you clearly have priorities are all wrong. This thread is about how INCREDIBLE this song is, not how many balls the series has been sucking since FFVIII.
  9. Hosting a special Holiday Edition of GameFuel this evening, starting in half an hour! It's gonna be a huge show filled with winter-related game music with a smattering of holiday cheer. Come join us in the Arecibo Radio chat!
  10. I agree; absolutely the best thing to EVER come out of the entire Final Fantasy series.
  11. I know Tyrian is totally awesome as I played it extensively back in the day, but it's not exactly surprising that it wouldn't get pegged for as a selection for an album; it's still quite a bit obscure in comparison to many other games, Final Fantasy especially.
  12. Man, the worst is when you know them but can't name them... These are the ones I could name (hidden to prevent spoilers): Great Balls of Fire Rapper's Delight YYZ Our House (In The Middle of Our Street) These are the ones I recognized but couldn't name off the top of my head: Piece of My Heart See Me, Feel Me Breathe London Calling Enjoy The Silence Schism
  13. Your faith must be fading awfully slow if you're still holding any. Also no, this is not a joke; it's actually on the soundtrack. There are also two other more traditional arrangements of the Chocobo theme on it, if that makes you feel any better.
  14. I thought 'Gun LOLsters' was one of my suggested joke titles, but I could be wrong... Anyway, the capitalized 'DANG' is there because I was kind of picking fun at the fact that 'ARM' in the game's title is capitalized for some unknown reason (there's probably an explanation in the game, but since I haven't played it I have no idea what it is.) I think it works for consistency.
  15. Well, the soundtrack comes out today in Japan, so it's not really leaked.
  16. If you ask me, this is exactly what the series has been needing for years!
  17. Yep, you have to get a song posted on the site before you can be listed.
  18. Some remixes were removed for various reasons, so the numbering isn't entirely consistent. More information available here: http://ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog
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