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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. If he actually finishes it, I'll be amazed.
  2. There is one question that hasn't been answered: Can the Emunator djp?
  3. I was kind of miffed about it with SoS too, but then I realized that it was a really good way to drum up excitement for the album itself (as we're seeing here.)
  4. Actually, he got a job. The engagement was recent and didn't change anything.
  5. Wait, Larry actually voted? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
  6. Yep, they all start off bright-eyed and ready to hunker down and judge the shit out of the queue. But then they hear about 500 shitty FL Studio preset MIDI rips with drum loops accompanied by submission letters that say "I SPENT YEARS ON GETTING THIS JUST RIGHT AND I REALLY LOVE GAMES AND I REALLY HOPE YOU PASS THIS BECAUSE MY MOM AND MY DOG DIED I AM REALLY SAD AND ALSO I REALLY THINK IT MEASURES UP TO THE QUALITY OF WHATS ON THE SITE" and they just lose the will to live. Being an OCReMix judge is truly a descent into madness.
  7. WHAT A SHITTYJDGFGT Congratulations on agreeing to do the most thankless job in the world, Wes. May you not get too much hate.
  8. GameFuel's firing up in about 25 minutes. Tune in! http://www.areciboradio.com
  9. Happy birthday, Shael! She doesn't really visit here anymore, but it's Mae's birthday as well. Two awesome people having two awesome birthdays!
  10. Methinks you're confusing this remix with SnappleMan's arrangement of Doomsday on Project Chaos, which definitely and intentionally rips the solo from Electric Eye. This remix does not, however.
  11. You fight well in the old style, but you've caused me enough trouble. Now you face... BADASS.
  12. Erik Peabody, aka VikingGuitar (a fitting name!) has released a new EP a few days ago, featuring four facemelting arrangements of Cave Story, along with cuts from One Must Fall, Hero Core, and Terminator 2. If you've been following the Dwelling of Duels, then he has certainly caught your attention previously. Stream the album, and if you enjoy it, buy a hard copy and help Erik get to MAGFest! http://vikingguitar.bandcamp.com/album/made-of-metal
  13. Haha, those facial expressions are so METAL. \m/
  14. I already have an artist in mind. More will be revealed... Eventually.
  15. This weekend, we've got a SquareEnix special lined up. It's episode #175. We're also going to be playing back our interview with Robert Stjärnström of hugely popular SID metal band Machinae Supremacy. You should be there. http://kngi.org/p=2649
  16. This guy is using an earlier WIP version of http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01904/ as a backing track for his cover without crediting it. I made a non-inflammatory comment to help point this out, but it seems the guy has deleted it, which leads me to believe that he is purposely trying to take credit for the arrangement.
  17. Wait, what? Did he ever actually have a hand in developing a single game?
  18. I love the Spencer Nielsen soundtrack. I like the Japanese one, but Nielsen's will always be the true soundtrack in my heart. If it's any consolation at least, the upcoming Sonic CD soundtrack release will have both the original and a Crush 40/Cash Cash remix of Sonic Boom.
  19. Wrong. Eye of the Turtle and Try Harder are still open, or you can do a medley.
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